Philosophy Mini TimeLine
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Plague, lead, beer, Probiotics, Acidophilus, and other beneficial bacteria, homosexual, hermaphrodite, philosophy, evolution, psychology, psychiatry. -- background info

Added to this page - FAVISM, Malaria, THALASSEMIA, SICKLE CELL ANEMIA (SCA),



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** use these keywords to search with, Pfiesteria, dinoflagellates, Aspergillus, Aspergillus

fumigatus, Stachybotrys atra, Stachybotrys chartarum (atra), saprophytic,

epizootic infections,Chytrid, A. sydowii, chytridiomycosis, Phytophthora

cinnamomi, Candida albicans, Neuse – River, Red Tide, Great Lakes plankton,

* Stachybotrys chartarum (atra) is capable of producing several toxins including

macrocyclic trichothecenes (satratoxins H, G, F, roridin E, verrucarin J, and

Trichoverrols A and B).

** Corporate Farms using Antibiotics as growth aids, Antibacterials used for cleaning,

** MSG sprayed plants as a growth aid 

*Bacteria – Sexually Recombiant*

Windstosser, Karl. "Prof. Dr. Gunther Enderlein Polymorphic Symbionts as Potential Cofactors in

Cancer Processes." (1997) [Online] Retrieved January 31, 2000


[Note:Mori (1910) supported the idea of sexual recombination of bacteria, Enderlein extended this about

1918, and Lederberg - Taumg - and Hayes won a Nobel Prize in 1958 for proving sexual recombination.]

[fungus - the black-spored mold Aspergillus niger van Tieghen, which, in its entire polymorphism and

phase-dependent pathology, is the tuberculosis germ. ] [Prof. Dr. Gunther Enderlein]

Stachybotrys atra

“Algae.”[Online] Retrieved,5722,108639,00.html

These search terms have been highlighted:

dinoflagellateredtide toxicairworldwideantibiotics,5722,108639,00.html.


Mini TimeLine 

Could Confucius have seen what might happen when the dead are not buried?

Confucius:Socrates without Pre-Socratics –

The Analects of Confucius –

Confucius (551-479 BC)--

Taught his people to bury their dead. 



*** man is thought to be omnipotent, or Gods in control.

31 BCE - 1593 CE“Beer in the Middle Ages 400 C.E.-”. [Online] Retrieved September 25, 2000[ref. 1987 in this timeline.]

[Note: Neolithic, Iron Ages, 31 BCE, 1593 CE, Clovis 1, Charlemagne 768-814,Holy Grail, King John,

beer witches, German Beer Purity Law,] [could this be why Germany produced so many scholars?]

6500 BCE – 1990 AD “A Brief History of Lead.”

(Note:At the same time culture was being spread by monasteries and beer; people were being poisoned by

their food utensils and apothecary.)

+ 776 BC – 393 ADOlympic games – (Birth and Demise of the ancient Olympics)

+750 – 550) Sparta(Sparta ‘Master Race’)

551-479 BCConfucius

469-399 BCSocrates

* 430 - 429 BCE Plague in Athens (Transylvania University Philosophy Program )

* Hellenistic Age [was philosophy made into law and this was HELL? a stall in education?]


* 46AD two-thirds of Mongolia hit by the epidemic [Plague]

* 166 AD Plague struck Rome

* 400-1000 AD approx Dark Ages



[#1Black Death] – from the History Magazine article by Ron Wild] 

166 ADPlague struck Rome

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Crusades to drive the Moslems from the Holy Land (1095 – 1290) 

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The start of the fourteenth century had rains so heavy that "historyians of that time

compared it to the days of the Great Flood", "The opening days of the fourteenth century are referred to as the 'Little Ice Age'." There was crop failure, famine, and death. This esculated into the time of the 

[#2Black Death]

[#3Black Death] 

???? Black Death - leaves France with a population of 2000.

1347-1349 * Black Death
Cycles of the plagues struck every 12 to 15 years 

* ** ** ** ** **  * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** ** ** **  * * * * * * * * * * *

his - Vlad III Dracula the Impaler

1451-1506 his - Columbus, Christopher
  1492 Columbus (Italian) 
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his1593-1629 Smithe, John

***1595Janssen, Zacharias (invention of the compound microscope)

1596-1650 Cogito, ergo sum (I think, therefore I am) - 17th century Rene Descartes –

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phio1626-1678 Redi, Francesco (prove the impossibility of spontaneous generation, and final debunking of the theory

would have to await Spallanzani and Pasteur. ... )

1601 - 1665 Pierre de Fermat called "The Prince of Amateurs" since mathematics was his avocation, but being a Civil Lawyer was his vocation. 

Timelines of Events in Science, Mathematics, and Technology--

1649 - Dutch physician Isbrand de Diernerbrock publishes his study of the plague, "De peste"
            Puritan exiles from Virginia settle in Providence,
            Md. First Brit. navy frigate, "Constant Warwick," constructed
* 1660-1665 Great Plague of London


1626-1678 Francesco Redi- 1668 

1665 The Great Plague of London - year of Fermat's death - seems to be the last English breakout. Refer to other food


1601 - 1665 Pierre de Fermat called "The Prince of Amateurs" since mathematics was his avocation, but being a Civil Lawyer was his vocation. 

Timelines of Events in Science, Mathematics, and Technology--


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his1706-1790 Franklin, Benjamin. “Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind, Peopling of Countries, etc.”


(Note: Printed 2 pg.)

* 1786 Franklin, Benjamin.“Benjamin Franklin Lead Letter.“ (Phil July 31, 1786).[Online]Retrieved

December 22, 2000

(Note:The following is a letter Benjamin Franklin sent to his friend Benjamin Vaughan in 1786.It shows

that many health effects and routes of entry for lead have been known for centuries.)

1747 Philadelphia had its own yellow fever epidemic [Plague]
phio1713-1790 Ortes, Giammaria (Italian) "carrying capacity" 1790 "Reflections on the Population of Nations in Relation to National Economy"

phio 1667-1745 Swift, Jonathan (born right after the 1665 plague)   1729 "A Modest Proposal" [idea continued by Ortes?]

                            ** *1*  *2*

evo1744-1829 Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste (coined word Biology, during French Revolution-theory of use or disuse)

1757-1834 Lafayette, Marquis de.

his 1765-1825 Whitney, Eli [invented the Cotton Gin Patented March 14, 1794 - Born December 8, 1765 - Died January 8, 1825]

phio1766-1834 Malthus, Rev Robert (French) "Principle of Population" (1798) “dismal science of economics”

alt1770-1831 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (Hegel was another disciple of Kant; he was of the Idealist school)

(webmaster's notes)If someone were to believe that they could be an can be instant expert, they

they might try to justify their behavior by using this philosophy.

1785: Edmund Cartwright patents a power loom

* 1789-1793 French Revolution


1713-1790 Giammaqria Ortes (Italian)“carrying capacity”

1729Jonathan Swift “A Modest Proposal” [a refute to Ortes?]

1747 Philadelphia had its own yellow fever epidemic [Plague]

1766-1834 Rev Robert Malthus (French) “Principle of Population”

[1789-1793] French Revolution – were there any plagues at this time? 

This have NOT been checked out yet, they are put here for keywords.

1790 The United States issues its first patent to William Pollard of Philadelphia for a machine that roves and spins cotton.

* ** ** ** ** **  * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** ** ** **  * * * * * * * * * * *

1805-1859 Tocqueville, Alexis de. (1805-1859)

evo1809-1882 Darwin, Charles [natural selection] studied Lamarck, , Lyell, Wallace, believed Mathus and

Wallace, used Lamark as a reference, used Herbert Spencer’s phrase of “Survival of the Fittest”

bacteria and fungus are fitter than we are.

alt1818-1883 Marx, Karl (believed Ortes was ``one of the great economic writers of the eighteenth century..." )

evo1820-1903 Spencer, Herbert [popularized "survival of the fittest" which Darwin eventually started using.]

sen1821-1894 Helmholtz, Hermann von[vitalists]

evo/hit1822-1911Galton, Francis [a cousin of Darwin's]

evo1822-1899 Pasteur, Louis (Cisproved Spontanious Generation [France] Ref Redi)

*-*-* start of finding out about bacteria reproduction

evo1823-1884 Mendel, Gregor (theories of heredity by using pea plants)

seex1825-1895 Ulrichs, Karl Heinrich

sen1838-1916 Mach, Ernst [sensation]

* 1849 Carlyle “Occasional Discourse on the Negro Question” pp 672-3 coined ”Dismal Science of Economics”

psyc1856-1939 Freud, Sigmund [sexual determinism]

alt1861-1941 Engel, Friedrich (Math professor and co-writer with Marx)

seex1868-1935 Hirschfeld, Magnus

alt1870-1924 Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich

*-*-*1872-1968 Enderlein, Gunther Prof. Dr. [Mori (1910) supported the idea of sexual recombination of bacteria, Enderlein 

extended this about 1918, and Lederberg - Taumg - and Hayes won a Nobel Prize in 1958 for proving sexual 

recombination.][Enderlein believed in an Wholistic approach.Endobiont, Enderlein Polymorphic 


alt1876Emil Kraepelin studies under Wilhelm Wundt in Leipzig. They conduct psychopharmacological and

psychophysiological research, stressing the actions of drugs on the brain. He collects thousands of case 

histories, developing a method of describing cases that is still used to classify mental illness. Broadens the 

definition of dementia praecox. A patient so labeled is seen to be fated for inevitable deterioration 

("degeneration"). He considers the mentally ill "a heavy burden on our nation. As a prelude to Hitler, he

states, "An unrestricted ruler with the power to intervene in our way of life would bring about a reduction 

in insanity within a few decades!"

seex1878-1958 Watson, John B.

alt1879-1953 Stalin, Joseph

alt1883-1945 Mussolini, Benito

alt1889-1945 Hitler, Adolf(followed Malthus, ) (believed Lebensraum – German living space.)

alt1893-1976 Zedong, Mao

alt1895Jost, Adolf "The Right to Death"1895was a mentor to Adolf Hitler

altMayr, Ernst [...adaptive superiority and reproductive success, no longer coincide]

seex1894-1956 Kinsey, Alfred


1870-1 Defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian War
1871 KKK?
1874 Congress makes gold the sole U.S. monetary standard
1875-1961 Jung, Carl defined functions as sensing, thinking, intuiting, feeling. Jung
1877 Alexander Graham Bell invents first practical telephone (2)
1878-1958 Watson, John B. - Also in researching the basic attitudes of America from that time p. 669 of The American Nation and p. 253 of Psychology by
    Carole Wade and Carol Tavris.  These pages talk about John Watson who was a Behaviorist, a president of the American Psychological Association and a
    vice-president of the J. Walter Thompaon advertising agency at different times of his life.  He wrote The Psychological Care of Infant and Child (1928)
    "Never hug and kiss them, never let them sit in your lap.  If you must, kiss them once on the forehead when they say good night."
    This along with Jung's interpretations (p.474 History of the Jews) next to Hitler's shaped many things and allowed -
   In particular the section detailing how Freud (1856-1939) was given over.
Hitler        (1889-?) p.470-471.
1870-1914 The Germans and the Jews both had a devotion to learning.   "From it's inception in 1933, for instance, Germany won more Nobel prizes than any other country, about 30 per cent of the whole; but of Germany's share, the Jews provided nearly a third and in medicine a half.  For Germany to turn on the Jews was not just mass murder; it was, in a real sense, mass parricide."
 How did it happen?"
"After November 1938, Jews were expelled from all schools, and trains, waiting-rooms and restaurants were segregated."  p.487 Farben and the
Deutscher  Bank.
WW1            1918 Armistice            WW2
1880's Thomas Edison started the "Science", which became a peer-reviewed journal of the 1990's
1894-1956 Kinsey, Alfred - Kinsey
189? Spanish - American War
1899-1903 "" try Mark Twain's Anti-Imperialist Writings including the Philippine-American war.


1809-1882 Charles Darwin “Survival of the Fittest”

1822-1911 Francis Galton [cousin of Charles Darwin] 

[1846-1851 The Irish Potato Famine, which seems to have some of the same strange weather characteristics

before Fungus took over the potato crop.] 

1822-1899 Louis Pasteur (French) (disproved spon

1846-1851 Irish Potato Famine

1856-1939 Sigmund Freud (believes that everything is based in sex) - Freud was so intent in

legitimizing Psychology as an science/disciple separate from Philosophy that he neglected

to remember what Philosophy is.

1878-1958 John B. Watson (is sex control)

1894-1956 Alfred Kinsey (obsessed with control through sex)

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alt1905Jeorge Luntz founds Ostara, a publication blending the occult, racist teachings of Von Lizt and eugenics into 

what he calls Theozoology. He states that Germans should reproduce and the lower classes should be 

enslaved or sterilized. He claims annual circulation of 100,000 for Ostara.

alt1909Adolf Hitler, 20 years old, visits Luntz to obtain back copies of the mystical/racial publication Ostara, of which 

he is an avid reader.

1900 Germany pioneered the development of Electrical and chemical engineering. "Education, concentrating on science and technology, was the basis of German technological progress."
(1) 1903 First Powered Flight by the Wright Brothers
1903-1997 Eccles, John Carew - neuroscientist and Nobel Prize winner Sir John Eccles a link to his thoughts on the brain Eccles
1905 Einstein Theory of Relativity. Albert Einstein Born in Germany, Worked in a Swiss patent office.
1907: In Russia, Rosing develops theory of television. (3)
1909 English Channel flown over by the Frenchman Louis Bleriot with a monoplane


1910 Mark Twain - dies (1835-1910)
1912 Gestalt psychology from Germany - pattern or configuration. This seemed to languish until the 1960's when some seemed to try this with an alternative of drugs, instead of a comprehensive corriculum.
1912: U.S. passes law to control radio stations. (3)
1912 start of Income Tax with Pres. Wilson

alt1919 Von Lizt dies. He is replaced as Germany's leading mystic by Jeorge Luntz, the founder of Ostara, who is 

already a respected biblical scholar, exmonk and established mystic in his own right. Mixing occult

doctrines and eugenics into what he calls Theozoology, Luntz claims the aryan race committed bestiality 

with a sub-human species long ago which accounts for the many mixed races that threaten aryan 

dominance. This interbreeding led to the diminution of the inherent Aryan paranormal abilities (telepathy, 

etc.). He proposes that the racially impure and mentally ill or physically unsound should be sterilized. Other 

inferior races are to be taken to Madagascar or used as slaves. He says Jews should be deported to 

Madagascar, used as slaves or incinerated. (His proposals are all given serious consideration by the SS and 

some are put into practice.)


*1920Revival of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920's

alt1923Lenz, Fritz [sexual determinism]

evo1925Scopes, John T. (1925) "The Monkey Trial"


seex1957a majority decision of the U.S. Supreme Court, written by Justice William J. Brennan in 1957, obscenity

became defined as material "utterly without redeeming social importance."

*-*-*1958a Nobel prize for finding out about sexual recombination Joshua Lederberg [Reference 1872 Enderlein]

[Lanning~Shipton’s notes – humans are not omnipotent we are at the mercy of bacteria and fungus.]


*1987“German Beer Purity Law.”TED Case Studies. January 11, 1997. [Online] Retrieved September 25, 2000.

[1987 European Court of Justice case.

Foreign competitors had complained for decades about the unfairness of the German law and an almost 

identical one in Greece (EEC case 176/84), demanding that it favored domestic manufacturers and denied 

foreign businesses access to profitable domestic beer markets, especially in Germany.The European Court 

of Justice ruled in March, 1987 that the German Beer Purity Law created intra-European trade barriers, in 

direct violation of the Rome Treaty (Article 30, banning protectionism).]

**strange to go after things that are cultured and natural yet to attempt to legalize drugs and marajana.Toxins from fungus, reactions from fungus and food additives – answer CHADD.Natural foods, sugar added to beer – regular juice added to wine, afterwards - 



*1993PBS “Nature of Sex”

*1996Baker, Robin “Sperm Wars:The Science of Sex” (1996)

seex?- aliveLeVay, Simon – “Queer Science” (1996)

*-*-*oil a bacterial by product Thomas Gold-- “The Deep Hot Biosphere,”

Lanning~Shipton asks – is every thing on earth a result of bacteria and fungus? 


1925John T. Scopes(1925) “The Monkey Trail”

by 1929 five southern states had passed laws prohibiting the teaching of evolution in the public

schools.“Religious Fundamentalism or Evolutionism.” 

Genetic Recombination -

Private Papers of Nobel Scientist Joshua Lederberg Added to "Profiles in Science" Web Site

Lederberg won the Nobel Prize in Medicine at age 33 for scientific work

started at age 20, which showed that bacteria can in fact, reproduce through

sexual recombination. Although Lederberg was "astonished" to receive the

prize, his diary entry for October 26, 1958, the day he heard he had won it, also

records some of his fears: "On the whole I'm a little

afraid the fuss and bother more than outweigh the egotistic satisfactions, the

cash and the prestige factors that might help in getting my lab going." 


* ** ** ** ** **  * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** ** ** **  * * * * * * * * * * *

Oil – Thomas Gold * is oil a bacterial byproduct?

Thomas Gold-- "The Deep Hot Bioshpere,"

The Theory of Unlimited Oil

One Heretic Predicts More Oil to Be Drilled in the Ground

By Kevin Newman--March 16

Feb 2000 Deadly Fungus --,2763,192860,00.html


(put here for reference on 21 Nov 2000 - need to paraphrase as soon as possible)

"Animals were first classified in the 4th century BC by the Greek

philosopher Aristotle, whose system was based on the similarity of

organisms in shape and structure rather than on their phylogenetic

lineage. Aristotle classified birds and bats together because they

both had wings and could fly. Pliny the Elder produced a major

publication on the natural history of animals in the 1st century AD.

The ideas of these and other Greek and Roman workers served as

the foundation of zoology through the Middle Ages. 

The formal study of many fields of zoology began in the 15th and

16th centuries AD. In the 1500s the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci

and the Greek physician Andreas Vesalius demonstrated that the

internal anatomy of humans and other vertebrates was similar. The

dissection of animals during the next two centuries led to numerous

discoveries in anatomy and physiology. In the 1600s the invention

of the microscope and the first observation of a single-celled

animal, by Dutch microbiologist Anthony van Leeuwenhoek,

brought new interest and excitement to the field of zoology (see

Leeuwenhoek). Zoological discoveries at the microscopic level

continued. During this period Francis Bacon and other scientists

worked out general concepts of scientific observation and

experimentation that are still in use. " 

Giammaria Ortes:The Decadent Venetian Kook Who Originated The Myth of "Carrying Capacity"

by Webster Tarpley

Printed in The American Almanac, June 20, 1994

2000 Nov 06

ernst mach psychology physiology sensation 

from google to search for keywords, these are unrated (by me) as yet. 

1) Ernst Mach at Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base

... Ernst Mach Biography. ... the University of Graz. Mach's interests had already ... to turn

to the psychology and physiology of sensation, although he continued ... 29k - Cached - Similar pages

Ernst Mach BiographyFrom Belgrade's Institute of PhysicsExcerpt: 

2) Philosophical Biographies, Mathematics and Physics 1841 - 1905

... Ernst Mach. ... at the University of Graz. Mach's interests had already begun to turn

to the psychology and physiology of sensation, although he continued to ... 34k - Cached -

Similar pages

Philosophical BiographiesMathematics & Physics 1841 - 1905 

(1821 - 1894)Hermann von HelmholtzHis greatest work, Handbook of Physiological Optics (1867), was characterised

by a keen philosophical insight, moulded byexact physiological investigations, and illustrated with mathematical precision

and sound physical principles. 

The general theme that runs through most, if not all, of Helmholtz' work may be traced to his rejection of Nature

philosophy, in particular Kant's idea of a priori conceptions of space and time. Helmholtz insisted that all knowledge came

through thesenses. All biologists of his day were vitalists, that is they believed that it was impossible to reduce living

processes to the ordinary mechanical laws of physics and chemistry. Helmholtz formed the view very early, that all science

could and should be reduced to the laws of classical mechanics, which, in his view, encompassed matter, force, and, later,

energy, as the whole of reality, including the organic world. 

At the beginning of his career in Johannes Müller's laboratory Helmholtz met a group of young men - Emil Heinrich Du

Bois-Reymond, the founder of experimental neurophysiology, and Ernst Wilhelm von Brücke,to become an expert on the

operations of the human eye - with whom he resolved to tackle the problem of uncovering the physical and chemical

processes at work in living organisms. 

In 1850 Helmholtz drove another nail into the coffin of vitalism. Müller had used the nerve impulse as an example of a

vital function that would never be submitted to experimental measurement. Helmholtz found that this impulse was

perfectly measurable and had the remarkably slow speed of some 90 feet (27 metres) per second. 

3) The Analysis of Sensations, Ernst Mach

... by Ernst Mach (1886, revised to 1905). ... a psychological object, a sensation. Not the

subject matter ... into that of physiology or psychology, provided B, to ... 59k - Cached - Similar pages

[ More results from ] 

THE ANALYSIS OF SENSATIONSand the Relation of the Physical to the Psychicalby Ernst Mach (1886, revised to


4) Classics in Psychology, 1855-1914

... of psychology by physiology. ... Alfred Binet, The Psychology of Reasoning (1886 ... 23. Ernst

Mach, Contributions to the ... Insisting that sensation constitutes the ... 34k - Cached - Similar pages

Classics in Psychology, 1855-1914A Collection of Key Works51 Volumes 

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel(1770-1831)

Hegel was another disciple of Kant; he was of the Idealist school.

Born in Stuttgart; he died in Berlin. Teaching his way through Tübingen, Jena, and Heidelberg; Hegel

eventually ended up, in 1815, at the University of Berlin. In 1818, Hegel took Immanuel Herman von

Fichte's job at Berlin and to his death was "virtually dictator of German philosophical thinking."


To come to Hegel's philosophy one starts with Kant and proceeds through Fichte and Schelling.


How DidLife Begin?

by Doug Horchak© 2000 United Church of God, an International Association

(this is an excert from the article.) .

"In 1999 theoretical physicist Paul Davies of Australia's University of Adelaide wrote The Fifth Miracle to address the

definition and origins of life. In his book Professor Davies cited new research that heclaimed hints that the beginnings of life

may have lain deep within the earth's hot crust rather than the "warm pond" suggested by Darwin. 

The "fifth miracle" of Davies' title refers to Genesis 1:11: "Let the land produce vegetation" (New International Version),

implying the first four biblical miracles are the creation of the universe, light, the firmament and dry land. Even though

Davies disavows the notion that life is the result of a miracle from a Creator God, he admits that the actual beginning of life is

the most unsolvable mystery of science. 

Professor Davies recounts how the work of Louis Pasteur in the 1860s led to the scientific realization that only living

organisms could beget other living organisms. Pasteur's research and findings essentially debunked the concept of

spontaneous generation, that life could arise spontaneously from nonliving matter. 

Davies states: "Important though this demonstration was, Pasteur's conclusion came into direct conflict with Darwin's

theory of evolution. Darwin's celebrated tome On the Origin of Species, which had been published just three years before

Pasteur's experiments, sought to discredit the need for God to create the species by showing how one species can transmute

into another. But Darwin's account left open the problem of how the first living thing came to exist" (1999, p. 83, emphasis in


So we are left with the fact that, unless life had always existed, at least one species -the first-could not have come into

existence by transmutation from another species, but only by spontaneous generation from nonliving matter, a

concept that Pasteur's work disproved."



[ ]

  G6PD and Favism -- For centuries, schoolteachers on the Mediterranean island of Sardinia have witnessed a curious phenomenon. Every Februay as spring arrives, some of their students (mostly boys) suddenly seem drained of energy. For the next three months, their schoolwork suffers. They complain of dizziness and nausea and fall asleep at their desks. Then, just as suddenly, they return to normal and remain healthy and active until the next February rolls around. In some countries, such incidents would be ascribed to boredom, spring fever, or a massive, collaborative effort to disrupt the learning process. But Sardinian adults (mostly males) suffer from similar symptoms; and while some merely feel a strange lethargy, others die after urinating quantities of blood. At times, as many as 35 percent of the islanders have suffered from this phenomenon. from Genetic Prophecy: Beyond the Double Helix by Hersanyi and Hutton, 1981

   It was during the Korean War that the connection was made between the Mediterranean form of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD-Med) and the hemolytic effects of anti-malarial drugs. For more information on this connection and other information on G6PD-Med visit the Favism Web Page.


Favism Web Page

    FAVISM: An acute hemolytic anemia, usually in persons of Mediterranean area descent, occurring when an individual with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency of erythrocytes eats the beans or inhales the pollen of Vicia faba. [McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms]



National Center for Biotechnology --



Berloni Foundation against thalassemia --Map --

Children's Hospital "The Malaria Hypothesis" -

University of Rochester Medical Center --

Prevalence of Thalassemia -- Thalassemia trait is found in people whose ancestors come from Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Turkey, the Arabian Peninsula, and Asia, including India, Pakistan, Southern China, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos. It is also found in people from Africa and the West Indies. It is estimated that two million people in the United States have thalassemia trait. There are different hemoglobins that a person can inherit that can combine with thalassemia trait to cause disease. The most common of these are sickle hemoglobin and hemoglobin E.


Enzyme -- this excert is here because it does show that proteins may not always be digested.

National Institute of Health --

..."The most critical question in LINCL is what causes the massive neuronal death seen in the disease. As many as 50 or 60 percent of the brain’s neurons may die as the disease progresses, says Dr. Pullarkat. One possibility is that the accumulation of undigested proteins may harm the neurons. Since neurons don’t divide as other cells do, they are unable to reduce their load of undigested proteins. A second possibility is that the normal enzyme is required to produce something neurons need to survive, such as a nerve growth factor"




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