A Learning / Mental Disability
Covers the inability to pay attention and full retention of knowledge.
I was told to research this (dec2000) and these are the words of the
person that told me. Will change this as soon as I know more.
Alexander the Great - Destroyed the kingdom of God, Demetrius father
of Calculus - Scientist - Theologian. Records rediscovered in 1700's or
1800's. Harod tried to kill Christ. Book of James Tougung.
1596-1650 Cogito, ergo sum (I think, therefore I am) -
17th century Rene Descartes - " Descartes
was a "jack of all trades", making major contributions to the areas of
anatomy, cognitive science, optics, mathematics and philosophy. Underlying
his methodology is the belief that all science is based on mathematics.
This is manifested in his unification of ancient geometry and his new alegbra
based on the Cartesian coodinate system. " Descartes
1601 - 1665 Pierre de Fermat called "The Prince of Amateurs"
since mathematics was his avocation, but being a Cival Lawyer was his vocation.
A.D. 641 Final destruction of the library at Alexandria
The library at Alexandria was one of the largest and oldest collections
of manuscripts from the ancient world was lost. (2)
AD 868 First Printed Book - China Diamond Sutra
11th century Movable Type - China
Sung period superb pottery and porcelain
1216-94 Kublai Khan
13th century Marco Polo
9th century Gunpowder - China
593 first Japanese Constitution (1)
The start of the fourteenth century had rains so heavy
that "historyians of that time compared it to the days of the Great Flood",
"The opening days of the fourteenth century arre referred to as the 'Little
Ice Age'." There was crop failure, famine, and death. This esculated into
the time of the Black
???? Black Death - leaves France with a population of
1347-1349 Black Death
Cycles of the plagues struck every 12 to 15 years
1665 The Great Plague of London - year of Fermat's death
- seems to be the last English breakout. Refer to other food problems
[1789-1793+ French Revolution] and
[1846-1851 The Irish Potato Famine which seems to have
some of the same strange weather characteristics before Fungus took over
the potato crop.]
1558-1603 Elizabeth I. Anglican church still used vestments,
candles, incense, and music in church services. Catholics thought it was
too little and Protestants thought it was too much ritual.
1580-1631 John Smith and 1607 Pocahontas
1611 King James version of the Bible
1600 (s) The East India Company had been started around
1720 innoculation for smallpox which has just hit Boston
1775-1783 the revolutionary war
1776 Declaration of Independence
1783 First Hot Air Balloon Flight with human pilot
1787 Constitution
1789 June The liberal bourgeois phase of the French revolution
came to a climax
1789 9 out of 10 Americans are engaged in farming and
food production
1790 Report on Public Credit - aims to expand financial
reach of federal government and reduce power of the states
1792 France "...the love of nature which had become so
closely entwined with the revolution." "A more formidable undertaking was
to replace Christianity by a religion of nature."p.296
1792 July La patrie en danger. Ils nous ont trahis. 1792
Sept The Austrian and Prussian advance was halted at Valmy, Paris (1)
1793 France "The king must die," said the lawyer
Maximilien Robespierre, "so that the state may live." (1)
1794 July France The last of the ones that advocated
the ruling house should be guillotined - were guillotined themselves. The
last one to go was Robespierre. (1)
1798 French General Napoleon Bonaparte
1803 Louisiana Purchase (April 30, 1803)
1809-1882 Darwin, Charles - how attributes enhance survival.
2nd link Darwin
1810 An electro-chemical telegraph is constructed in
Germany. (3)
1819 Indian Civilization Act
1821 Missouri entered Union
1831 the Trail of Tears
1832-1920 Wundt, Wilhelm - one of the first to declare
that phycology would be a science. Did not seem to believe that higher
mental processes would be described by phycology yet he wrote "Principles
of Phycological Psycology" this seems to be a start into genes, hormones
and nerve cells. Wundt,
1832: Phenakistoscope in Belgium and Stroboscope in Austria
point to motion pictures. (3)
1833-10 December, 1896 - "Alfred Bernhard Nobel was born
in Stockholm, Sweden on 21 October 1833. When he was eight, the family
moved to Russia, where his father opened a mechanical engineering workshop.
His interest in science, especially chemistry, appeared at an early age;
in due course he also acquired extensive literary and philosophical knowledge,
not least thanks to the ease with which he mastered foreign languages.
He did most of his studying on his own, never taking any college or university
examination. (5)
1835 Mark Twain - born (1835-1910)
1835 Mexico frees slaves
1835 US citizens living in Texas vote to secede rather
than give up the "right"
1836 Republic of Texas is established
1837 Invention of Telegraph in Great Britain and the
United States (2)
1842-1910 William, James - functionalism = you channel
because of what you perceive to be survival? William,
1845 Potato famine starts in Ireland
1845 Texas entered Union
1846-1848 the Mexican War
1848 abourtive revolution in Germany is the impetus for
German immigration:1.1million by 1857
1854: Telegraph used in Crimean War. (3)
1856 - ..."University of Berlin in 1856 (at the Institute
of Physiology) was none other than Wilhelm Wundt, the founder of experimental
psychology in Germany and the later source of the dozens of American Ph.D.s
who came back from Leipzig, Germany to start the modern American education
movement."... Wundt
1856-1939 Freud, Sigmund - believed that aggression could
be a biological instinct [hyperactivity?]
1858-66 Gregor Mendel (1822-84) -- An Austrian monk who
discovered inherited traits in peas - basis of genetics. (1)
1859 Charles Darwin (1809-82) On the Origin of Species
by Means of Natural Selection (1)
Darwin also wrote The Formation of Vegetable Mould
Through the Action of Worms. (4)
1860 Lincoln elected President
1861 Motion pictures projected onto a screen (2)
1861-1865 the Civil war / War between the states has
Lincoln declares a state of emergency that grants him
powers that supersede the
Constitution or bill of rights
1861 Yale University grants the country's first Ph.D
1863 uniform currency across the United States "National
Banking Act"
1864 "In God We Trust" starts appearing on US Coins
1865 Lincoln assassinated - so he does not put the Constitution
back into effect.
1866: Western Union dominates U.S. wires. (3)
1869: From Austria, postcards. (3)
1870 Hot Air Balloons used by the French during the German
1870-1 Defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian War
1871 KKK?
1874 Congress makes gold the sole U.S. monetary standard
1875-1961 Jung, Carl defined functions as sensing, thinking,
intuiting, feeling. Jung
1877 Alexander Graham Bell invents first practical telephone
1878-1958 Watson, John B. - Also in researching the basic
attitudes of America from that time p. 669 of The American Nation and p.
253 of Psychology by
Carole Wade and Carol Tavris.
These pages talk about John Watson who was a Behaviorist, a president of
the American Psychological Association and a
vice-president of the J. Walter Thompaon
advertising agency at different times of his life. He wrote The Psychological
Care of Infant and Child (1928)
"Never hug and kiss them, never let
them sit in your lap. If you must, kiss them once on the forehead
when they say good night."
This along with Jung's interpretations
(p.474 History of the Jews) next to Hitler's shaped many things and allowed
In particular the section detailing how
Freud (1856-1939) was given over.
(1889-?) p.470-471.
1870-1914 The Germans and the Jews both had a devotion
to learning. "From it's inception in 1933, for instance, Germany
won more Nobel prizes than any other country, about 30 per cent of the
whole; but of Germany's share, the Jews provided nearly a third and in
medicine a half. For Germany to turn on the Jews was not just mass
murder; it was, in a real sense, mass parricide."
How did it happen?"
"After November 1938, Jews were expelled from all schools,
and trains, waiting-rooms and restaurants were segregated." p.487
Farben and the
1918 Armistice
1880's Thomas Edison started the "Science", which became a peer-reviewed journal of the 1990's
1894-1956 Kinsey, Alfred - Kinsey
189? Spanish - American War
1899-1903 "" try
Twain's Anti-Imperialist Writings including the Philippine-American
1900 Germany pioneered the development of Electrical and
chemical engineering. "Education, concentrating on science and technology,
was the basis of German technological progress."
(1) 1903 First Powered Flight by the Wright Brothers
1903-1997 Eccles, John Carew - neuroscientist and Nobel
Prize winner Sir John Eccles a link to his thoughts on the brain Eccles
1905 Einstein Theory of Relativity. Albert Einstein Born
in Germany, Worked in a Swiss patent office.
1907: In Russia, Rosing develops theory of television.
1909 English Channel flown over by the Frenchman Louis
Bleriot with a monoplane
1910 Mark Twain - dies (1835-1910)
1912 Gestalt psychology from Germany - pattern or configuration.
This seemed to languish until the 1960's when some seemed to try this with
an alternative of drugs, instead of a comprehensive corriculum.
1912: U.S. passes law to control radio stations. (3)
1912 start of Income Tax with Pres. Wilson
-- The Hapsburg family line had ties by blood or marriage
with most if not all of the ruling families on the European Continent (from
Russia to Spain and England) - so this was a family fight of who was right.
-- Science and Education trickle down (still it takes
time for new ideas to come into play) BUT when technology is at a fast
pace and some want control, those that want control can make it seem as
if the ones at the bottom are being left out. --
-- "The Balkans seethed with rebellion against the once-mighty
empire of the Hapsburgs, now regarded as the 'jailer of the Slavs'.
1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated, heir to the
Austro- Hungarian throne.
1916 October 7, "light duty in Munich. He was appalled
at the apathy and anti-war sentiment among German civilians. He blamed
the Jews for much of this and saw them as conspiring to spread unrest and
undermine the German war effort."
1914-1920 WW I
1920- Religious Fundamentalism
1920: KDKA in Pittsburgh broadcasts first scheduled programs.
1922-1996 Kuhn, Thomas Samuel - ""[Individuals who break
through by inventing a new paradigm are] almost always...either very young
or very new to the field whose paradigm they change....These are the men
who, being little committed by prior practice to the traditional rules
of normal science, are particularly likely to see that those rules no longer
define a playable game and to conceive another set that can replace them."
-- Thomas S. Kuhn in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. " Kuhn
#2link my note to this "despiration or inspiration?"
1922 Mussolini in Italy
1925 Dr. Herrmann Muller at Indiana University and with
Rockefeller funding
1925 Scopps (Monkey Trial)
1927 The first TV broadcasts were made in England in
1927 and the U. S. in 1930. (2)
1929 the Great Depression begins
1930's Jet Aircraft emerge in Germany and Britain at the
same time
1932 Dr. Muller received a Guggenheim grant to pursue
his work in the genetics department of the Rockefeller-funded Kaiser Wilhelm
Brain Research Institute in Berlin.
1933 Hitler rises to power in Germany
1934: Communications Act of 1934 creates FCC. (3)
1939 Regularly scheduled television broadcasting begins
in U. S.(2)
1939 Germany splits the Uranium Atom
1939 American Manhattan project started to beat the Germans
to Atom bomb.
"The task of propaganda lies in directing the masses towards
certain facts, events, necessities, etc., the purpose being to move their
importance into the masses' field of vision." Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
1939 WW II (Land)
1940 ? First American jet aircraft
1940 antibiotics became widely available in the 1940s
1941 Pearl Harbor: United States enters World War II
1941-1945 US in WW II
1941 Pearl Harbor
US enters war
1942 Manhattan (A-bomb) project is begun
1943 - Jacques-Yves Cousteau and Emile Gagnon design
and test the first Aqua-Lung
1943-1997 Henry John Deutschendorf Jr. singer, performer,
actor, and humanitarian. (John Denver)
1945 The United Nations is founded during Truman time
1945 1st American Atom Bomb exploded
1945 Animal Farm by George Orwell
1947 Formation of Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
1948 Alfred Kinsey's "Sexual Behavior In The Human Male"
- up to at least one half of Kinsey's subjects were sexual criminals and
included pedifiles, entered as normal examples of the human population.
1948 Truman elected President
1949 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) formed
First nonstop flight around the world
1950-1960+ computer processes related/ associated with
brain processes.
1950 Nevada Test Site (NTS) established by the AEC
Korean conflict begins
1953 CERN
1953 Korean armistice signed at Panmunjom
1954 two million pounds (of antibiotics) were produced
in the U.S.; today the figure exceeds 50 million pounds.
1956 introduction of Africanized honey bees into Brazil
1956, (Kerr, 1967),
1958 Formation of National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Treaty signed to ban all nuclear weapons testing
-- Science and Education trickle down (still it takes time for new ideas to come into play) BUT when technology is at a fast pace and some want control, those that want control can make it seem as if the ones at the bottom are being left out.
1961 Belgrade
Summit of the Non Aligned Movement
1961 Yugoslavia [ref
A] [ref B] [ref
C] [ref
1961 Yugoslavia withdrew from CERN [CERN
Member States] ref.1992
RELATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES 1961-1963 Volume V Soviet Union has
President Kennedy's views on nuclear arms.
1961 NASA JSC established in Texas
1961 Berlin wall goes up
1961-76 Vietnam War
1962 John Glenn orbits the Earth
1962 Agent Orange is one of the chemical defoliants used
on North Vietnamese supply trails
1962 Did Monsanto have the patent on Agent Orange at
this time?
One of the first television telecast was with Mrs. Kennedy
showing the White house.
1963 Kennedy assassinated
1968 Nixon officially elected
Nixon took the USA off of the gold standard
Busing / learning / Jessie Jackson
1969 start of the (Irish) Catholic / Protestant conflict.
1969 start
of the internet
1969 The first walk on the moon
1977 Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, founded in 1977 Editorial director was Isaac Asimov.
1980s pharmaceutical manufacturers, thought infectious
diseases were essentially conquered,
1981-93 Reagan - Bush years
1980's In the early 1980s, the Reagan administration dismissed the government's long-standing antitrust case against the IBM Corp, but the European Commission's antitrust authorities did not quit. In 1984, they reached a settlement with IBM over a long history of complaints
1981 first AIDS cases reported
1988 Bush elected
1989 Oliver North is convicte in Iran-Contra trial
1989 2 month long Tianamen Square
1989 Berlin Wall starts to fall
EG∓G awarded new contract to support Department
of Energy's Superconducting Super Collider project in Texas
EG∓G and Cornell University professors form Northeast
Semiconductor Industries, Inc. to develop advanced materials for electro-optical
1990 WWW
World Wide Web, start of at CERN with Tim
1990 Sadam Hussein invades Kuwait
1991 Operation Desert Storm
1991 Iraq attempts to take control of Kuwait - Persian
Gulf War begins; ends in 3 months time
1991 Gulf war begins and ends within 100 hours
Rodney King beating
1991? Mensa defined learning styles as Gifted or Talented
(1921-1991) Gene Roddenberry passed away October 24,
1991, born in El Paso, Texas, on August 19, 1921
(1920-1992) ASIMOV, ISAAC
1992 Yugoslavia's observer
status at CERN suspended after UN
1992 H. Ross Perot enter Presidential race
Clinton elected Pres.
1992 Rio Declaration signed by delegates from 178 countries
outlining strategies to protect the environment and world resources.
1993 April 19, Koresh and the Branch Davidians site burned
] 1995 Sept. 8--NATO Air Strikes Against Bosnian Serbs
and Bosnian Peace Agreement
1993 July 20 Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster,
whose corpse was discovered in Ft. Marcy Park, VA (Clinton was Pres. barely
six months)
1995 December--Clinton Sends U.S. Peacekeepers to Bosnia
More than 20,000 American troops were deployed to Bosnia in late December
to help enforce the peace agreement signed by Serb, Croat, and Muslim leaders.
1995 Bush Jr. took office as Texas Gov.
1996 Clinton's second term
1997 Britain banned sale of bone-in domestic beef, sanction
lifted in Dec 1999
* 1910-1997 Jacques-Yves Cousteau, environmental hero
* 1943-1997 Henry John Deutschendorf Jr. singer, performer,
actor, and humanitarian. (John Denver)
Fan Sites
-- Science and Education trickle down (still it takes time for new ideas to come into play) BUT when technology is at a fast pace and some want control, those that want control can make it seem as if the ones at the bottom are being left out. --
1998 January 3 Michael Kennedy dies in a sking accident
when he hits a tree
1998 January 5 Sonny Bono died after skiing into a tree
while on vacation with his wife and two children at the Heavenly Ski Resort
near South
Lake Tahoe, Nev. Imported
Produce Labeling Act (H.R.1232). The bill would require labels denoting
the country of origin at the point-of-sale
for all non-domestic fresh fruits
and vegetables. The bill mirrors Florida's successful 1979 law requiring
country of origin labeling. Despite the
tragic death of Congressman Bono in
January of this year, FFVA and other agricultural interests are working
to ensure continued support in
Congress." My
compiled links about Sonny Bono's life as a U.S. Congressman, the
guy was intrested in what would help people.
1998 Lewinsky scandal with Clinton
1999 Sept-Oct Gassing of NY - "It is not a good idea
to be on the wrong side of Giuliani.”-Giuliani’s PR
consultant Howard Rubinstein, NY Times 9/30/99 Master Image Spinner at
the Center of a Web * Rudolph W. Giuliani was a Federal prosecutor in the
Reagan/Bush administration.
Hillary Clinton was one of the ones that worked on the
Water Gate Scandal and did not impress anyone, it seems as if she was insipid.
What she has done since then has shown the same follower attitude. Hillary
and Bush Jr. they seem to make a lot of money but do not seem to have the
concept on how to keep it. It seems as if they do not have the original
concepts on how to make it either, some people would recomend they have
a career or being a bag boy or is that what they are doing?
1999 Oct a federal report says that the country's second-largest
state is also the second hungriest, 5 percent are hungry in Texas with
food banks attempting to help. The report covered the years 1996-98.
The report found 12.9 percent of Texas households experienced
food insecurity, compared with a national average of 9.7 percent. Five
percent experienced hunger, compared with 3.5 percent nationally. Only
Oregon had a higher proportion of hungry families, 5.8 percent.
In 1995, Bush vetoed a bill that would have created the
Texas Food Security Council to study hunger in Texas and help local officials
solve their hunger problems. The council would have included members from
state agencies as well as from nonprofit food policy councils and agriculture
sectors. Bush's veto said a private entity could be more effective.
1993 Branch Dividians
Vince Foster
BloodGate (Clinton)
More than 40 percent of the antibiotics manufactured in the U.S. are given to animals. Some of that amount goes to treating or preventing infection, but the lion's share is mixed into feed to promote growth.
Current rift between beliefs over Holocaust
Would these be two organizations that could be used in
other ways?
Home School Legal Defense Fund
FEMA - Federal Emergency M A
Texas re-institutes slavery
Gene Roddenberry 1921-1991 * (August 19, 1921 - October
24, 1991) creator of Star Trek born in El Paso, Texas.
Isaac Asimov 1920-1992
Jacques-Yves Cousteau 1910-1997
John Denver 1943-1997 born Henry John Deutschendorf Jr.
Cattle Futures, Lewinsky, Filegate, Whitewater, Travelgate,
the death of Vince Foster - First Couple and Foster's seedy dealings with
them which date back to their days in Little Rock in the 1980s, mysterious
discovery of billing records of Hillary's Castle Grande scam, Blood Sport
- the book promoted by liberals trying to trivialize the Whitewater affair,
Clinton's mother who stole drugs,
On May 2, 1993, Vince Foster, Benard Nussbaum and Webb
Hubbell went to Ft. Meade Maryland to meet with the National Security Agency.
Alltel Inc. (formally Systematics of Arkansas), and or
the Rose Office Law firm, Vince Foster, Ron Brown, Webb Hubbell, and/or
Benard Nussbaum
(1) The Last Two Million Years by Readers Digest
(2) History of the Information Revolution and Communications
Technology Timeline
(3) Media History Project Timeline - has links to other
Index without pictures
(4) Integrated Principles of Zoology 9th edition (5)
Nobel Peace Prize - ALFRED NOBEL
Isaac Asimov
Robert Heinlein
James White
Anne McCaffrey
Del Rey
and 32 years of many others
John Denver (1943-1997) Environmental Singer and Son
of a US test pilot, born Henry John Deutschendorf Jr.
Barbara Cartland is a favorite too
Arnold Toynbee
Paul Harvey (Radio Personality)
Ralph Nader (activist)®ion=0&timeout=0&sort=0
Historical Timelines Timeline History of the Information Revolution and Communications Technology Timeline
Media History Project Timeline - has links to other timelines
Index without pictures
from BBC
First the
then on to my idea(s)
Last Updated 23 August 1999
(c)26 March 1999
Piper Creations
Purist - not a Puritan
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