Majority Rules: When ETs are the Majority
When you read this, remember that my background is
* not Conspiracy - but in Science Fiction!
This is the basis of the SF book - series that I am putting together.
I need to find somewhere to publish.
As far as someone doing it better than me - I have over 32 years
of a SF reference database in my brain - I have not slowed down
since I started putting this togeather in 1988 and can continue where
others stall out. FEY. Fairy Tales and if the parents can not take
care of their children the Fairies will!
I was told that if I could put this togeather that it would be worth
the Nobel Peace Prize to this preface IS also the copyright any forward of
this e-mail better be the WHOLE thing including signature line!
You Have Been Warned!
The Pied Piper
Laura Lee Lanning - Shipton
Majority Rules: When ETs are the Majority
* many infectious diseases came from the European Continent
* bacteria mutated against the human animal
* cyanobacteria evolved
* plants evolved to flowering because of bacteria
* complexity of plants and the bacteria that lives with them
* animals evolved to help plants
* six major (life) continents
* six major plant forms (speculated) I need more knowledge here
* six major movable life forms (insect, fish, amphibian, reptile, bird,
and mammal)
* six major energy sources (speculated)
* six days to create Earth
* six - Not the mark of the Demon - but a reference that has been hidden
* bacteria replicates asexual and sexual
asexual - fission (binary and multiple), budding, gemmulation, and
fragmentation. (4)p.102
snails are hermaphroditic (4)p.106
Turkeys have been know to be able to have spontaneous
parthenogenetic development and the resulting young will be sexually /
reproductively viable. (4)p.105
* bacteria is empathic (possibly telepathic)
which means that since some bacteria reproduce by asexual division each one
has the survival instincts of the original.
* bacteria has a high survival index - when you add in the bacteria that
lives in things that are deadly to biological life - such as gas and
what would it do if able to fight biological life from inside?
Example: adding petrochemicals to our food supply - plant and animal.
Would it see the need for biological life to survive?
What if it were telepathic and saw that it was being killed, burned
** **
** November 25 1998 "MIND AND MATTER" -- Nigel Hawkes **
** Is this how life really began? **
on 22 Dec 1999
This should be
* An extraordinary theory about the origins of life is causing controversy, says Nigel Hawkes
** November 25 1998 "MIND AND MATTER" -- Nigel Hawkes **
** Is this how life really began? **
This article refers to a Dr. Thomas Gold who
"His track record is impressive. Born in Vienna, he fled Hitler in the 1930s, took his degree at Trinity College, Cambridge, and helped to develop radar for the Admiralty between 1942 and 1946. His university career has taken him to Cambridge, Harvard and Cornell, and through research in zoology, physics, astronomy, radio-physics, space research and cosmology. He is, says Bondi, one of the outstanding scientists of our time."
This man has made a hypothosis that - oil is biogenic. Be this as it may proof that bacteria live deep below the surface of the Earth. These bacteria use chemical energy and have no need of photsynthesis.
I pose this question:
* anytime a major center of knowledge was put togeather it was destroyed
* anytime humans congregated they started bogarting their waste fertilizer
bacteria -
started cutting down too many trees
* The Europeans that came to the N. American Continent were
homicidal / suicidal because bacteria wanted to thin them down.
-- again think of all the diseases that they carried --
Which bacteria was in the majority then? Which petrol chemical
bacteria could be spreading now?
These are just the ones that have had the most acknowledgment
-- A major level was reached with the start of the Jewish race --
The original message was fragmented
** education **
-- A major level was reached with the idea of Christ --
The original message has been fragmented
** education **
-- again with the Universities of Austria, Russia, Germany, England and
more. --
Education was becoming widespread and
trickling down to the common people
something that some started complaining about.
Time Line of Technology
1899-1903 Mark Twain's Anti-Imperialist Writings including the Philippine-American war.
1900 Germany pioneered the development of Electrical and chemical
engineering. "Education,
concentrating on science and technology, was the basis of German
technological progress."
(1) 1903 First Powered Flight by the Wright Brothers
1905 Einstein Theory of Relativity. Albert Einstein - Born in Germany,
Worked in a Swiss patent
1909 English Channel flown over by the Frenchman Louis Bleriot with a monoplane
1910 Mark Twain - dies (1835-1910)
1912 start of Income Tax with Pres. Wilson
-- The Hapsburgs family line had ties by blood or marriage with most if not all of the ruling families on
the European Continent (from Russia to Spain and England) - so this was a family fight of who was
* The Hapsburg house was divided - I assume that they were told that they were not needed any more
-- (added 9Oct99 - Does this sound that what some parents are told by some school systems?)
* what do you do with a General when the General is told that they are old hat
So, is the Empire dead? Is the original fight dead? NO!
-- Science and Education trickle down (still it takes time for new ideas to come into play) BUT when
technology is at a fast pace and some want control, those that want control can make it seem as if
the ones at the bottom are being left out.
-- "The Balkans seethed with rebellion against the once-mighty empire of the Hapsburgs, now
regarded as the 'jailer of the Slavs'.
1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated, heir to the Austro- Hungarian throne.
1914-1920 WW I
1920- Religious Fundamentalism
1922 Mussolini in Italy
1925 Dr. Herrmann Muller at Indiana University and with Rockefeller funding
1925 Scopps (Monkey Trial)
1929 the Great Depression begins--
-- Again with TV (Kennedys)
I could go on here, but a lot is already on my web site, just watch the copyright date
because that site is a progression with early ideas still in place.
Bottom Line:
This is a fight for control, that started many years ago.
Germany used organophosphates during WW2
and may have invented them.
Control of land
Control of money
Control of media
Control of Space
So, with the fact that earth worms are monoecious (hermaphroditic)
That organophosphates kill them.
That organophosphates can give mature human males secondary
female sexual characteristics.
Can make all fetus female
Control of space through reproduction,
Control of land through the food supply - matter transmission
and matter replication
So, why not?
How to make these people see that complete control would be
killing themselves?
added 11 Oct 99
key (subject [I]nternet [N]ews)
(bioI-) Tarpley, Webster G. & Anton Chaiktin.
"The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush" 1992. 15 Apr. 99
< "" >
or the new link at
This book follows the Bush family
connections from 1914 to the present. From the time of George's grandfather, Samuel P. Bush, the Bush family has attempted to stay involved in politics. The book seems to show that since the family could not rate by having royal blood lines (that rate)or by having a high degree of education, that they would try to control by a philosophy of "The one with the most money makes the rules." They believe in "racial cleansing" and have cultivated people like Adolph Hitler.
(bioI-) Bush Family - Looking behind the Bushes
(bioI-) Ewall, Mike. "It's no accident that Coors is the right beer in America."
Corporate Accountability Project
12 Dec. 1995. 15 Apr. 1999
< >
Mike Ewall's article Should be titled "The Other Adolph, Adolph Coors of Coors beer." This article details Coors connections with Ex-President Bush and how Coors and Bush both have a policy of "Racial Cleansing." Coors is anti-environmental, anti-gay and seemingly against anything and anyone that stands in their way of making money.
Rockefeller Drug Censor Empire
< >
(bioI-) Senator Al "Whore" Sr.
Crime/Corruption Opinion Keywords: GORE HAMMER Source: The Hoffmann Wire Published: ? Author: Michael A. Hoffman II Posted on 10/11/1999 19:12:09 PDT by archiopterix by--Michael A. Hoffman II
[Hoffman is a former reporter for the American Contemporary Radio Division of ABC News and the New York bureau of the Associated Press]
Climate Control?!
"The UN Plan for Your Mental Health"
"The implementation of Human Rights Treaties"
"Clinton's War on Hate Bans Christian Values"
"Trading U.S. Rights for UN Rules"
quotes and exerpts from Edward Hunter's book Brainwashing
comparison between Communist brainwashing strategies and tactics used to change values in U.S. classrooms.
Many links
from toxic to the history of the pharmisudical companies.
(fai-) 1984 by George Orwell (c)1981 Signet Classic NY originally written 1949
(fai-) Animal Farm by George Orwell (c)1984 Signet Classic NY
(hist-1) The Last Two Million Years by Readers Digest (c)1981 NY
(hist-) The American Nation by John A. Garraty (c)1998 by Addison-Wesley NY
(hist-) History of the Information Revolution and Communications Technology Timeline
(hist-) Media History Project Timeline - has links to other timelines
Index without pictures
(hist-) Historical TimeLine
(hist-) >The effect of diseases on history is a little discussed but often
determining factor in how things turn out(see Jared Diamond- Guns steel and history)<
(micro-1) Sugar Blues by William Dufty (c)1993 by Warner Books Inc. NY
(micro-2) Macrobiotic Cooking by Aveline Kushi (c)1985 Warner Books Inc. NY
(microI-1) Enig, Mary G. "Trans Fat" 12 May 1999
(microI-2) Eramus, Udo. "Fats That Heal And Fats That Kill"
Comp. Bradley, Darleen. 1999. 17 Apr. 99
< > "
"Rats developed fatty degeneration of heart, kidney, adrenals,
and thyroid gland. When canola oil was withdrawn from their
diets, the deposits dissolved but scar tissue remained on all
vital organs. No studies on humans were made before money was spent to promote Canola oil in the USA." "...destroys the
myelin (protective sheath) of the nerves." "Rape seed oil is
a penetrating oil, to be used in light industry, not for human consumption. It contains a toxic substance. (from encyclopedia)
Even after the processing to reduce the erucic acid content, it is still a penetrating oil. We have found that it turns rancid very fast. Also it leaves a residual rancid odor on clothing."
From: Eramus, Udo. "Fats That Heal And Fats That Kill" Petaluma,
Calf.: Spectrum Naturals, 1987.
(neuro-) Inside The Brain by Kotulak, Ronald (c)1997 Andrews McMeel MO.
(psyc-) Money Doesn't Grow On Trees: A Parent's Guide To Raising Financially Responsible Children
by Godfrey and Edwards (c)1994 Fireside NY
(psyc-) Psychology 4th edition by Carole Wade & Carol Tavris (c)1996 Harper Collins NY
(sci-1) Integrated Principles of Zoology 9th Edition
Hickman, Cleveland P. Jr; Larry S. Roberts; Allan Larson
(c)1993 Mosby MO.
(sch-) Saxon Math (future link)
(sch-) Bill and Mary Prides' set of HomeSchool books(New 30 Oct 98)
(sch-) The Core Knowledge Series (preK-6) by Doubleday NY
Each book covers that years (CORE) cooriculum, these are good books to help learn or to
review with. My children will even read them on their own!(New 30 Oct 98)
** **
** November 25 1998 "MIND AND MATTER" -- Nigel Hawkes **
** Is this how life really began? **
Isaac Asimov
Robert Heinlein
James White
Anne McCaffrey
Del Rey
and 32 years of many others
Nigel Hawkes
Arnold Toynbee
Paul Harvey
Ralph Nader
Historical Romance
Barbara Cartland is a favorite too
Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.
If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually you will be.
Atrocities happen when the people about you - start considering you surplus.
"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
---- Thomas Jefferson
My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi
ICQ 14484977
copyright 06 Oct 1999
by Piper Creations
ThePiedPiper at