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1)What's Hiding In GW's Cabinet?

2) GW Bush: "It Would Be Easier If I Was Dictator"

What's Hiding In GW's Cabinet?

by Robert Lederman

"I'm very good at delegating authority...I'll surround myself

with the best minds in America". Exactly who are these, best

minds in America, and where is GW Bush getting them from?

There is a common thread connecting all of Bush's appointees

so far-pharmaceuticals, oil, Wall Street and the historical

connection between the CIA, major US corporations and Nazi

Germany. If you've studied the Bush family history in any

depth you won't find many surprises among his nominations. 

Paul O'Neill, the Bush nominee for Treasury Secretary, is the

chairman of Alcoa Aluminum, one of the nation's largest toxic

polluters. O'Neill owns 1.6 million shares of Alcoa, worth more

than $50 million. During WWII Alcoa negotiated a deal with

the Nazis and IG Farben to supply Germany's war machine

rather than the US military with aluminum. "If America loses

this war," said then Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes on

June 26, 1941, "it can thank the Aluminum Corporation of

America [ALCOA]." 

Alcoa is the producer of hundreds of millions of tons of

fluoride. This highly toxic byproduct of aluminum has been

scientifically linked in thousands of medical studies conducted

since the 19th century to cancer and other degenerative

diseases. In the 1950's Alcoa arranged to have it profitably

added to our nation's drinking water rather than disposed of as

toxic waste. During WWII the Nazis discovered that by adding

fluoride to the drinking water in concentration camps they

could make prisoners far more submissive to authority. .

Melquiades R. Martinez, designated Secretary for Housing and

Urban Development, is a Cuban refugee who established his

political reputation by preventing new housing from being built

in conservative Orange Co. Florida-claiming it was a quality of

life violation. As chair of Orange County, Martinez eliminated

the department of community affairs, a civil rights agency that

was set up to give poor people a voice in local government. It

is probable that Martinez received CIA indoctrination after he

arrived in the US at age 15 as part of a government airlift

program of children whose parents did not want them to grow

up under the Castro regime. 

NJ Governor Christie Whitman is the Bush designee for the

Environmental Protection Agency. Her massively polluted

state hosts some of the world's largest oil refineries and

chemical manufacturing plants. Environmental non-expert

Whitman has said she doubts that the giant ozone hole over the

North Pole or global warming are actually serious problems. 

Donald L. Evans, the nominee for Commerce Secretary, is an

insider in the Texas "oil mafia" and is GW's closest friend and

confidant. He's also a close friend, confidant and contributor to

one of America's biggest recipients of government contacts,

Halliburton's Dick Cheney.

Rev. Floyd Flake, Dubya's nominee for Secretary of Education,

was the only prominent African American leader in NYC to

endorse Bush pal Rudy Giuliani, the racist NYC Mayor who

has executed a seven year long campaign of violence,

harassment and false arrest aimed at African Americans.

Giuliani's most memorable quote on education was a proposal

to blow up the entire NYC Board of Education. 

Last year, to his everlasting credit, Flake publicly denounced

Giuliani as a mental case. Like numerous GW Bush aides and

advisors, Rev. Flake is part of the CIA's Manhattan Institute

which masterminded Giuliani's entire social eugenics agenda.

Among the areas Flake is likely to focus on for Bush is turning

public education over to religious institutions and corporations.

Ann M. Veneman, Bush's appointee for secretary of

agriculture, was deputy secretary for agriculture under

President George Bush. She is known as an advocate for letting

corporations exploit public land and for widespread

distribution of foods containing genetically-altered animal

genes, viruses, self-contained insecticides and bacteria. Bush

has said he wants to open up Federal reserves, national forests

and other pristine areas of public land to oil drilling, mining

and road construction. Under Bush stewardship, we could see

corporations running frankenfood farms in Yosemite or drilling

for oil in the Grand Canyon.

John Ashcroft, GW's choice for Attorney General, is a

self-styled moral crusader as strongly against abortion as he is

enthusiastic about the death penalty. He lost his Senate seat in

the 2000 election to an opponent who died during the

campaign. Last year, Ashcroft received an honorary degree

from Bob Jones University and is closely aligned with the

Christian Coalition and Pat Robertson. Ashcroft is also an

outspoken fan of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. He

is known among lobbyists as an advocate for drug companies

and the automotive industry and for preventing consumers

from suing HMO's.

Mitchell E. Daniels Jr., nominated as director of the Office of

Management and Budget was senior executive of the Eli Lilly

drug company-which Bush's father headed from 1977-79.

Daniels was also previously the president of the

arch-conservative think tank Hudson Institute. Daniels, who

advocates strict enforcement oflaws against casual drug users,

was arrested for marijuana possession in 1970. 

Secretary of State designee Colin Powell is a lifelong operative

of the CIA/military-industrial complex. While working for the

Pentagon he helped cover up the Mai Lai massacre, the

contra/arms deal and Gulf War Syndrome. Powell's fame

derives from presiding over a war in which US troops were

used as guinea pigs for experimental vaccines so that they

could "safely" fight George Bush's friend Sadamn

Hussein-who had been given the go ahead to attack Kuwait

after being supplied with chemical and biological weapons by

the Bush administration. Like many of GW's appointees of

color, Powell proudly admits he owes his career in large part to

affirmative action while joining an administration that

considers ending affirmative action one of its topmost


Condolezza Rice, Bush's National Security advisor was

formerly a security advisor under President George Bush and

an aide to Colin Powell. She has the job of explaining the basic

elements of foreign policy to GW, about which Bush admits to

knowing almost nothing. A large part of her career was

involved in administering the CIA's foreign policy objectives.

She serves on the board of Chevron Oil-known as one of the

African continents most violent human rights abusers. A

grateful Chevron recently named an oil tanker after her.

The emerging profile of the Bush administration-moderately

conservative and multi-racial-is a facade. To see their real

agenda one has to examine the administration's ideological

source-the Manhattan Institute. GW may cultivate the image of

a plain-talkin' good ole boy who prefers barbecuing to making

policy, but virtually every idea presented as central to his

agenda comes from this elite east coast institution. 

A little background

MI (The Manhattan Institute) was started in 1978 by William

Casey, one of the top intelligence operatives in US history.

During WWII Casey worked with OSS chief William Donavan

and Allen Dulles to bring top level Nazi officials to the US

where they were recruited into the newly-formed CIA, the

military, government-connected medical research institutions

and the media. The stated rational for importing Hitler's top

intelligence operatives, social scientists and propagandists to

the US was that they would be employed in fighting

Communism-exactly what Hitler claimed he used them for. In

reality they were brought here to help establish fascism in

America-a goal which they are increasingly succeeding at.

Before WWII started Dulles was involved with GW's

grandfather Prescott Bush on Wall Street where, along with

George Herbert Walker (Prescott Bush's father-in-law) they

operated banks and shipping companies that were later

declared by the US Congress to be fronts for the Nazis. In 1942

shortly after the US entered WWII the assets of these Wall

Street companies were seized by the US government under the

Trading With The Enemy Act. 

Dulles was the legal counsel for both Standard Oil and for Nazi

Germany's I.G. Farben-one of the world's largest industrial

powerhouses-which was co-owned by the Rockefeller

family-the main funders of the Manhattan Institute.

The US ambassador to Germany at the time had this to say

about The Rockefellers, the Bush's, the Mellons (owners of

Alcoa) and the other wealthy Americans who were backing

Hitler and promotingEugenics, or scientific racism:

"A clique of U.S. industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist

state to supplant our democratic government and is working

closely with the fascist regime in Germany. I have had plenty

of opportunity in Berlin to witness how close some of our

American ruling families are to the Nazi regime. . .They

extended aid to help Fascism occupy the seat of power, and

they are helping to keep it there." - William Dodd, U.S.

Ambassador to Germany, 1937.-Facts and Fascism, G Seldes,

p. 122Also, Trading with the Enemy, Charles Higham, p.167 

When IG Farben was broken up after Germany lost the war its

parts became the top pharmaceutical companies in the world-

BASF, Hoechst, Bayer AG, Agfa-Gevaert and Cassella AG.

Today these companies, along with Pfizer and Eli Lilly-which

former President George Bush headed from 1977-1979-are the

largest manufacturers of prescription and over the counter

drugs sold in the U.S.Both the Pfizer and Eli Lilly drug

companies are sponsors of MI.

These oil, pharmaceutical and Wall Street investment banking

elites are the foundations of the Rockefeller and Bush dynasties

and are the real constituents of the new Bush administration. 

Being a business partner with the Third Reich posed no

problem for Dulles who became the first CIA director in 1947.

In fact, their relationship with the Nazis and Wall Street was

exactly how Dulles, former Pres. Bush and William Casey all

became CIA directors. GW's father was made CIA director in

1976. Shortly after creating the Manhattan Institute, William

Casey was made CIA director by Ronald Reagan. 

In 1954 Casey put together a consortium of investors including

top US intelligence experts who had made fortunes on Wall

Street to form Capital Cities. In the interim, Casey served as

Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission from

1969 to 1977. By 1985 Casey's Capital Cities had so much cash

it was able to buy ABC and operate it as a propaganda arm of

the US government-which it continues to be today.

Casey was the top stockholder in ABC while he was director of

the CIA under the Reagan and Bush administrations. ABC,

CNN and Rupert Murdoch's rabidly right wing network FOX

were instrumental in fabricating GW Bush's illegitimate

presidency, the myth that Colin Powell is a hero and the idea

that the Gulf War was a military victory-rather than a human

and ecological disaster fought solely to benefit the oil industry.

The reason this history is crucial to understanding GW Bush

and his ties to the Manhattan Institute is that these same

themes-Wall Street investing, Eugenics, the oil and drug

industries, working for the Rockefeller family, manipulating

the media and the directorship and ideology of the CIA-are the

foundation on which the MI and it's influence within the new

Bush administration can be understood. 

The connection between Nazi Germany, the Bush family and

the CIA is simultaneously political, financial and ideological. It

encompasses investment banking, legal and illegal drug dealing

and Eugenics, the pseudo-science of population control. Unlike

openly racist groups, they are equal opportunity employers

carefully cultivating operatives among all races. Academics,

politicians, doctors, clergy, prominent new anchors, social

scientists and in some cases even street gangs are among their

assets in the war to exert social control.

If you visit the MI website you will find a list of academics

who are their roster of so-called conservative experts. Their

areas of expertise are race, eliminating welfare, deregulation of

business and the privatization of virtually everything the

government presently manages-including education, prisons,

parks, streets, social security, courts and welfare.

A number of their experts, including Bush's domestic policy

advisor Stephen Goldsmith and Rev. Floyd Flake, are slated for

cabinet positions. Others MI notables, including Myron

Magnet, are the inventors of Bush's doublespeak theme,

"compassionate conservatism". GW has stated that next to

Jesus and the bible, Magnet's book on the so-called underclass

has been the single greatest influence on his ideas. 

The Pioneer Fund, perhaps the world's greatest promoter of

Eugenics, funded MI's best-known resident scholar, Charles

Murray, during eight years in which he wrote The Bell Curve.

Despite tremendous controversy about his ideas Murray

remains the MI's leading expert on welfare reform, IQ and

affirmative action. The Bell Curve advances the idea, as do

virtually all Pioneer Fund projects, that African Americans are

genetically inferior, disease prone, have low IQ and are a drain

on the US economy. Murray's books have been heavily

promoted by the MI and are the intellectual foundation for the

movement in the US to end affirmative action and welfare.

Murray is glowingly mentioned hundreds of times on their

website, speaks at their seminars and is cited as a brilliant

scholar by none other than GW Bush's top domestic policy

advisor, Stephen Goldsmith.

Many Americans didn't seem to mind seeing the CIA ruthlessly

manipulate the political and social fabric of other nations for

the second half of the 20th century. How they will feel about

America being openly run by the CIA and this circle of racist

corporate gangsters may well determine the history of the next


Robert Lederman 12/23/2000

NY TimesJune 12, 2000 Bush Culls Campaign Theme From

Conservative Thinkers “Gov. George W. Bush has said his

political views have been shaped by the work of Myron

Magnet of the Manhattan Institute.� Also see: The Dallas

Morning Star 4/16/2000 The Godfathers of 'Compassionate


NY Times Monday, May 12, 1997

Turning Intellect Into Influence Promoting Its Ideas, the

Manhattan Institute Has Nudged New York Rightward "...the

institute was founded as a free-market education and research

organization by William Casey, who then went off to head the

Central Intelligence Agency in the Reagan Administration."

See: Sarasota Herald-Tribune 11/11/2000

Director of Florida Holocaust Museum links Bush family to


"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so

long as I'm the dictator." -12/18/2000 GW Bush

See CNN transcripts

Boston Globe 12/11/2000 Conspiracy theories on election

abound - "Robert Lederman spies a conspiracy around virtually

every corner of American government, and nowhere more so

than in the post-election drama playing out in Florida.

Lederman...spotted signs of a sinister plot from the moment

Florida Governor Jeb Bush flew home after election night.

Since then, the rulings by various courts and elections officials

have only confirmed his worst suspicion: the existence of a

''vast right-wing conspiracy,'' probably tied to the CIA,

orchestrated to win the White House for George W. Bush."

Robert Lederman, President of A.R.T.I.S.T.

(Artists’ Response To Illegal State Tactics) 743-3722

for much more detailed info on all of the above see

Please feel free to forward and repost-Happy Holidays!


GW Bush: "It Would Be Easier If I Was Dictator"

by Robert Lederman

It is now clear why a visibly nervous Dick Cheney is always

looking over GW Bush's shoulder when his President-elect

protege addresses the media without a carefully-worded script.

Like a child, Dubya says the darndest things.

Take his photo-op with Congressional leaders on 12/18/2000. As

broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on their website, a

goofily-grinning GW managed to put the entire election

controversy into a unique perspective. Standing besides

bipartisanly-compromised Democratic Congressional leaders

Dick Gephardt and Tom Daschle, GW-or as he is known within

the Bush family-Dumbya-had this to say:

"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so

long as I'm the dictator."

See CNN transcript from 12/18/2000

Since the sole difference between a dictatorship and a democracy

is that the leaders are popularly elected by the masses of people

rather than by seizing office by force, being appointed by an elite

or by assuming power via a fixed election there can be no other

way to describe the GW Bush administration than as a


The mechanisms whereby the Bush dynasty has seized power and

the real agenda they mean to institute become more evident each

day. Can conservatives see through the Bush propaganda and

beyond their hatred of Clinton/Gore?

His cabinet appointees are so far without exception men and

women whose entire careers involve being groomed by the

military-industrial complex, his father's criminally-motivated

business circles, far right think tanks with a history of CIA

involvement or by the most corrupt channels of Texas oil

politics. Rather than being an expression of bipartisanism, the

Bush appointees far more closely resemble what police call, the

usual suspects.

What conservatives don't yet fully realize is that the Bush

family-including GW-are neither genuine Republicans nor are

they genuine conservatives. What they are is genuine


If one examines the core beliefs of genuine conservatives-being

against abortion, being for the right to own guns, being against

Federal intervention in States rights, being against the UN or

other multi-national organizations intervening in US affairs or

challenging US sovereignty, being against welfare, being against

illicit drugs and being against affirmative action-one will find

little if anything that resonates with either the conservative

agendaorwith the ideologies of the prospective appointees of

the new Bush administration.

The Bush family are long time advocates of family-planning,

population control, sterilization of the poor, corporate welfare,

increasing UN power, importing drugs into America, the New

World Order and Eugenics.

Numerous members of the Bush family including his father and

brothers and at least one of GW's prospective cabinet

appointees-potential GW Bush Attorney General Mark

Racicot-have a history of alleged involvement in drug running at

the highest levels. We're not talking about buying drugs for

personal use here but massive importations of heroin and cocaine

with the full involvement of foreign dictators like George Bush

pal Manuel Noriega and the Mafia.

The Contra arms/cocaine scandal was fundamentally a VP

George Bush program. Little brother Jeb Bush is Governor of

Florida, the cocaine-saturated State with more drug money at

play in politics than any other. For articles on potential US

Attorney General Mark Racicot and drugs see

The recent election was no different than the phony elections

held in third world dictatorships. At least four of the US

Supreme Court justices who gave Bush the presidency were

either appointed by his father, had sons working for law firms

representing GW in the contested election lawsuits or had

publicly stated that they had a strong personal commitment to

making sure Gore never became President.

Justice Scalia said he'd resign if Gore became President. Justice

O'Conner said she could not retire if Gore became President

because a liberal Justice would replace her.

Both Justices Rhenquist and Scalia have sons working for Bush

lawfirms involved in the election. Justice Thomas' wife works for

both the far right Heritage Foundation and the Bush transition

team. These Justice's flawed and highly partisan ruling trashed

the entire idea of States rights-the very same conservative

ideology they have so vigorously defended-not to mention the

rule of law, equal protection and the idea of judicial impartiality

and restraint.

Many of the men and women Bush is nominating for cabinet

positions are direct beneficiaries of affirmative action and would

arguably never have risen to their current status without it-a fact

that Colin Powell proudly admits in public. The minimally

qualified GW is a man whose entire career is based solely on his

father being George Bush and all the helping hands that

connection brought into play. GW could serve as a textbook

example illustrating the conservative ideology that affirmative

action leads to mediocrity.

While General Powell, Texas Supreme Court Justice Al

Gonzales and Condolezza Rice may be excellent and highly

qualified people, they are being nominated solely because of

their ethnicity in order to offset the widely held belief that GW is

a racist whose campaign disenfranchised African American and

non-Cuban Latino voters. Getting a job based on your race is the

textbook definition of affirmative action.

The Bush family have been using this same reverse-thinking ploy

for decades. To offset their reputation as WWII traitors former

President Bush joined the US airforce after the US Congress

seized his father's banking assets in 1942 under the Trading with

the Enemy Act. I would like someone to explain to me how to

reconcile Bush family support for the NAACP with being Hitler's

American bankers and longtime advocates for Eugenics-a pseudo

science which believes African-Americans are inferior genetically

and should be exterminated.

Republicans who make the argument that even if true this is

tantamount to accusing GW for the sins of his ancestors, are

deliberately ignoring a crucial fact. The entire idea of

compassionate conservatism was invented for GW by the

Manhattan Institute-a far right think tank in NYC created by

former CIA director William Casey. This same Manhattan

Institute spent eight years sponsoring social scientist Charles

Murray while he wrote his influential work, The Bell Curve-a

book which advocates that African Americans are inferior to

whites in IQ as a justification for eliminating both welfare and

affirmative action.

Murray's funding at the Manhattan Institute came from the

Pioneer Fund, a far right group which has advocated Eugenics

and the inferiority of minorities since the time it was a major

supporter of Adolf Hitler in the early 1930s.

[See ABC expose on the Pioneer Fund, Charles Murray and


For many conservatives the idea that GW Bush is a born-again

Christian may the most significant factor in supporting him, yet

this too is a carefully-contrived propaganda ploy.

His CIA trained political handlers-expert as they are in the art of

deception-understood that being an alcoholic, a drug user, an

AWOL air force pilot, the inheritor of a fortune derived from

running banks for Adolf Hitler and having membership in the

ultra-elite atheistic power conspiracy, Skull and Bones were

going to be major negative factors in how conservatives viewed a

GW Bush candidacy. The beauty of representing oneself as a

born-again Christian is that no one can ever prove you are not a

born again Christian.

Convicted murderers, war criminals and former Watergate

burglars have used claims of being born-again as a means to

cleanse their record and deflect criticism. Even a number of the

death-row inmates Bush has had executed made these same

claims. Apparently, GW did not give them the same benefit of the

doubt he would expect from us in this regard.

It is also a bit hard to reconcile the idea of being born again or

claiming that Jesus is your favorite philosopher-as GW has-with

being the US Governor who holds the Guinness record for

ordering executions. On the other hand, enthusiastic support for

the death penalty fits perfectly with the Bush family being

long-time proponents of Eugenics. Christians may want to note

that Hitler-who claimed to be a devout Christian himself-had

millions of Christians imprisoned in concentration camps, gassed

and used as slave laborers working for some of the very corporate

interests which now support GW.

Notwithstanding my own very strong feelings about the Bush

family legacy as Hitler's Wall Street bankers, as anti-Semites and

as Eugenicists, even I would begrudgingly accept a GW Bush

Presidency as legitimate if he had actually won the election. The

problem is that we will never know who won.

Bush surrogates like New Jersey Governor and Bush cabinet

wannabe Christine Todd Whitman are publicly advocating that

all ballots be sealed-uncounted-for the entire length of the Bush

presidency. This insures that his presidency will always be in

doubt. Such a decision can only be understood in light of the

Bush family knowing for certain that he did not in fact win in

Florida and is therefore not a legitimate president.

In other words, Bush is a dictator in every sense of the word and

must, as a gross violator of the US Constitution, be impeached. If

not impeached, then let us stop pretending that everything is

back to normal, that we will proceed with a bipartisan agenda or

that this election was a playing out of the wonders of democracy

and of our Constitution-as Fox, CNN and other media sources

keep instructing us ad nauseum.

We now live in an open dictatorship organized by corporate

interests and supported by both the Republican party and our

cowardly Democratic party-which is anxious to get back to the

business of fleecing the American public and collecting

donations. Gore was a terrible candidate but Bush was even

worse and the American people, as always, are screwed.

All hail our new American Furhrer, GW Bush and the real

President of the United States, Mr. Dick Cheney. They are the

best fascists money can buy.

If you would like to read detailed information by a very wide

variety of writers and researchers from both the left and the right

on the Bush family visit the following websites. I would advise

downloading and saving anything you find of value and storing it

on a disk rather than on your hard drive. This information is very

likely to be censored out of existence in the near future.

Possession of it may lead to your imprisonment or eradication. pro-Nazi, pro-eugenics


Also see:

CIA, Nazis & the Republican Party

Washington Post Friday, September 16, 1988 ; Page A16



"When Republican presidential nominee George Bush took the

lectern before the B'nai B'rith convention last week, a damaging

news release was being distributed to reporters in the rear of the

hall detailing new charges that members of a Bush ethnic

coalition had made anti-Semitic remarks and promoted

revisionist views of the Holocaust."

Sarasota Herald-Tribune 11/11/2000

Head of Florida holocaust Museum links Bush family to Nazis

3/1992 James Baker speaking to then Pres. Bush: "FUCK THE




News & Analysis: North America: US Elections

Robert Lederman, President of A.R.T.I.S.T.

(Artists’ Response To Illegal State Tactics) 743-3722

Past articles by Robert Lederman can be found at:

West Nile Virus, Bush, Giuliani, Manhattan Institute, Eugenics


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"Anarchy doesn't mean out of control. It means out of 'their' control."

-Jim Dodge



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