- you can't wash pesticides off fruit and veggies as they are systemic...
- MSG is Back in Baby Food -
Sprayed Right on Crops as They Grow
- This is a extensive site that has many good pages.
"11. Processed free glutamic acid has access to the brain through the blood-brain barrier, which is not impervious to the unregulated flow of processed free glutamic acid. The blood-brain barrier is immature at birth and continues to develop up to puberty. In certain areas called the circumventricular organs, the blood barrier is never impervious to the
unregulated flow of free glutamic acid. In addition, the blood-brain barrier is easily damaged by such events as high fever, a blow to the head, drug use, stroke, ingestion of processed free glutamic acid, and the normal process of aging."
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ThePiedPiper mailto:piper@hot1.net