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Lebensraum – German Living Space
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The articles below show a viewpoint of ‘Crimes against humanity’
‘War Crimes’ ‘Trading with the Enemy’ and I wondered how are
these people getting the backing to do this. Bush and his amendments
to the Clean Air Act that allow the trading of ‘Pollution Credits’ the
companies (like Enron) that back this because they make profits
without having to take a lot of consideration to peoples rights.
Some people (in light of the Bush families backing of Hitler) think
that the Bush’s are attempting to control the worlds population through
selective breeding and Lebensraum (German Living Space), like Hitler’s propaganda.
Considering the ‘gender bending’ chemicals that are being released into the
environment (chemicals that has fish testes producing eggs), smaller gonads on
male alligators, female polar bears developing stump like male genitalia and beluga
whales with full sets of male and female sexual organs, it could be seen as reproductive
control but it is being proven that there is no control.
Once people have the basics of water, food and shelter they have been known to
be curious or to want to do more. This has resulted in accomplishments like the
Roman Aqueducts, coins, crowns and some utensils but since, like the Aqueducts
many items were made of LEAD these benefits of civilization could also poison the
recipients. Lead is suspected of contributing to the fall of the Roman Empire since
the bones of ancient Roman have concentrations of lead one hundred times higher
than current concentrations found in the bones of North Americans.
The Roman Empire developed laws and the precedents that are still being used, . The Romans
developed civilization to a point of stability and made Christianity the state religion.
Once Rome reached stability, it could have seemed so easy that anyone could do it,
leading to instant experts. There were also plagues, which seemed to occur at least
every 12 to 15 years.
Christian Monasteries were places that brewed beer, which they sold for a profit. This
seems to have help spread religion, education and brewing methods. Eventually rulers
realized that how much potential profit they were losing and
easily transported and less
apothecarys .
The idea seems to have
There are reports that lead poisoning may have contributed to van Gogh's illness and madness [1] and Nero probably went mad from drinking excessive amounts of wine from pewter vases. Lead can be a neurotoxin.
Lead - Lead Poisoning The Fall of the Roman Empire
The concentrations of lead found in the bones of the ancient Romans is one hundred times higher than the concentrations of lead currently found in North Americans.
Mercury – [Notes L~S ‘Mad Hatters’ the term is because hatters
could experience tremors, memory loss,
and I nsanity – and could die
from liver and kidney failure because of the mercury poisoning. ]
“The mercury vapour diffuses from the lungs into the bloodstream, once in the bloodstream the mercury can cross the blood/brain barrier and enter the brain. Once in the brain the it can destroy the central nervous system. This causes difficulties with coordination, eyesight, and tactile senses. In other words it causes tremors, memory loss, paralysis, depression, and insanity.’
Arsenic -
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
From being American trators during the Hitler era
to war crimes Iraq and more the Bush family
gets involved in investments that take down
productive people and use propoganda to start
Having backed Hitler / gas and toxins they have
been attempting to justify that investment for years.
In 1990 Bush helped make amendments to the (1987) Montreal Protocal
that allowed the trading of 'Pollution Credits'. By keeping POP's
and more from being declared Biological Warfare
1987 Montreal Protocal
1990 Clean Air Act Amendments - Reagan/Bush that allow Pollution Credits
CBS ran a short news piece about energy use this winter on
10Jan2001 6PM news. Guess what, Houston based Enron the
will stand to make a lot of money selling energy to people.
George W. Bush Gets Layed Pratap Chatterjee, Corporate Watch July 25, 2000
In addition Enron is invested in energy projects around the
globe -- some of which have been tainted by charges of human rights abuses.
The company has recently expanded from energy to "bandwidth" capacity
for the Internet, making it one of the world's largest Internet-based
trading companies, buying and selling a dizzying array of products
ranging from pulp and paper to petrochemicals and plastics, as well
as esoteric products like clean air credits that utilities purchase
to meet emission limits.
Unlike English titles that traditionally had their title
through the land, some acquired their title because of their
These people that base thier names on gambling / investments
and when those investments do not pay off they play both
War privateers that trade with both sides to keep the war going.
The Bush family
Prescott Bush - Director of a Bank taken for trading with the enemy
Stimson kept the Nazi enquiry for going further.
Bush Sr. - Ran from an embarrassing situation at 18 by
having Daddy pull strings and get him in the Naval Avitors
without the two year degree that was required.
Commission of Inquiry for the International War Crimes Tribunal
by Ramsey Clark and Others
Ramsey Clark served as U.S. Attorney General in the administration of
Lyndon Johnson. He is the convener of the Commission of Inquiry and a
human rights lawyer of world-wide respect. This report was given in
New York, May 11, 1991.
Part One: The Charges
1.Initial Complaint Charging George Bush, J. Danforth Quayle,
James Baker, Richard Cheney, William Webster, Colin Powell,
Norman Schwarzkopf and Others to be named with Crimes Against
Peace, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity
George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin
Henry L. Stimson was certainly an authoritative spokesman
for the Eastern Liberal Establishment, and Bushman propaganda has
lately exalted him as one of the seminal influences on Bush's political
Notes L~S a compiled list (mini timeline)
Clean Air Act
1955 Air Pollution Control Act
1963 Clean Air Act Amendments
1970 Clean Air Act Amendments - Earth Day, Nixon
1987 Montreal Protocol
1990 Clean Air Act Amendments - Reagan/Bush that allow Pollution Credits
Biological Warfare
1941 Stimson Requests (NAS) to study feasibility of BW
1942 NAS committee concluded that BW might be feasible.
The (WRS) was formed under the direction of
George W. Merk, of the Merk Company.
Several plants
1945-1949 end of WWII activities phased down to research status
The Production plant in Indiana sold to Charles A. Pfizer
1961 Kennedy Administration called for a reassessment of BW by the
Joint Chiefs of Staff.
1969 Disestablished Offensive studies of BW - Nixon
"The US shall renounce the use of leathal biological agents
and weapons, and all other methods of biological research
by defensive measures such as immunization and safety measures."
BW researchers changed their wording from agents to toxins.
-1969 With the disestablishment of the Biological Warfare Laboratories,
the Institute underwent a formal name change from the Medical Unit to
the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID).
Although the Institute's mission did not change, it received additional
funding and personnel authorizations to hire biolaboratory scientists
who were losing their jobs as a result of the termination of offensive
BW studies.
-This mission, and all work done at USAMRIID, is in keeping with the spirit
and letter of both President Nixon's 1969 and 1970 Executive Orders
renouncing the use of biological and toxin weapons, and the U.N. Convention
(Against)É Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin WeaponsÉof 1972.
IND submission of killed Chikungunya vaccine was made.
1970 Nixon redefined his statement to say that BW could
only be researched on an defensive basis.
1972 UN convention against
1979 The Institute acquired fixed and transportable P-4 containment plastic
human isolators for the hospital care and safe transport of patients suffering
from highly contagious and often lethal infections. A formal agreement was
signed with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Atlanta, Georgia to house
and treat high hazard infections in their personnel, should they occur.
1990-1991 Colonel Ronald G. Williams assumed command of the
Institute during the period of Desert Shield and Desert Storm. Although
BW was not used by Iraq during the Gulf War, USAMRIID provided timely
advice and products to insure an effective medical response if a medical
defense were required. USAMRIID scientists trained and equipped six
special laboratory teams for rapid identification of potential
BW agents. Vaccines and drugs were deployed in the field to combat
infectious diseases that have historically taken the greatest tolls
on every battlefield. Following the war, USAMRIID physicians and
engineers were key members of a United Nations Special Commission
Inspection Team that evaluated the BW capabilities in Iraq.
1992 Colonel Ernest T. Takafuji assumed command of USAMRIID in September of 1992.
Publication: Cincinnati Enquirer Date: May 3, 1998 By: Lawrence K. Beaupre
Note by L~S
JOURNAL February 16, 1999 By STEVEN
Partners, a firm headed by former deputy Treasury Secretary Roger Altman, is
teaming up with veteran magazine publisher David Pecker to acquire the company
that owns National Enquirer, Star and Weekly World News.
By Tim Jones (17Feb1999) Chicago Tribune
Evercore Capital Partners LLC and the parent of the
tabloids, American Media Inc., said they
have entered into a ``definitive merger agreement.'' David J. Pecker,
CEO of Hachette Filipacchi
Magazines who resigned less than an hour before the announcement, will
become chairman and
CEO of American Media.
Newsweek: 'Again. A Kennedy Family Tragedy' John Kennedy Jr. Was Considering a Run for the Senate
(19 July, 1999) [Online] Retrieved 10Jan2001
NEW YORK, July 18 /PRNewswire/
George that explored the star-spangled intersection of
politics, celebrity and pop culture. …
Since then, there have been reports
of unhappiness between JFK Jr. and his partners at Hachette Filipacchi, the
magazine company. Kennedy's biggest
backer, David Pecker, left to join the National Enquirer.
have embraced a new survival strategy: respectability.
By Darcie Lunsford From AJR, September 2000
the media company that now owns the National Enquirer, Star, Globe
and their more outrageous sister publications,
Pecker proudly boasts that since July 1999, he has attracted 22 new advertisers,
including S.C. Johnson, maker of cleaning, personal care and pest control products.