G Full Has Philo, already Dec 16, 2000 |
Brain |
Bush |
Philo Alpha |
Philo Date |
ED Mirrors 2000 |
AG Bib 1999 - 2000 |
Full BIB Alpha 106pgs word |
2nd Brain Silver Oil McDonald’s trial Sexual recom Acidopilus Olympics Plague Ortes Human Devel Microscope Darwin Kant Pasteur Irradiation + Bible Sexually
Recombiant Enderlein, Gunther |
The use of mycotoxins (fungus) in one place can spread world wide through air currents. |
Names Birth and - Death |
USA and world wide factory farms Oils – food grade the Grace of Bacteria Acidophilus and other beneficial bacteria 1999-1998 Groups Ó Law books (New 24 Oct 98) (New 31 Oct 98) |
4.Pollution –
and - Misc.
6.Misc. Information |
This page may crash your browser. Have a lot of memory to load this page! C Old chem. New chem. And More |
M |
N |
P |
philo0001.htm |
CNS1.htm |
0001VR.htm |
philo0001.htm |
philo0005.htm |
Part A Libraries --Alexandria Chemical --Agriculture --Pesticides / Herbicides --Spray results of chemicals Drugs --Pharmaceutical History --Finance Related -- insurance Genetic -- Reproductive -- GMO Propaganda --Pedophilia Macrobiotics Honey --Bee's Health --Wasp Honey Ritalin --CHADD --Private Prisons --Food Service ---schools, more. Organic GMO --Cloning --Hydroponics Food Law --SLAPP --Food Slander Irradiation Antibacterial Soap Antibiotics Part B Biochips --Goals 2000 --Social Promotion --Ebonics --Computer Thinking Asian / European Continent --Martin Luther --Marx --Hapsburg --Romonov --Civil War / French Revolution Intellectual Property Rights Finance and Corporations / Ralph Nader --Bush / Gore --Banks / Savings in Loans --Insurance / Finance / Investment Brain Fat / Assets Bacteria --Acidophilus --Radiation – resistant --Antibiotic – resistant Sexual Recombination – Lederberg --Oil – Thomas Gold --In Plants and Soil Fungus --Toxins --Black Death --Irish Potato Famine Sound – [SURTASS LFA] and [HARRP] |
Plagues |
Egypt - Rome – Greece |
Beer |
European – Asian |
Beer |
“The Rise of Adolf Hitler.” (1999) [Online] Retrieved August 31, 1999
[From Unknown to Dictator of Germany Complete History in 24 Chapters]
*Fats and Oils*
“Subject: Food Safety Files 5: Beware of Canola Oil + Canola oil poison + Plastics As A Food Group? +
Fluoride: The Silent Killer.” (January 17, 1999) [Online] Referenced October 2, 2000
Dr Dane Roubos, B.Sc., D.C., D.A.B.C.I., “THE MARGARINE HOAX --Margarine, Fatty Acids and Your Health--.” [Online] Retrieved December 24, 2000 http://www.nexusmagazine.com//margarine.html
“Oiling America.” [Online] Referenced April 10, 2000 http://www.drcranton.com/nutrition/oiling.htm
[One Part with references – 101k]
“Oiling America.” [Online] Referenced October 2, 2000 http://www.nexusmagazine.com/OilingAmerica.1.html
[2 parts – 46k and 62k]
“Oiling America.” [Online] Referenced December 24, 2000 http://www.westonaprice.org/oiling.htm
[4 parts – 61k, ?,?,?]
Copyright © 1999 Mary G. Enig, PhD and Sally Fallon. First Published in Nexus Magazine, December 1998-January 1999 and February 1999-March 1999.
*Bacteria-sexually recombiant*
Windstosser, Karl. "Prof. Dr. Gunther Enderlein Polymorphic Symbionts as Potential Cofactors in
Cancer Processes." (1997) [Online] Retrieved January 31, 2000
[ http://www.explorepub.com/articles/enderlein1.html ]
[Note: Mori (1910) supported the idea of sexual recombination of bacteria, Enderlein extended this about
1918, and Lederberg - Taumg - and Hayes won a Nobel Prize in 1958 for proving sexual recombination.]
[fungus - the black-spored mold Aspergillus niger van Tieghen, which, in its entire polymorphism and
phase-dependent pathology, is the tuberculosis germ. ] [Prof. Dr. Gunther Enderlein (1872-1968)]
[Fichera, Citelli, Fonti, Guarnieri, Enderlein, Cohn, Koch, Lederberg, Taumg, Hayes, Pirquet, Ponndorf,
Spengler, Friedmann, Lao-Tse.]
*Bacteria-sexually recombiant*
Dorman, Thomas A., MD., “Prof. Dr. Gunther On a Competitive Balance Within the Endobiont.” (©Copyright
1997) Kent, Washington, USA (Explore Issue: Volume 8, Number 3) [Online] Retrieved December 24,
2000 http://www.explorepub.com/articles/enderlein4.html
[Note: Prof. Dr. Gunther Enderlein (1872- 1968)]
*Bacteria-sexually recombinant, wholistic*
Kholos, James A, D.C., N.D., “Report of a Wholistic Holiday.” (©Copyright 1998) USA (Explore Issue: Volume 8,
Number 4) [Online] Retrieved December 24, 2000 http://www.explorepub.com/articles/holiday.html
[Prof. Dr. Gunther Enderlein (1872-1968)]
*Mining – Pollution*
“Clinton halts development of New World gold mine near Yellowstone.” September 1996
U.S. Water News Online Retrieved December 22, 2000 http://www.uswaternews.com/archives/arcpolicy/6jackson.html
JACKSON HOLE, Wyo. -- President Clinton has announced a deal to halt a planned gold mine and prevent the pollution some fear would result.
The President made the announcement during a recent visit to Yellowstone National Park.
Opponents of the mining operation here say toxic waste from the mining process could pollute the water
supply of the park, harming fish and other wildlife.
“Water worth its weight in gold.” Retrieved December 22,
2000 http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/rayobei/news3.htm
from : SD Smith
On Tuesday, August 16th, 1999, 500 people from the Essequibo region of
Guyana are expected to attend the filing of a statement of claim in a
US $ 100 million lawsuit against the Omai gold mine in Guyana. Please distribute.
Water Is More Valuable Than Gold: People of Essequibo, Guyana To File Claim for Over US
$100 million Against Canadian Gold Mine for Water Pollution
On August 19th, 1995, one of the world's worst gold mining disasters occurred in the
rainforest of Guyana, the largest stand of virgin forest left in South America. 3.2 billion cubic liters of
toxic waste spilled into the Essequibo river from a broken dam at the mine contaminating the main
water source for 23,000 people. The mine reopened less than six months later and now dumps cyanide and
other chemicals harmful to all life into the river on a regular basis.
Recherches Internationales Québec Retrieved December 22, 2000 http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/rayobei/news3.htm
3713, boul. St. Laurent, Suite 202, Montréal (Qc) H2X 2V7
4 May 1998
Dear Friend:
On Saturday, April 25, the tailings dam at Boliden Ltd.'s Spanish zinc mine gave way. Within hours over 4 billion litres of toxic mining waste had contaminated the Spanish country side, threatening the sensitive Donana Park. And already there are allegations Boliden knew it had a serious environmental catastrophe looming as early as 1996. Boliden fired the whistle blower.
SLAPP SUIT — HOW FAR CAMBIOR WILL GO Retrieved December 22, 2000
But Cambior was not only ready to run from its poisoned legacy in Guyana, it also wanted to hide
from its record in Canada. On August 19, 1997, two years to the day of the disaster, Cambior filed an
application for a permanent injunction against Recherches Internationales Québec (RIQ). Cambior wants
to tell the public to sit-down, shut-up and mind its own business. But the environment is our business, not
Observers are comparing this injunction application with a U.S. style SLAPP suit (Strategic
Lawsuits Against Public Participation). SLAPP suits are filed by multi-nationals to use their economic
muscle to tie-up citizens in costly court battles. It's a direct attempt to intimidate the public. But it's also an
attack on your rights: as a citizen, consumer and investor to make your own choices.
Dermod Travis Jocelyn Dow, National Committee for Defense Against Omai, January, 1998
(514) 281.1177 Fax 281.1321, E-Mail pira@axess.com,
Stabroek News- Guyana 18 /8/99 Riverain residents file US$100M law suit against Omai Gold Mines
By Courtney Jones Retrieved December 22, 2000
Nearly 500 residents from communities along the Essequibo, Cuyuni and Mazaruni rivers
yesterday demonstrated in front of the High Court as lawyers filed a US$100 million statement of claim on
their behalf against Omai Gold Mines Ltd (OGML) for the alleged pollution of the rivers in 1995.
Gold mine rejected by state board
Ruling may sink project backed by Gorton and Department of Ecology
Thursday, January 20, 2000
Comparing plans for a gold mine in north-central Washington to "entering a busy interstate
highway on an exit ramp against traffic," the state Pollution Control Hearings Board yesterday shot down
the controversial project.
The decision represents a big victory for Washington environmentalists and the Colville
Indian Tribes. It is a major setback for Houston-based Battle Mountain Gold and the state Department of
Ecology, which had approved the project and argued for it before the hearings board.
Gold Mine Mercury Tainting Sierra Fish
by Jane Kay
San Francisco Examiner (CA)
(September 26, 2000) - Thousands of pounds of mercury leaking from dozens of old
gold mines in the Sierra Nevada is contaminating downstream lakes and streams and
triggering health warnings on game fish.
Juneau, Alaska . . . . April 14, 1998, Coeur d'Alene Mines Corporation (NYSE: CDE) is pleased to
announce that its subsidiary, Coeur Alaska, has received the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA)
National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for the Kensington Gold Mine, located
45 miles north of Juneau, Alaska. The Company also announces that the State of Alaska has reviewed and
certified that the NPDES complies with state standards.
Other major permits recently received by Coeur Alaska include the Army Corps of Engineers' 404
Wetlands Permit (February 3) and Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation's (ADEC) Solid
Waste Permit (March 31).
Groundwater Pollution by Gold Mine Slimes Dams
Radiological hazard assessment of a tailings dam in the East Rand area through the groundwater pathway
Recent legislation requires mining companies to prevent pollution of surface- and groundwater
from tailings dams that may contain large concentrations of salts, heavy metals and radionuclides. For the
groundwater pathway, this involves a detailed study of the pollution source, the mechanisms of pollutant
transport and attenuation, the extent of the existing pollution plume and methods of remediation.
Geological and hydrogeological studies are being undertaken at one of the largest gold mine
tailings dams in South Africa in order to establish the present state of pollution and, by modelling, to attempt a prediction of long-term behaviour. Methods for long-term monitoring and remedial action are to be developed.
Soil Pollution by Gold Mine Slimes Dams
An investigation into the distribution of selected trace elements in soils affected by reworked gold mine tailings
Human activities like mining, industry and agriculture release trace elements into the soil. When concentrations of these elements exceed certain limits, toxicity develops and may negatively effect plants and soil organisms. In South Africa a large number of gold mine tailings dams are being removed, reworked and established elsewhere. The soil beneath and around these sites contain trace elements that may affect redevelopment of valuable land.
The physical and chemical properties of, and the concentration distribution of trace elements in, the soils beneath and around the tailings dams of the Machavie Gold Mine in the North West Province will be investigated by means of soils mapping, sampling and testing. This information will be used to predict the long-term effect of soil pollution and to suggest an effective monitoring and remediation programme.
Washington State Department of Ecology
Date: March 15, 2000
Contact: Joan Marchioro, Assistant Attorney General, 360-459-6041
Joye Redfield-Wilder, Department of Ecology, 509-575-2610, pager 509-574-0490
Ecology will not challenge ruling on gold mine permit
OLYMPIA - A decision by the state Pollution Control Hearings Board overturning several permits issued for a proposed gold mine in Okanogan County will not be challenged by state attorneys working for the Department of Ecology.
In January, the PCHB reversed water quality permits and water right decisions needed by the Battle Mountain Gold Company and Crown Resources to proceed with plans to build the mine near the town of Chesaw in north central Washington.
Gold mine company denies responsibility for huge cyanide spill
Correspondent Lisa Gurevitch and The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Serbia announces legal action as pollution spreads
February 14, 2000
Web posted at: 5:25 a.m. EST (1025 GMT)
PERTH (CNN) -- An Australian gold-mining company blamed for a cyanide leak that has killed
thousands of fish in three countries denied responsibility Monday -- and questioned if cyanide was really
to blame for the devastation.
Esmeralda Exploration -- which owns the gold mine in Romania where the leak allegedly
originated -- said it was flying a team of environmental experts to Romania to prove its innocence.
Hundreds of dead fish were found floating in the Danube, Europe's largest waterway, on Sunday
as the poison spread from the Tisza River, which flows into the Danube about 50 kilometers (30 miles)
north of Belgrade.
Yugoslav officials said the cyanide was being diluted by the river as it flowed south towards the
Yugoslav capital.
HEADLINE: LOA RIVER CONTROVERSY GROWS University Study Finds Highly Toxic Mining Residues,
Conama - Director Orders More
Tests 30 January 1997
TEXT: Chemists from the University of Antofagasta (U of A) and leaders from the Industrialists Association of Antofagasta (AIA) Friday criticized findings by regional government authorities who continue affirming that the recent heavy contamination of the Loa River was due to natural causes.
The Loa is Chile's longest river, traversing the Atacama desert some 416 kilometers before flowing into the Pacific Ocean. It is the principal water source for numerous communities in the area, and provides a unique habitat to numerous plant, animal and insect species.
Regional authorities claim recent pollution of the river was the result of high mountain rains (the so-called "Bolivian winter") which caused the Loa to overflow its normal borders and wash up sediments and clays, creating the pollution.
But a chemical analysis of Loa River water conducted last week by U of A chemists found extremely high concentrations of mercury, xanthates, arsenic and cyanide, all related principally to mining industry processes.
The U of A chemical analysis showed arsenic concentrations of 4,636 milligrams per liter, xanthates at 554 milligrams per liter and mercury at 1.70 milligrams per liter.
AIA leader Fabrizio Queirolo said the university findings "are very serious" and noted that regional authorities turned down AIA's offer to provide facilities to help investigate the pollution when it was first reported more than 10 days ago.
Carlos Guerra, a PhD biologist from North Texas State University working in northern Chile, termed the pollution levels highly toxic and "criminal," saying the health of Region II inhabitants has been put at risk.
Walter Sigfried, coordinator of environmental programs at Iquique's Arturo Prat University, said the river's contamination puts 30 plant species and 80 animal species in serious danger. Sigfried said species unique to Chile like the Trabajador de Loa (a bird) and the Pejerrey del Loa (a fish) are at risk of extinction since the Loa River provides their only breeding ground.
High Country News -- August 31, 1998 (Vol. 30, No. 16)
A proposed gold mine tests Washington's green credentials
Will Patric photo
FUTURE TAILINGS DUMP? The "Frog Pond" on Buckhorn Mountain
The ore body lies a few miles east of Oroville, within Buckhorn Mountain on national forest land. There, Houston-based Battle Mountain Gold and its joint venture partner, Crown Resources, hope to recover approximately 1.5 million ounces of gold. If forged into a single ingot, that much gold would be about the size of a refrigerator - a refrigerator worth nearly half a billion dollars even at today's depressed gold prices.
The new mine, the Crown Jewel, would be developed and operated for only 10 years, but during that brief time it would turn the mountain inside out.
The lead company, Battle Mountain, wants to blast a hole 900 feet deep and 116 acres wide into the core of Buckhorn Mountain, crush the ore to a powder, and then mix it with a cyanide solution inside enormous steel vats perched on the mountainside. Ninety-seven million tons of waste rock with acid-generating potential would be piled as high above ground as the pit is deep.
“How Fish swam around the cyanide in their River.”
By Janine Roberts London, UK. c95
Added to [K] already.
(Note: At the same time culture was being spread by monasteries and beer; people were being poisoned by
their food utensils and apothecary.)
(Note: The following is a letter Benjamin Franklin sent to his friend
Benjamin Vaughan in 1786. It shows that many health effects and
routes of entry for lead have been known for centuries.)
Need to find place for
LEAD Action News
“Scuba Diving Weights Made at Home.” http://www.lead.org.au/lanv7n4/L74-16.html
Even at low levels, lead not excreted through the digestive system accumulates in the body and is
absorbed directly into blood and soft tissues, including the kidney, bone marrow, liver, and brain.
When lead leaves the bloodstream, it is stored in bone, along with other minerals, where it continues to
build over a lifetime.
In average adults, 10 to 15 percent of lead that reaches the digestive tract is absorbed. Young
children and pregnant women, however, absorb as much as 50 percent. The body cannot
distinguish between calcium and lead. Once lead enters the body, it is assimilated in the bloodstream in
the same manner as calcium, and, because young children and pregnant women absorb calcium more
readily to meet their extra needs, they also absorb more lead. Those with calcium deficiencies absorb
even more. And lead, even in small amounts, may become toxic wherever it settles. (See "Getting the
Lead Out of Just About Everything," FDA Consumer, August 1991.)
Lead also gets into the blood of pregnant women from their own bone stores. During a period of
physiological stress, such as in pregnancy or lactation, bone-stores of minerals, including the normally
inert lead, can be mobilized back into a woman's blood and increase her blood-lead level. As this blood
circulates, it is picked up by the fetus.
FDA considers children and pregnant women at highest risk for lead poisoning. FDA toxicologists say
that for pregnant women, lead exposure is an actual, rather than potential, problem. Besides
potentially harming her own health, lead can damage the developing fetus because it crosses the
placental barrier.
A 1987 report in the New England Journal of Medicine shows that as little as 10 micrograms of lead per
deciliter of fetal blood could damage a fetus early in pregnancy during its most vulnerable period of
nervous system development. It can also cause premature birth or lower birth weight. In adults, 30
micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood can cause high blood pressure and damage nerves and red
blood cells.
FDA toxicologists have set provisional total tolerable retake levels (PTTILs) of lead from all sources at
25 micrograms per day for pregnant women, and 6 micrograms per day for infants and children up to 6
years. For every microgram per day of lead intake, blood lead levels increase 0.16 micrograms per
deciliter of blood in children and 0.04 micrograms per deciliter of blood in adults.
PTTILs represent the intake level FDA believes provides a reasonable margin of protection from the
measurable toxic effects of lead from all food and nonfood sources. Scientists have not found a no-effect
level of toxicity from lead. If additional research shows that lower blood-lead levels cause measurable
adverse health effects, the PTTILs would be reduced even further.
1876 Emil Kraepelin studies under Wilhelm Wundt in Leipzig. They conduct psychopharmacological and
psychophysiological research, stressing the actions of drugs on the brain. He collects thousands of case
histories, developing a method of describing cases that is still used to classify mental illness. Broadens the
definition of dementia praecox. A patient so labeled is seen to be fated for inevitable deterioration
("degeneration"). He considers the mentally ill "a heavy burden on our nation. As a prelude to Hitler, he
states, "An unrestricted ruler with the power to intervene in our way of life would bring about a reduction
in insanity within a few decades!"
1905 Jeorge Luntz founds Ostara, a publication blending the occult, racist teachings of Von Lizt and eugenics into
what he calls Theozoology. He states that Germans should reproduce and the lower classes should be
enslaved or sterilized. He claims annual circulation of 100,000 for Ostara.
1909 Adolf Hitler, 20 years old, visits Luntz to obtain back copies of the mystical/racial publication Ostara, of which
he is an avid reader.
1919 Von Lizt dies. He is replaced as Germany's leading mystic by Jeorge Luntz, the founder of Ostara, who is
already a respected biblical scholar, exmonk and established mystic in his own right. Mixing occult
doctrines and eugenics into what he calls Theozoology, Luntz claims the aryan race committed bestiality
with a sub-human species long ago which accounts for the many mixed races that threaten aryan
dominance. This interbreeding led to the diminution of the inherent Aryan paranormal abilities (telepathy,
etc.). He proposes that the racially impure and mentally ill or physically unsound should be sterilized. Other
inferior races are to be taken to Madagascar or used as slaves. He says Jews should be deported to
Madagascar, used as slaves or incinerated. (His proposals are all given serious consideration by the SS and
some are put into practice.)
** use these keywords to search with, Pfiesteria, dinoflagellates, Aspergillus, Aspergillus
fumigatus, Stachybotrys atra, Stachybotrys chartarum (atra), saprophytic,
epizootic infections, Chytrid, A. sydowii, chytridiomycosis, Phytophthora
cinnamomi, Candida albicans, Neuse – River, Red Tide, Great Lakes plankton,
* Stachybotrys chartarum (atra) is capable of producing several toxins including
macrocyclic trichothecenes (satratoxins H, G, F, roridin E, verrucarin J, and
Trichoverrols A and B).
** Corporate Farms using Antibiotics as growth aids,
Antibacterials used for cleaning,
** MSG sprayed plants as a growth aid
*Bacteria – Sexually Recombiant*
Windstosser, Karl. "Prof. Dr. Gunther Enderlein Polymorphic Symbionts as Potential Cofactors in
Cancer Processes." (1997) [Online] Retrieved January 31, 2000
[ http://www.explorepub.com/articles/enderlein1.html ]
[Note: Mori (1910) supported the idea of sexual recombination of bacteria, Enderlein extended this about
1918, and Lederberg - Taumg - and Hayes won a Nobel Prize in 1958 for proving sexual recombination.]
[fungus - the black-spored mold Aspergillus niger van Tieghen, which, in its entire polymorphism and
phase-dependent pathology, is the tuberculosis germ. ] [Prof. Dr. Gunther Enderlein]
Stachybotrys atra
“Algae.” [Online] Retrieved http://www.britannica.com/bcom/eb/article/printable/9/0,5722,108639,00.html
These search terms have been highlighted:
dinoflagellate red tide toxic air world wide antibiotics