Governmental Philosophies
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Piper Creations Adaptable Governmental
Philosophies Attempting to show the differences between democracy and communism can
be a thankless task, because some readers get emotional when democracy and
communism are referred to. The
attempt to define the difference in an essay requires the conversion of
abstract visual concepts to written words.
Another problem with the conversion is that the reader’s potential
philosophy may lead them to a different definition than what the author has
intended. Our abstract philosophical
concepts are based on what we perceive to be reality and how we fit into that
reality. A potential definition could
be how adaptable is the governmental philosophy, is it capable of handling
where this future could lead, because the people have studied the past, in
the light of the present? The first step of the task
could be developing a viewpoint that does not directly refer to either
democracy or communism. By defining
philosophy, the author can take the stigma off democracy or communism and
place it on the concept of philosophy.
After the reader sees that, the concept of philosophy is the
priority. How personal worth is
defined; is an essential difference in the foundations of democracy and
communism and may be put into words with this phrase “Survival of the
Fittest”. Many questions are being
asked because “Survival of the Fittest” is still an abstract concept. Did man evolve from primates? Is
there a gene for intelligence? Is there a superior, super healthy
human? These questions seem to plague us, to the extent that they have
taken on the mythical qualities of a deity needing worship. To understand
how these ideas could have such a hold requires that we take a peak back
behind the pedestal they are being placed on, which is a pedestal composed of
“The Philosophy of Knowledge”. This
may seem like a strange term considering what the definition of philosophy
is, philosophy \Phi*los"o*phy\, n.; pl.
Philosophies. [OE. philosophie, F. philosophie, L. philosophia, from Gr. ?.
See Philosopher.] 1. Literally, the love of, including the search after,
wisdom; in actual usage, the knowledge of phenomena as explained by, and
resolved into, causes and reasons, powers and laws. Note: When applied to any particular
department of knowledge, philosophy denotes the general laws or principles
under which all the subordinate phenomena or facts relating to that subject
are comprehended. Thus philosophy, when applied to God and the divine
government, is called theology; when applied to material objects, it is
called physics; when it treats of man, it is called anthropology and
psychology, with which are connected logic and ethics; when it treats of the necessary
conceptions and relations by which philosophy is possible, it is called
metaphysics. From Dictionary com Many readers base their knowledge on abstract philosophical causes, and until the author defines philosophy, the readers can be stuck in their personal database of accumulated knowledge instead of realizing that the concept of philosophy is what is being referred to. Now that the concept has been defined in written words, the author can refer to philosophy and have a common viewpoint with the reader. To convert the abstract concept of philosophy to a written word the author should give some type of visual reference. For philosophy, this reference can be the thought of a library of many different subjects. The reader’s accumulated knowledge of these different subjects allows them to define their philosophical viewpoint. When the author attempts control by requiring the reader to accept philosophy, or propaganda without all the facts, this can be referred to as dictatorship or monopoly. When converting the abstract concepts to words the potential philosophy of the reader may have been controlled by limiting or slanting their education, so a common point of view is imperative. One type of common control is through sex. The female traditionally works from a base line of honor and the male through sportsmanship. This can be seen in how they deal with their young, since the female fights for the young and the male fights to have young. In fighting for the young, the female has to be able to teach the young how to stay alive and fed in a changing world. The male traditionally deals with other adults in defending their right to have young. This means that the female does not always have set rules to go by and since you need rules and laws to have sportsmanship, males are sometimes left out in the cold. Taking these basic concepts and adding homosexuals or hermaphrodites (that menstruate and have a penis, even if a small one) can lead humans to question how they fit in. Our abstract philosophical concepts are based on what we perceive to be reality and how we fit into that reality. The philosophy of communism seems to be based on concepts of sex or “survival of the fittest”. This philosophy takes many ideas out of context and can create major problems, because if you advocate an idea of "Survival of the fittest" then humans are at the bottom of the heap, way below bacteria and fungus. At the time the iron curtain went up in 1961, the prevailing belief of communism is that humans were in complete control of their environment. This is erroneous since humans depend on other living microorganisms to live. These microorganisms are involved in everything from out digestion to defining our DNA and they are constantly evolving. The word common also means below average, and communism supports leadership by the common man, where as democracy has been a constantly evolving philosophy by supporting leadership by voting on people that are able to rise above the common or base ideas and is capable of being above average in that the leader is not prejudicial to new ideas. An adaptable government was conceived as a philosophy that would allow new ideas (from all people) to be entertained. Originally having a loose set of rules, and only those laws that were required, democracy has become a straightjacket that stifles new knowledge, if that knowledge is not politically correct. Survival for humans has been adapting to our environment and it looks as if both democracy and communism have been so intent in defining themselves and setting out laws (party lines and what is politically correct) that they have forgotten that they are suppose to be adaptable philosophies, and as adaptable philosophies they should not have absolute definitions. The basic difference between democracy and communism is that democracy has been able to adapt to changing conditions because people are usually able to “agree to disagree” and live with different philosophies, where communism has to go to five year plans. |
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All Rights Reserved. Including the background .gif
where this future could lead, because they have studied the past, in the light
of the present?
legitimizing Psychology as an science/disciple separate from Philosophy that he neglected
to remember what Philosophy is.
It seems as if
the author has to respect the reader’s philosophy of life if they want to
reader to understand how democracy and communism are being defined, since both
democracy and communism deal with people and have some common foundations in
philosophies developed centuries ago.
The philosophy of “Survival of the Fittest” is the prevailing theme of
communism, yet by the definition of philosophy this idea is no longer valid,
since bacteria and fungus would be the ones that survive. Humans are making themselves so fit that
could think that Marx and Hitler's ideas of racial purification had a
foundation. Marx and Hitler were
frauds, and I would not be surprised if asked about spontaneous germination,
that they would have believed in it.
Sea Sickness.(pollution, algae blooms,
and climate change affect coral reefs and other marine organisms)
Author/s: Janet Raloff
link is at
was first used by the Germans on the night of 12-13 July 1917 near Ypres in
I am not an environmentalist, just someone that
believes that mycotoxins and other items used in one place can migrate. Many of these items have to go through a
simple CNS before they can attack the human CNS and by the time we wake up to
the fact that they could be evolving beyond our capability to handle them - we
could have wiped out many of the simple CNS organisms (like frogs) so that they
do come looking for us, to live.
oil is a bacteria byproduct, we already keep memories on inorganic storage
(computers), the brain is 60% to 70%
(an energy matrix, intelligence matrix) so what other energy matrixes have
Thomas Gold -- "The Deep Hot Bioshpere,"
One Heretic Predicts More Oil
to Be Drilled in the Ground
By Kevin Newman --
March 16–_Thomas
reach to the light, even without a group intelligence. Could bacteria and fungi think that we are
the only way to survive, and by the time we realize we will be gone and
cytobacteria will start over.
rewire some of the connections to the eyes, ears and other senses. What is intelligence, but our associations and
connections between the different energy sources that we are exposed to, and it
seems that we may have to become savage to live in the world that is
evolving. Keep the higher brain? I doubt that we would have enough
for it. Snails here we come.
(1) The definition of Philosophy at*&term=philosophy
by 1929 five southern states had
passed laws prohibiting the teaching of evolution in the public
“Religious Fundamentalism or Evolutionism.”
Confucius:Socrates without
Pre-Socratics –
The Analects of Confucius –
Confucius (551-479 BC) --
Taught his
people to bury their dead.
Columbus (Italian)
46 AD – two-thirds of
the population of Mongolia hit by the epidemic.
[#1Black Death] – from the
History Magazine article by Ron Wild]
compared it to the days of the Great Flood",
"The opening days of the fourteenth century are referred to as the 'Little
Ice Age'." There was crop failure, famine, and death. This esculated into
the time of the
???? Black Death - leaves France with a population of 2000.
1347-1349 Black Death
Cycles of the plagues struck every 12 to 15 years
1626-1678 Francesco Redi - 1668
1665 The Great Plague of London - year of Fermat's death - seems to be the last
English breakout. Refer to other food problems.
1601 - 1665 Pierre de Fermat called "The Prince
of Amateurs" since mathematics was his avocation, but being a Civil Lawyer
was his vocation.
Timelines of Events in Science, Mathematics, and
Technology --
1729 Jonathan Swift “A Modest Proposal” [a refute
to Ortes?]
[1789-1793] French Revolution – were there any plagues at this time?
This have NOT been checked out yet, they are put
here for keywords.
1822-1911 Francis Galton [cousin of Charles Darwin]
[1846-1851 The Irish Potato Famine, which seems to have some of the same
strange weather characteristics before Fungus took over the potato crop.]
1846-1851 Irish Potato Famine
1856-1939 Sigmund Freud (believes that everything is
based in sex)
1878-1958 John B. Watson (is sex control)
1894-1956 Alfred Kinsey (obsessed with control
through sex)
Revival of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920’s.
by 1929 five southern states had
passed laws prohibiting the teaching of evolution in the public
“Religious Fundamentalism or Evolutionism.”
1601 - 1665 Pierre de Fermat called "The Prince of Amateurs" since
mathematics was his avocation, but being a Cival Lawyer was his vocation.
A.D. 641 Final destruction of the library at Alexandria The library at
Alexandria was one of the largest and oldest collections of manuscripts from
the ancient world was lost. (2)
AD 868 First Printed Book - China Diamond Sutra
11th century Movable Type – China
Great Plague
Giammaqria Ortes (Italian)
Rev Robert Malthus (French)
Louis Pasteur (French)
Irish Potato Famine
Sigmund Freud
Francesco (1626-1678) -- from Eric Weisstein's Treasure
Redi, Francesco (1626-1678), ... prove the impossibility of spontaneous
generation, and
debunking of the theory would have to await Spallanzani and Pasteur. ...
- 11k
Fifteenth St. N.W., Suite 1100
D.C. 20005
(202) 488-7000
Fax: (202)
and Our Culture May 1999
encouraged by the homosexual victory and armed with Kinsey’s
reports legitimizing child-sex
and adult-child sex, are engaged in a protracted
battle to lower the age-of-
consent laws. "Sex before eight or it’s too late," is the
motto of the René Guyon Society.
The British Pedophile Information Exchange
(P.I.E.) advocates that it be
reduced to age four.35
sex," or pedophilia, as "cowardly" and a "substitute"
practice for
"impotent" people. However, "a nationally recognized expert on
offenders. . . stated that
pedophilia. . . may be a sexual orientation rather than a
sexual deviation. [This] raised
the question as to whether pedophiles may have
rights."36 Spokesmen for the North American Man-Boy Love
Association (NAMBLA)
have quoted Kinsey extensively
in arguing for the right to have sex with
underage boys. If pedophilia is
no longer classified as a mental disorder and the
age-of-consent laws are lowered,
how will we protect our children?
for "children’s
rights": the right to privacy, the right to association, the right to
family planning services. . .
What about the child’s right to grow up without being
exploited? How can a four-
year-old child possibly enter into a consensual
relationship with an adult or
even another child? As a society, we have already
determined that children are not
ready to be drafted, allowed to smoke, drink or
even to run for President of the
United States. Sex is no different.
(1) “Literally, the love of, including the search after, wisdom; in actual
usage, the knowledge of phenomena as explained by, and resolved into, causes
and reasons, powers and laws.” From
Dictionary com