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“A Brain In The Gut.” NISE. [Online] Retrieved December 4, 2000.
(Note: Two brains are better than one, especially
if you're hungry)
“Bacteria with a silver lining.” BBC News. November 11, 1999 [Online] Retrieved Oct 14, 2000
Colburn, Alan. “Spontaneous Generation.”
[Online] Retrieved December 4, 2000
As the teachings of Kant fell from favor and the time of Darwin approached, the idea of
spontaneous generation began to fall from popular favor. The religious institutions of the mid 1800’s were
bothered by one of the consequences of spontaneous generation. Perhaps Redi put it best when he said "I
shall express my belief that the Earth, after having brought forth the first plants and animals at the
beginning by order of the Supreme and Omnipotent Creator, has never produced any kinds of plants or
animals, either perfect or imperfect; and everything which we know in past or present times that she has
produced, came solely from the true seeds of the plants and animals themselves, which thus, through means
of their own, preserve their species." Interpretations of spontaneous generation indicated that life could
appear without the hand of God, which prompted many scientists to study the doctrine.
Enter French scientist Louis Pasteur, the man credited by modern texts as ending the debate and
refuting the doctrine of spontaneous generation. By 1862 when he wrote his first memoirs concerning
spontaneous generation, Pasteur was already a popular and prominent scientist due to his discoveries of
bacterial fermentation and the process we now know as pasteurization.”
Davidson, Michael W. “Janssen's Microscope.”
(1998-2000.) [Online] Retrieved December 4, 2000
recognized as a complex, integrative brain in its own right.)
Gold, Thomas. "The Deep Hot Bioshpere,"
[Online] Retrieved 1999
Horchak , Doug. “How Did Life Begin?”
(2000.) [Online] Retrieved December 4, 2000
conflict with Darwin's theory of evolution. Darwin's celebrated tome On the Origin of Species, which had
been published just three years before Pasteur's experiments, sought to discredit the need for God to create
the species by showing how one species can transmute into another. But Darwin's account left open the
problem of how the first living thing came to exist" (1999, p. 83, emphasis in original).
“Private Papers of Nobel Scientist Joshua
Lederberg Added to "Profiles in Science" Web Site.”
that bacteria can in fact, reproduce through sexual recombination. Although Lederberg was "astonished" to
receive the prize, his diary entry for October 26, 1958, the day he heard he had won it, also records some of
his fears:
"On the whole I'm a little afraid the fuss and bother more than outweigh the egotistic satisfactions, the cash
and the prestige factors that might help in getting my lab going.")
Scheer, James F. “Acidophilus-Our Second
Immune System.” [Online] Retrieved December 3, 2000
medications, narcotics, nicotine and stressful living.)
(Dr. Shahani also said that there are more bacteria on and in a person at one time than there are people on
this earth. Fortunately, less than one percent of all known types of microorganisms are undesirable or
(This is due to L. acidophilus and other friendly bacteria that synthesize vitamin K and B
vitamins particularly biotin, folic acid and B12. Without vitamin K in the intestine—or adequate
supplementation—osteocalcin can't be properly formed. Osteocalcin permits calcium to be crystallized and
transported into bone tissue.)
(The various forms of acidophilus that raised the pH factor in the intestines were responsible, according to
Michael Wargovich, M.D., assistant professor of cell biology at the M.D. Anderson Tumor Institute in
Houston, who added that a low pH in the colon increases the risk of colon cancer.) Printed 2 pgs.
Christine A. “Plague in the Ancient World: A Study from Thucydides to Justinian.”
1995-1997 [Online] Retrieve
[This essay covers the Athenian plague of 430 BC to the Justinianic plague of 542 – this includes Sparta
and the Hellenistic period though only Sparta seems to be mentioned.]
Sobel, Rachel K. “The wisdom of the
gut.” April 3, 2000 [Online] Retrieved December 4, 2000
[For reasons that still mystify researchers today, the stunning results of this experiment went into
hibernation for nearly half a century and are only now receiving fresh validation. Indeed, no one in
medicine paid attention again until a fledgling neurobiologist began touting its clinical value in 1965. "The
idea that the gut can be operating its own nervous system was shocking," recalls Michael Gershon, now
chair of the department of anatomy and cell biology at Columbia University and author of The Second
Brain, a 1998 account of the acceptance of this scientific idea. Since the 1980s, Gershon's colleagues have
zealously embraced the notion of "the little brain in the gut," as it's affectionately known. "What Mother
Nature had done, rather than packing all of those neurons in the big brain in the skull and sending long lines
to the gut, is distribute the microcomputer, the little brain, right along with the gut," says Jackie Wood, a
neurobiologist at Ohio State University.]Printed 2 pgs.
(Note: Those butterflies in your stomach are not just in your mind)
Stegosaurus' Second Brain
had a second brain in its tail that was responsible for "hindquarters" thinking.
Tarpley, Webster. “Giammaria Ortes:
The Decadent Venetian Kook Who Originated The Myth of “Carrying Capacity”.”
(1994).[Online]. Retrieved October
15, 2000
“The Mc Donalds Trial.” June 19, 1997[Online]
Retrieved 1999
(that helps us digest food) can be stronger than pathogens. Details how fraigle e-coli bacteria is.
*Bacteria – Sexually Recombiant*
Windstosser, Karl. "Prof. Dr. Gunther
Enderlein Polymorphic Symbionts as Potential Cofactors in
[Note:Mori (1910) supported the idea of sexual recombination of bacteria, Enderlein extended this
about 1918, and Lederberg - Taumg - and Hayes won a Nobel Prize in 1958 for proving sexual
[fungus - the black-spored mold Aspergillus niger van Tieghen, which, in its entire polymorphism and
phase-dependent pathology, is the tuberculosis germ. ] [Prof. Dr. Gunther Enderlein]
Young, Robert M. “Darwin and the Genre
of Biography.” (1987). [Online] Retrieved November 23, 2000
Clark, Malthus, Engels, Gruber, Smith, Vorzimmer, Herbert, Schweber, Kohn, Paley, Beer, LeMahier,
Bowler, Ospovat, Mayr, Ghisehn, Young, Oldroyd, Evans, Lyell, Butler, Bacon, Churchill, Strachey,
Nightengale, Klein, Grosskuth, Moore, Lubbock, Avebury, Bannerman, Temple, Colp, Manuel, Kakar,
Taylor, Jardin, Ford, Freud, Michelangelo, VanGogh, Luther, MalcolmX, Proust, Kafka, Dickinson,
Ellmann, Freud, Darwin, West, Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Freud, Einstein, Godel, Wiener, Turing.
Printed 13 pg.(1809-1882))
“Your Immune System The rest of the
story.” Wellness Directory of Minnesota. [Online] Retrieved December 3,
some of thequotations of the great minds of our time. Here are some examples of that piece:
"Who in their right mind would ever need more than 640k of ram!?"Bill Gates, 1981
"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers."Thomas Watson, chairman
of IBM, 1943
"Louis Pasteur's theory of germs is ridiculous fiction."Pierre Pachet, Professor of
Physiology at Toulouse, 1872
Remember these? Well let me tell you a little bit about this last one. If the "germ theory of
medicine" were true, there would be no one alive to believe it. Our bodies all contain a little strep, staff, and
whatever germ that comes along. Even Pasteur, on his death bed, recanted his own theory stating, "It’s not
the seed, but the terrain." Top)
(The Immune System: A New Paradigm
The immune system is a circulating consciousness. I know this is hard for you to believe, but the
new paradigm states that the mind is not limited to residing in the skull.)
Printed 15 pgs.
“FAQs About Food Irradiation.”
& [Online] Retrieved October 14, 2000
Q. If food is not made radioactive, then why is it not safe?
A. When food is irradiated the radiation breaks up the molecular structure of the food and createsa whole
new set ofchemicals known as "unique radiolytic products" (URPs).These URPs include benzene,
formaldehyde and a host ofknown mutagens and carcinogens. Irradiation kills vitamins, friendly bacteria
and enzymes, effectively rendering the food "dead" and therefore useless to your body.In addition,some
of the friendly bacteria that is killedproduces odors indicating spoilage and some friendly bacteria
naturally control the growth of harmful bacteria.
Q. Is there a way to test to see if food has been irradiated?
A. Yes.Because the damage done to the food is detectable. link to testing company
Q. Does irradiation kill all of the deadly bacteria?
Usually not.It can leave still dangerous bacteria on the food,allowing people to still become sick.In
addition,studies have shown that irradiating microorganisms like E. coliand salmonella may give rise to
even more dangerous,radiation-resistant strains of bacteria.Radiation-resistant strains of bacteria have
been developed under laboratory conditions and scientists found that one particular bacteria can survive a
radiation dose five times what the FDA will allow for beef.Scientists exposed this bacteria to 10 and 15
kilograys of radiation for several hours,enough radiation to kill a person several thousand times over;the
bacteria survived.
Q. Have there been studies of the health consequences of food irradiation?
A. Yes, hundreds. However the FDA only sites 5 of those studies in their push to irradiate, and some of
those studies have since been proven flawed.Short term studies were done on children in India,and
blood tests showed chromosomal damage to the children after 6 weeks.Short term tests were done on dogs
using irradiated beef;the dogs ended up with enlarged spleens and swollen lymph nodes. Other studies,
including those done under contract for the U.S. Government indicate thepossibility of immunotoxicity,
kidney disease,cardiac thrombus,testicular damage and fibroplasia.
Q. Why does the FDA allow irradiation?
This is a very complicated issue. In the beginning, food irradiation was part of the "ATOMS FOR PEACE" program which looked for ways to get rid of nuclear waste. The main push was made by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Atomic Energy Commission. In addition, the Dept. of Energy (DOE) which wants to get rid of the radioactive waste Cesium 137,paid companies to take this waste. Those companies then lobbied congress so they could irradiate food. Cobalt 60 is currently the radioactive source for food irradiation,but the DOE hopes that with the proposed expansion of food irradiation,the Cobalt 60,which is in limited supply will run out,and Cesium 137 will again be used.Next you have some of the large meat processors (three corporations control 80% of the market) which instead of cleaning up their production system, would rather irradiate, as it is cheaper.The irradiation companies lobby the processors, the processors lobby congress and the FDA (which has on its board former and future executive employees of the food processingand nuclear companies). The FDA then also lobbies congress.In addition, with all of the news about E. coli and salmonella, our uninformed congressmen think they are"protecting" the food supply.In addition,the multi-national food processing companies stand to make billions by extending the shelf life of some foods.
The food safety issue is basically a guise.The real issues are the multi-national corporations making
billion$ more by extending shelf life of food,the million$ the processors would save by not having to
"clean up their acts",and our government wanting to "dump" radioactive waste.
Raining chemicals world wide. These three links (below the TT's) show that investing in America as a world wide bread basket would still leave those chemicals in the investing countries.
Those chemicals are traveling world wide and have showed up in the food chain (in measurable levels) for over ten years.
Reference the following keywords and see that when the air borne toxins of pfiesteria and red tides started affecting the east coast over 10 years ago, the answer was to support CHADD and mental diseases in an attempt to still get world wide control.Now we have Wacky Hut and Mondex in an attempt to cover this up.
** use these keywords to search with,
Pfiesteria, dinoflagellates, Aspergillus, Aspergillus fumigatus, Stachybotrys atra, Stachybotrys chartarum (atra), saprophytic, epizootic infections,Chytrid, A. sydowii, chytridiomycosis, Phytophthora cinnamomi, Candida albicans, Neuse - River, Red Tide, Great Lakes plankton, * Stachybotrys chartarum (atra) is capable of producing several toxins including macrocyclic trichothecenes (satratoxins H, G, F, roridin E, verrucarin J, and Trichoverrols A and B).
** Corporate Farms using Antibiotics as growth aids, Antibacterials used for cleaning,
** MSG sprayed plants as a growth aid
This world wide religion of economics could kill us!
Piper Creations (c)Dec 22, 2000
Dobson, Roger. "Anti-depressants get into water system."
May 7, 2000.[Online]Retrieved August 1, 2000.
[Europe, Germany, ]
[Scientists in Europe have discovered that increasing numbers of complex drugs - including heart medication, anti-depressants, anti-epileptics, anti-cancer chemicals, cholesterol-lowering medicines, sex hormones, antibiotics, hormone replacement, aspirin, vitamins and ibuprofen - are surviving the human digestive system, passing through sewage works and entering rivers and the sea.
Dr Thomas Ternes, of Germany's Institute for Water Research, carried out sampling at one sewage works outfall and found 36 different drugs, plus five other compounds that had been metabolised from them before they left the patient.
Scientists are blaming the drug pollution for some of the widespread and until now unexplained mass deaths of tiny aquatic organisms. Some drugs, especially anti-depressants, have also been found to alter sperm levels and spawning patterns in aquatic life. Musks and chemicals used in perfumes, and compounds from suntan lotion, have been found to have accumulated in fish.]
["Serotonin, for example, has been used to induce spawning in molluscs. Many anti-depressants which are ending up in rivers are designed to interfere with serotonin production in humans and may affect spawning," he said.]
Pearch, Fred and Debora Mackenzie. New Scientist 3 April 1999.
[Online] Retrieved 12 Apr. 1999 "It's raining pesticides."[Online] Retrieved
"a new study reveals that much of the precipitation in Europe contains such high levels of dissolved pesticides that it would be illegal to supply it as drinking water." Has Novartis' weedkiller Target and Monsanto's Glyphosate herbicide round-Up on it.
Raloff, Janet. "Marine epidemiology comes of age." Science News.
(Jan 30, 1999) .) [Online] Retrieved 02 March 1999
abstract: Sea Sickness.(pollution, algae blooms, and climate change affect coral reefs and other marine organisms)
Nor is bleaching the only threat to corals. Increasingly, Cervino points out, these colonies are also exhibiting infections, tumors, and "obscure" lesions. "We've been going to photos of corals from as far back as the 1930s," he says, and find no sign of many of these diseases.
Over the past 15 years, for instance, "there has been a very striking increase in the frequency and extent of harmful algal blooms," notes JoAnn M. Burkholder, an aquatic botanist at North Carolina State University in Raleigh.
HEED's data now link many of these blooms of poison-producing algae to pollution (SN: 9/27/97, p. 202) and a widespread warming of coastal and shallow waters.Moreover, Burkholder observes, HEED's data suggest that the ecological impacts of these blooms are more pervasive than most biologists had realized. Until recently, scientists typically investigated marine disease outbreaks as isolated incidents. The idea that some might be linked struck Epstein when he began ruminating about a host of events in 1987.
Also reference Second Brain
Leavenworth, Stuart. "Coastal playground turned killing ground."
(March 7, 1996) [Online] Retrieved 02 March 1999
About the 1995 spill The News and Observer.
HogLagoons "Other coastal regions - from Hong Kong to Venice to the Chesapake Bay – Have suffered from similar problems.Maryland and Virginia are spending millions on a campaign to clean up the Chesapeake, and in Florida, state and federal regulators are trying to control fertilizer runoff nto the Everglades National Park." "But Paerl, the UNC marine scientist, noted that overfertilized waters can breed many kinds of toxic algae and bacteria."
Greenwald, John. Hogging The Table. Time Magazine.
(18 March 1996.) [Online] Retrieved 02 March 1999
< >
Colorado farmers Galen Travis and Jim Dobler have seen the future, and it stinks. Just upwind of their grain fields, a company called Midwest Farms, owned by hog entrepreneur Ronald Houser, plans to build an $80 million facility that will raise 450,000 hogs a year. From Colorado to the Carolinas, enterprising growers like Houser and agribusiness giants such as Cargill and Continental Grain are building such livestock factories to mass-produce hogs for packers like Hormel Foods and John Morrell. "rain-swollen lagoon spilled 22 million gal. Of hog feces and urine over the countryside."
“Private Papers of Nobel Scientist Joshua
Lederberg Added to "Profiles in Science" Web Site.”
that bacteria can in fact, reproduce through sexual recombination. Although Lederberg was "astonished" to
receive the prize, his diary entry for October 26, 1958, the day he heard he had won it, also records some of
his fears:
"On the whole I'm a little afraid the fuss and bother more than outweigh the egotistic satisfactions, the cash
and the prestige factors that might help in getting my lab going.")
*Bacteria – Sexually Recombiant*
Windstosser, Karl. "Prof. Dr. Gunther
Enderlein Polymorphic Symbionts as Potential Cofactors in
[Note:Mori (1910) supported the idea of sexual recombination of bacteria, Enderlein extended this
about 1918, and Lederberg - Taumg - and Hayes won a Nobel Prize in 1958 for proving sexual
[fungus - the black-spored mold Aspergillus niger van Tieghen, which, in its entire polymorphism and
phase-dependent pathology, is the tuberculosis germ. ] [Prof. Dr. Gunther Enderlein]
Fluoride: The Silent Killer.” (January 17, 1999) [Online] Referenced October 2, 2000
Dr Dane Roubos, B.Sc., D.C., D.A.B.C.I., “THE MARGARINE HOAX --Margarine, Fatty Acids and Your Health--.” [Online] Retrieved December 24, 2000
“Oiling America.” [Online] Referenced April 10, 2000
[One Part with references – 101k]
“Oiling America.” [Online] Referenced October 2, 2000
[2 parts – 46k and 62k]
“Oiling America.” [Online] Referenced December 24, 2000
[4 parts – 61k, ?,?,?]
Copyright © 1999 Mary G. Enig, PhD and Sally Fallon. First Published in Nexus Magazine, December 1998-January 1999 and February 1999-March 1999.
has some extremely good articles about fats. Top
and the myelin sheath
speculate on the actual or potential effects of ELF and RF/MW radiation
such as microwaves, wireless cell phones and
There seems to be studies that show these things to be detrimental to the
neurological system causing accelerated aging
cell death and cancer), moods,
suicide, anger, rage and violence. I do not have an opinion on microwaves
but these studies
to show something could be happening to people that have enough money,
need, and / or the
to use cell phones.
would seem that these people could also be knowledgeable enough to be health
conscious, if
are health conscious and use Canola Oil which is a known to cause neurological
problems - it strips the myelin sheath off of the
axon. Brain cells are known as axons, and stripping the myelin
off of them causes them to short circuit as well as the potential of other
problems. Other items
can cause problems or cancer are MSG, Bovine Growth Hormone, food colorings
and sugar. Top
Erasmus "Fats that Heal and Fats that Kill"
first publication of his book in 1986 under the title Fats and Oils, Udo
Erasmus has become an
recognized authority on the subject of fats and oils. His academic credentials
years of post graduate studies in genetics and biochemistry and a PHD in
Udo, Erasmus. “Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill.” Petaluuma,
Calif.:Spectrum Naturals, 1987.
Health Effects OfCanola Oil - None
Dare Call It Rape
Don Harkins for the SPOTLIGHT
the Idaho Observer 5-99
is a name that recently appeared in the marketplace and is apparently derived
oil is actually produced from the rape seed plant.Rape
(Brassica napus), a member
the mustard family, is listed in the Encyclopedia Britannica as a poisonous
plant with toxic effects which
pulmonary emphysema, respiratory distress, anemia, constipation, irritability
and blindness in
to John Thomas, author of Young Again: How to Reverse the Aging Process,
The name
disguised the introduction of rape oil to
of Canola Oil, Canola Oil is an Industrial Oil, Not Fit For Human Consumption.
Oil - Is It Safe?Evidence Points
To BIG Trouble
by Darleen BradleyFrom Hilary A.
Thomas <>
Watch – Animal Feed and Genetic Engineering
industry has been hit both by the crisis in British livestock farming and
the continuing scrutiny of the BSE Inquiry.
*Bacteria-sexually recombiant*
Windstosser, Karl. "Prof. Dr. Gunther Enderlein Polymorphic Symbionts as Potential Cofactors in
Cancer Processes." (1997) [Online] Retrieved January 31, 2000
[ ]
[Note:Mori (1910) supported the idea of sexual recombination of bacteria, Enderlein extended this about
1918, and Lederberg - Taumg - and Hayes won a Nobel Prize in 1958 for proving sexual recombination.]
[fungus - the black-spored mold Aspergillus niger van Tieghen, which, in its entire polymorphism and
phase-dependent pathology, is the tuberculosis germ. ] [Prof. Dr. Gunther Enderlein(1872-1968)]
[Fichera, Citelli, Fonti, Guarnieri, Enderlein, Cohn, Koch, Lederberg, Taumg, Hayes, Pirquet, Ponndorf,
Spengler, Friedmann,
Green peace has waged a battle against PVC toys since 1997 [See "Toxic Toys," Watershed Sentinel, Oct/Nov. 1997] and several European countries took action against the additives last year.
Concentrations in Juvenile Alligators from Contaminated and Control
Lakes in Florida". Environmental Health Perspectives 102(8):680-688.
*Guillette LJ, et al. (1996). "Reduction in Penis Size and Plasma Testosterone
Concentrations in Juvenile Alligators Living in a Contaminated Environment".
General and Comparative Endocrinology 101:32-42.
“Male fish turning female.” Guardian staff and agencies. (Thursday September 7, 2000) [Online} Retrieved 04 Jan 2001,3604,365393,00.html
Helen Briggs (Wednesday, 6 September, 2000, UK 2000, 16:11 GMT 17:11 UK) By BBC News Online's
“Call for more studies of gender-bending chemicals.” (UK: October 21, 1999) REUTERS NEWS SERVICE
Spears, Tom. “Alert on 'gender-bender' chemicals.” (Wednesday 18 November 1998) The Ottawa Citizen
More Chemicals:
In August the Washington State Department of Ecology announced that it plans to eliminate releases of persistent bioaccumulative toxic chemicals to the environment. Examples include dioxins, furans, some pesticides, and heavy metals like cadmium.
* Washington Toxics Coalition August 1998
Does Your Shampoo APE Hormones?
Alkylphenol ethoxylates (APEs) are chemicals found in many industrial and consumer products. Most often they are used as surfactants (surface active agents, better known as detergents), in everything from hair dyes to pesticides. Some are also used in contraceptive products.
Surfactants are synthetic chemicals which can cut through grease. They are the key ingredient in almost all water-based cleaners. Surfactants are usually fairly large molecules; the water-soluble end of an APE is called the ethoxylate chain. The oil-soluble end is called the alkyl chain and is made up of a string of carbon atoms. If there are nine carbons, the structure is called nonyl, and the compound is a nonylphenol ethoxylate (NPE).