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- [added]
- [added]
- Chlorinated tap water linked to birth defects
By Jacqui Thornton Health Correspondent and Martyn Halle
Electronic Telegraph, ISSUE 1731
Sunday 20 February 2000
- "A Norwegian study of 141,000 births over three years found a 14
per cent increased risk of birth defects in areas with
chlorinated water. Scientists have already found an association
between chlorine and an increased risk of bowel, kidney and
bladder cancer, but it is the first time that a link has been
found with higher levels of spina bifida." ...
"Chlorine is in the same chemical group as fluoride, which has
been linked with cancer and osteoporosis. There is also a
connection between fluoride and increased blood pressure and an
increase in problems with the thyroid gland. John Fawell, a
leading specialist on water quality, and an independent
industry consultant, said the British Government and water
companies were taking the danger of birth defects seriously. He
said: "The people who have done this work in Norway and the
United States are reputable researchers and the Government and
water companies have commissioned their own research from
London University."
[added 2March2000]
- Parents told to sue for school drinking water
6 February 2000:
- [added 2March2000]
- Water firms seek legal protection under plans for
mass fluoridation
17 January 1999:
o=99999999&pg=/et/99/1/17/ndent17.html [added 2March2000]
- Toothpaste set to carry fluoride poison warning
By Linda Jackson
- "HEALTH warnings could be placed on tubes of fluoride toothpaste
sold in Britain after the issue of a United States alert on the dangers of
swallowing the chemical. At least one supermarket chain is considering changes after the Washington-based Food and Drug Administration set out a stringent new labelling requirement. Fluoride toothpaste sold in the US will now carry the warning: "If you accidentally swallow more than used for brushing, seek professional help or contact a poison-control centre
[added 2March2000]
- New Zealand approves GM cows
..."7. It is also my observation that there is not general recognition of the safety of genetically engineered foods among those members of the
scientific community qualified to make such a judgment. In fact, it has
been my personal experience over numerous years that many of those experts
who publicly subscribe to the position that these foods are as safe as
their natural counterparts privately admit they have serious doubts. For
instance, when I attended a conference on biotechnology in Annapolis,
Maryland in 1988, at which many officials from federal regulatory agencies
(including the FDA) were present, I was shocked to learn the extent of
uncertainty. In informal discussions at meals and on walks, government
scientist after scientist acknowledged there was no way to assure the
safety of genetically engineered foods. Several expressed the idea that, in order to take this important step of progress, society was going to have to bear an unavoidable measure of risk."...
- ..."Executed on: May 28, 1999
Philip Regal, Ph.D.
- "On May 27, 1998, the Alliance for Bio-Integrity led an unprecedented
coalition of scientists, health professionals, religious leaders, and
consumers in filing a lawsuit against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) to obtain mandatory safety testing and labeling of all genetically
engineered foods. The suit alleges that current FDA policy, which permits
such altered foods to be marketed without testing and labels, violates the
agency's statutory mandate to protect public health and provide consumers
with relevant information about the foods they eat. It also charges that
the policy violates religious freedom."...
- Lawsuit Uncovers Disagreement Within FDA Over Safety of Biotech Foods
Agency Contradicted Own Experts in Approving Genetically Engineered Foods
Misrepresented Facts in Order to Promote U.S. Biotech Industry
Statement by Steven M. Druker, JD, executive director of the Alliance for
Bio-Integrity, coordinator of the lawsuit against the FDA to obtain
mandatory safety testing and labeling of genetically engineered foods, and
an attorney on the case (in collaboration with the legal department of the
Center for Food Safety in Washington, D.C.)
Prying Out the Facts Through Litigation
For more information contact: Steven Druker (515) 472-5554.
- Wednesday December 1, 12:01 AM
Could one genetically modified fish invade a species and destroy it?
By Matt Walker
"A SINGLE genetically modified fish could turn Darwinian evolution upside
down and wipe out local populations of the species if released into the
wild, biologists warn. They add that other organisms could face the same risk from transgenic relatives."...
Source: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (vol 96, p 13
(From New Scientist, 4/12/99)
- Copyright © 1999 Nando Media
Copyright © 1999 Christian Science Monitor Service
- "...(December 2, 1999 10:24 a.m. EST - In the journal Nature, researchers are raising warnings about genetically
engineered corn that makes its own pesticide, giving new perspective to
concerns about a development meant to reduce the need for
chemical pesticides."...
New Zealand's Consumers for Education about Genetic Engineering has
prepared this helpful guide to genetic engineering.
Joseph Rotblat, the British physicist who won a 1995 Nobel Prize says: "My worry is that other advances in science may result in other means of mass destruction, maybe more readily available even than nuclear weapons. Genetic engineering is quite a possible area, because of these dreadful developments that are taking place there." For more information contact: Consumers for Education About Genetic Engineering {{ }}
Fox Suit against BHG
EARTH ACTION The Bulletin for Environmental Activists
Alaska Rainforest Campaign's Help Protect Tongass Wildlands Alert at
Right Livelihood Award Administrative Office
P.O. Box 15072
S-104 65 Stockholm
Tel: +46 (0) 8 702 03 40
Fax: +46 (0) 8 702 03 38
Food First/The Institute for Food and Development Policy
398 60th Street
Oakland, CA 94618
Phone: (510) 654-4400
Fax: (510) 654-4551
<>For more information or to order Jane's Chem-Bio Handbook
($15 per copy for orders of 30 or more) or Jane's US
Chemical-Biological Defense Guidebook ($895 hardcopy, $1075
CD-ROM), call 800-824-0768, or visit Jane's on the Internet at
* To find the names of your community's polluters just go to and enter your zip code.*
This material came from the Institute for Global Communications (IGC), a non-profit, unionized, politically progressive Internet services provider.*
The full report - "Clean the Rain, Clean the Lakes: Mercury in Rain Is Polluting The Great Lakes" - is available on line at:*
Organic Valley - distributing nationally, certified organic dairy, eggs, meats and vegetables.
Reuters Health Information
NEW YORK, Jun 18 (Reuters Health)
"Perfume triggers reaction via the eyes"
Environmental Health Network and Fragranced Products Information Network
Another such exitatory chemical to keep away from that causes bad
neurological trouble in conjunction with Aspartame is MSG or monosodium
glutamate. MSG
info or MS G Free, the hidden sources
Just want to make sure everyone has this for their files - it about
covers it all, including perfumes, and i don't see how any school or
work personnel can argue with the source.
Get a list of bad bills and special interest legislation from the
League of Conservation Voters, the League of Women Voters, the Sierra
Club, Audubon, the Wilderness Society and the other national groups
with a presence in your state. Most likely they will know what will be
coming up for a vote. Find out how a bill works its way through the
legislature and where bad bills are in the process. Learn how your
representative intends to vote on pending bills and publicize this
Make a list of all city, county, state, and federal officials and
agency staff who have responsibility for the environment: DEQ, Army
Corps of Engineers, city, county and state planning and land-use
departments, State and Federal Fish and Wildlife agencies. Include a
one or two sentence description of the responsibilities of each, along
with a contact name, title, address, fax, phone, and E-mail. Call it
the Citizens' Action List. Then when citizens want to inquire about a
potential problem, they will have a way to do it. No matter what
issues arise, there will be a guide in hand that shows people exactly
where to inquire, who is responsible, and who to contact.
Corporate Watch Homepage FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 23, 1999
Groups Expose More United Nations Affiliations with Corporate Predators
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 23, 1999 Groups Expose More United Nations Affiliations with Corporate Predators
- One of the quotes from this large site
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."
Thomas Edison
- The Gateway To Health A intresting page on this site is "Ecology and health"
- Enviromental Working Group
choose your foods you are usually buying , and you will get the list of pesticides that you are eating, and what kind of health problems those
pesticides are connected to.
- Superior Wilderness Action Network (SWAN)
" The IUCN-World Conservation Union reported (10/96) that 1/4 of the world's species of mammals are threatened with extinction and about half of those may be gone in as little as a decade. They also reported (4/98) that up to 29% of the known plant species in the U.S. and at least one out of every eight known plant species worldwide is now threatened with extinction or nearly extinct. The main factor threatening species survival is fragmentation and degradation of habitat by humans. "
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