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Bush Family and more

These seem to go missing from the web pages that I put them on so let's see if I can keep track of them here.


Online books about government – with Bush


                1985 Bush soliciting prostitute? Chapter -XXI- Omaha
                1986 Belgium pedophile scandals - Bush head of CIA - Belgium home of NATO  -

US home of Military division of NATO


"On the morning of June 29, 1989, pandemonium erupted in the corridors of power in the nation's capital. ``Homosexual Prostitution Probe Ensnares Official of Bush, Reagan,'' screamed the

front-page headline of the Washington Times with the kicker ``Call Boys Took Midnight Tour of

White House.'' "


Tarpley, Webster. “Giammaria Ortes: The Decadent Venetian Kook Who Originated The Myth of “Carrying Capacity”.” (1994).  [Online]. Retrieved October 15, 2000


                (Note:  Gives a good overview of Ortes and the Venetian world he lived in.  Printed 14 pg.



     Bush Family's Historical Ties to the Nazis


Could the Bush family be advocating the end of humans?   I do not know if this oil part (next paragraph) is on track but the use of mycotoxins (fungi toxins) can start one place and spread world wide. 

** use these keywords to search with, Pfiesteria, dinoflagellates, Aspergillus, Aspergillus

fumigatus, Stachybotrys atra, Stachybotrys chartarum (atra), saprophytic,

epizootic infections,  Chytrid, A. sydowii, chytridiomycosis, Phytophthora

cinnamomi, Candida albicans, Neuse – River, Red Tide, Great Lakes plankton,

* Stachybotrys chartarum (atra) is capable of producing several toxins  including

macrocyclic trichothecenes (satratoxins H, G, F, roridin E, verrucarin J, and

Trichoverrols A and B).

** Corporate Farms using Antibiotics as growth aids, Antibacterias used for cleaning, 

** MSG sprayed plants as a growth aid


Some things that have happened since the Nixon era.




Mitretek Systems

Mustard was first used by the Germans on the night of 12-13 July 1917 near Ypres in Flanders.




The following events, some proved and some alleged, comprise a short

history of biological warfare.

Covers 1346-1992 but does not have the information that is in the above

link about mustard gas being used in 1917.


Thomas W. McGovern, MD, MAJ, MCGeorge W. Christopher, LTC, USAF, MC

The opinions and assertions contained herein are those of the

authors and not to be considered as reflecting the views of the

Department of the Army or the Department of Defense.

Key Words: biological warfare, cutaneous manifestations,

hemorrhagic fever, mycotoxins, poxviruses, plague, melioidosis


Toxic Chemicals Linked to Health Problems in Children

By Cat Lazaroff

WASHINGTON, DC, September 7, 2000 (ENS) - The 24 billion pounds of

developmental and neurological toxins released into the environment of the

United States each year are linked to millions of cases of developmental

disabilities in children, charges a new report released today.

The report ranks toxic emissions state by state. Data reported by industries

shows that Louisiana and Texas emit the most developmental and

neurological toxins to air and water. Tennessee, Ohio, Illinois, Georgia,

Virginia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Florida are also major emitters.

The complete report is available at:


Bush Must Face Lawsuit Brought by Environmental Activists

By Brian Hansen

AUSTIN, Texas, September 13, 2000 (ENS) - A Texas judge has rejected a

motion to dismiss Republican presidential nominee Governor George W. Bush

from a civil rights lawsuit brought by environmental groups and individual protesters.

The suit was filed against the Texas governor by citizens who were arrested

and jailed last spring for protesting Bush's environmental policies on the

public sidewalk in front of the Texas Governor's Mansion.


Jim Huck

                ·"Government by the Wealthy: An Analysis of Corporate America" [chap 2 Highlights Bush.]

                ·"Starr v. Clinton -- the OIC versus the President"

                ·"Intelligence Operations since World War II"


[added 05 Dec 2000]

This web-site includes actual scans of the Vesting Orders in 1942 that

mandated the seizure of  Union Banking, of which Prescott Bush was a director and

a shareholder, along with Harriman et al.. This was under the Trading with

the Enemy Act, for their financing of Nazis. This order also states UB's

partnership with the Thyssen

Family, the notorious Nazi financiers.

< >

[added 05 Dec 2000] - [I have not been able to check out all of this set of links, but the ones that I did check out are there, no endorsement implied for these being here.]

>Bush Felon : ineligible for presidency


>GW Bush is one of six Felons convicted in US Savings and loan scandal of the 1980s.


>GW Bush was pardoned by Reagan while his dad was Reagan's Vice President.

>Not OK.


>GW Bush appears to be an alcholic, somewhat illiterate serial killer with a limited attention span.


>1. Photocopy of order suspending George W. Bush from military flying duty:



>2. Photocopy of George W. Bush military document redacted for

>"administrative  reasons"



>   3. Photocopy: Agreement (reneged on after disobeying orders.) Signed by

>George W. Bush



>4.  Photocopy: George W. Bush  allowed to substitute civilian duties for

>flying duties

>    (Viet Nam era) following his refusal to take physical and drug test


>   5. Photocopy: Statement agreeing to ORS Duty if he fails to complete

>military obligations satisfactorily, signed by George W. Bush


>6. Photocopy: Assignment of George W. Bush to ORS disciplinary unit in






>Bush Dynasty: 70 Years is enough

>(sent November 13, 2000)    for full text:    SEARCH:




>Much of the Reagan Bush economy was bogus investment of the windfall.

>The bank crash and S&L swindle was them getting their money a third






>Any election in which only two individuals are allowed exposure is, by

>definition, a fraud.  We are an occupied nation.



the company they keep

I.G. Farben,

National Socialism and Fascism (review)

... Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile by Paul Manning. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stuart, 1981.

302pp. $14.95. Latest variation on the Bormann-is-alive-and- well-and-behaving ... 48k

     Bush Family's Historical Ties to the Nazis   (half way down the page) 

“As the Republican Convention approaches and America moves irretrievably
     closer to crowning George W. Bush as its next monarch, SFLR DJ Scott
     Thompson has begun an examination of the Bush family's historical ties to
     the Nazis.    Evidence for the connection is contained in a document now on the Web known
     as the Elkhorn document. “

“"Young George was in flight school in October 1942, when the U.S. government charged his father with running Nazi front groups in the United States. Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, all the shares of the Union Banking Corporation were seized, including those held by Prescott Bush as being in effect held for enemy nationals. Union Banking, of course, was an affiliate of Brown Brothers, Harriman, and Bush handled the Harrimans' investments as well. "Once the  government had its hands on Bush's books, the whole story of the intricate web of Nazi front corporations began to unravel.  A few days later two of Union Banking's subsidiaries -- the Holland American Trading Corporation and the Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation -- also were seized. Then the government went after the Harriman Fifteen Holding Company, which Bush shared with his father-in-law, Bert Walker, the Hamburg-Amerika Line, and the Silesian-American Corporation. The U.S. government found that huge sections of Prescott Bush's empire had been operated on behalf of Nazi Germany and had greatly assisted the German war effort." (1)”

“Bush's tenure as head of the Republican National Committee exactly coincided with Laszlo Pasztor's 1972 drive to transform the Heritage Groups Council into the party's official ethnic arm. The groups Pasztor chose as Bush's campaign allies were the emigre Fascists whom Dulles had brought to the United States. . . . ". . . Nearly twenty years later, and after expose's in several respectable newspapers, Bush continued to recruit most of the same ethnic Fascists, including Pasztor, for his own 1988 ethnic outreach program when he first ran for president. "According to our sources in the intelligence community," state the authors, "it was Bush who told Nixon that the Watergate investigations might start uncovering the Fascist skeletons in the Republican party's closet. Bush himself acknowledges that he wrote Nixon a letter asking him to step down. The day after Bush did so, Nixon resigned. "Bush had hoped to become Gerald Ford's vice president upon Nixon's resignation, but he was appointed U.S. ambassador to the UN. Nelson Rockefeller became vice president and chief damage controller. He formed a special commission in an attempt to preempt the Senate's investigation of the intelligence community.”

Topic: Alternatives to Dubya Elkhorn Document R. William Davis
    ** Table of Contents to the Elkhorn Document
    Leading Edge Research Group presents:
    The Elkhorn Document Documented Evidence of a Secret Business and Political Alliance Between the U.S. "Establishment"
    and the Nazis - Before, During and After World War II - up to the Present.
    By R.William Davis

The small area is duplicated from the top because it goes with the next section.
Could the Bush family be advocating the end of humans?   I do not know if this oil part (next paragraph) is on track but the use of mycotoxins (fungi toxins) can start one place and spread world wide. 

** use these keywords to search with, Pfiesteria, dinoflagellates, Aspergillus, Aspergillus

fumigatus, Stachybotrys atra, Stachybotrys chartarum (atra), saprophytic,

epizootic infections,  Chytrid, A. sydowii, chytridiomycosis, Phytophthora

cinnamomi, Candida albicans, Neuse – River, Red Tide, Great Lakes plankton,

* Stachybotrys chartarum (atra) is capable of producing several toxins  including

macrocyclic trichothecenes (satratoxins H, G, F, roridin E, verrucarin J, and

Trichoverrols A and B).

** Corporate Farms using Antibiotics as growth aids, Antibacterias used for cleaning, 

** MSG sprayed plants as a growth aid

        Does this sound like sci fi?  Consider: oil is a product of bacteria and a bacteria needs something to work with.  It seems that water is a favorite item to use to get more oil out of wells.  Water is (H2O), so what would the bacteria that produces oil do with the hydrogen, since hydrogen is a component of oil. This means that anyone that bases their ideas on oil is incompetent, exspessely considering how much knowledge that family is suppose to have of oil. Does the Bush family advocate solar energy or oil?  Could they or the Bush backers have already considered this and basically been using those countries that depend on oil?  What would happen if the Bush family is still involved with pharmaceutical companies like they seem to have been during the Hitler era?

   Oil; Thomas Gold * is oil a bacterial byproduct?
        Thomas Gold  -- "The Deep Hot Bioshpere,"

        The Theory of Unlimited Oil
        One Heretic Predicts More Oil to Be Drilled in the Ground
        By Kevin Newman   --  March 16

  Bush and Gore on enviroment, but this does not consider Nader.

History on the Ballot
        The presidential election could determine whether Americans gain access to Cold War history.
        By Robert Parry. November 5, 2000
        History will be on the ballot Nov. 7.
        An honest accounting of American history from the Cold War has not been an issue in Campaign 2000. But recent disclosures of human rights abuses and other crimes – especially from the bloody front lines of Guatemala,

El Salvador, Nicaragua, Chile and Argentina – could slow to a trickle or be stopped outright with a victory by

Texas Gov. George W.
        Bush and his running mate, Dick Cheney.

         For one, the Bush family’s legacy could suffer greatly from anything
         approaching full disclosure of this Cold War history.
        -go to link for rest of the story at

Dubya's Drunken Driving Raises Bigger Questions

Everything you wanted to know about Skull and Bones but were afraid to ask:

Bush / Gore

Some things that have happened since the Nixon era.




Mitretek Systems

Mustard was first used by the Germans on the night of 12-13 July 1917 near Ypres in Flanders.




The following events, some proved and some alleged, comprise a short

history of biological warfare.

Covers 1346-1992 but does not have the information that is in the above

link about mustard gas being used in 1917.


Thomas W. McGovern, MD, MAJ, MCGeorge W. Christopher, LTC, USAF, MC

The opinions and assertions contained herein are those of the

authors and not to be considered as reflecting the views of the

Department of the Army or the Department of Defense.

Key Words: biological warfare, cutaneous manifestations,

hemorrhagic fever, mycotoxins, poxviruses, plague, melioidosis


Chapter - II - The Hitler Project

Bush Property Seized--Trading with the Enemy

In October 1942, ten months after entering World War II, America was

preparing its first assault against Nazi military forces.Prescott Bush was

managing partner of Brown Brothers Harriman. His 18-year-old son George,

the future U.S. President, had just begun training to become a naval pilot. On

Oct. 20, 1942, the U.S. government ordered the seizure of Nazi German banking

operations in New York City which were being conducted by Prescott Bush.

Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, the government took over the Union

Banking Corporation, in which Bush was a director. The U.S. Alien Property

Custodian seized Union Banking Corp.'s stock shares, all of which were

owned by Prescott Bush, E. Roland `` Bunny '' Harriman, three Nazi

executives, and two other associates of Bush.@s1


The Question

:Was the "yellow rain" poured on the Hmong people in

:Laos really Soviet chemical weapons, as the CIA said, or

:bee feces, as American scientists said?

Stories of gassing and poisoning of the Hmong in Laos began as early as

June 1975

In Focus: Costs and Dangers of NATO Expansion

Foreign Policy In Focus

Vol. 1 No. 16November 1996

Written by John Feffer, National Writers Union, Philadelphia. Author of Shock waves: Eastern Europe

after the Revolutions.

Co-editor of Europe's New Nationalism.

Editors: Tom Barry (IRC) and Martha Honey (IPS)


* NATO created in 1949 in response to the Soviet Union having atomic energy?


1985 Bush soliciting prostitute?

Chapter -XXI- Omaha

1986 Belgium pedophile scandals

Bush head of CIA

Belgium home of NATO

US home of Military division of NATO



"On the morning of June 29, 1989, pandemonium erupted in the corridors

of power in the nation's capital. ``Homosexual

Prostitution Probe Ensnares Official of Bush, Reagan,'' screamed the

front-page headline of the Washington Times with the

kicker ``Call Boys Took Midnight Tour of White House.'' "


Monsanto gets aspartame approved

Aspartame and sugar "seem" to cause reactions that include


Pesticides and Herbicides that are organophosphates

some developed before and during the time of the

Holocaust, still in use today.

Organophosphates cause neural damage,

ADD and ADHD symptoms

Ritalin use advocated, Ritalin seems to cover these reactions.

So is Monsanto using Ciba (Novartis)

Ritalin to cover up chemical reactions.

Deregulation of banks, savings and loans

Insurance companies can they be or have stock in Finance companies?

Insurance company stock is sold on the international market!

Could your life, health, car insurance and you investments be

controlled by an international insurance company?

Chemicals reactions call genetic?

End of short list of historical items with questions.

"The Justice Department of the Clinton administration - and under Vice

President Gore - has filed over 20 percent fewer lawsuits in the area of

environmental crime prosecution than [were filed in] the Reagan/Bush years,"

Nader said.

According to Nader, Gore has no right to cast himself as the environmental

candidate in the presidential race.

"Basically, he has betrayed most of the promises he outlined in his book,

"Earth in the Balance," in 1992," Nader said.

Specifically, Nader said that Gore has given the automobile industry a "free

ride" by not proposing stringent fuel efficiency standards.

Gore has also been very weak in calling for stricter regulations on the use of

pesticides and herbicides, and he was a staunch supporter of the North

American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) even though environmental

groups spoke out against it, Nader noted.

Nor has Gore pursued his dream of transforming the United States into a solar

based economy, Nader said.


Toxic Chemicals Linked to Health Problems in Children

By Cat Lazaroff

WASHINGTON, DC, September 7, 2000 (ENS) - The 24 billion pounds of

developmental and neurological toxins released into the environment of the

United States each year are linked to millions of cases of developmental

disabilities in children, charges a new report released today.

The report ranks toxic emissions state by state. Data reported by industries

shows that Louisiana and Texas emit the most developmental and

neurological toxins to air and water. Tennessee, Ohio, Illinois, Georgia,

Virginia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Florida are also major emitters.

The complete report is available at:


Bush Must Face Lawsuit Brought by Environmental Activists

By Brian Hansen

AUSTIN, Texas, September 13, 2000 (ENS) - A Texas judge has rejected a

motion to dismiss Republican presidential nominee Governor George W. Bush

from a civil rights lawsuit brought by environmental groups and individual protesters.

The suit was filed against the Texas governor by citizens who were arrested

and jailed last spring for protesting Bush's environmental policies on the

public sidewalk in front of the Texas Governor's Mansion.


Tarpley, Webster G. &mp; Anton Chaiktin.

"The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush" 1992. 15 Apr. 99 <

" " >or the new link at

This book follows the Bush family connections from 1914 to the present. From the time of George's

grandfather, Samuel P. Bush, the Bush family has attempted to stay involved in politics. The book

seems to show that since the family could not rate by having royal blood lines (that rate)or by having a

high degree of education, that they would try to control by a philosophy of "The one with the most

money makes the rules." They believe in "racial cleansing" and have cultivated people like Adolph Hitler.

Bush Family - Looking behind the Bushes

"This fuzzy bipartisanship spared President Bush from accountability in scandals ranging from the

Iran-contra affair to Iraqgate -- the clandestine arming of Saddam Hussein -- from the contra-cocaine

operations to October Surprise, allegations of secret contacts between Republicans and Iranians in

1980. [For a summary of President Bush's alleged misconduct, see Robert Parry's Lost

History.]"..."Although other Chilean human-rights documents were released, Clinton's Justice

Department blocked disclosure of key Letelier evidence on the grounds that the 23-year-old murder

case is still active. [For details, see Bush &mp; the Condor Mystery.]"

Tarpley, Webster G. & Anton Chaiktin. "The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush" 1992. 15 Apr. 99 < "" >or the new link at
This book follows the Bush family connections from 1914 to the present. From the time of George's grandfather, Samuel P. Bush, the Bush family has attempted to stay involved in politics. The book seems to show that since the family could not rate by having royal blood lines (that rate)or by having a high degree of education, that they would try to control by a philosophy of "The one with the most money makes the rules." They believe in "racial cleansing" and have cultivated people like Adolph Hitler.

Bush Family - Looking behind the Bushes

"This fuzzy bipartisanship spared President Bush from accountability in scandals ranging from the Iran-contra affair to Iraqgate -- the clandestine arming of Saddam Hussein -- from the contra-cocaine operations to October Surprise, allegations of secret contacts between Republicans and Iranians in 1980. [For a summary of President Bush's alleged misconduct, see Robert Parry's Lost History.]"..."Although other Chilean human-rights documents were released, Clinton's Justice Department blocked disclosure of key Letelier evidence on the grounds that the 23-year-old murder case is still active. [For details, see Bush & the Condor Mystery.]"

The Consortium

"October 5, 1999 Bush & the Condor Mystery By Robert Parry Newly released U.S. government documents reveal that George Bush's CIA knew more about Chile's role in an international assassination ring, code- named Condor, than Bush and the agency disclosed to FBI agents"

The Consortium

October 5, 1999 "Bush's 'Zingy' One-Liners" By Robert Parry

The Consortium

May 15, 1999 "Russia's Prime Minister and October Surprise" By Robert Parry

Additional Reading(s) for this article - [For details on the House task force report and its unusual logic, see Robert Parry's Trick or Treason. For the full text of Stepashin's report, see Parry's The October Surprise X-Files.]

From: Highlights of Radio Free Eireann Bill Hughes' WBAI Commentary, 10/26/96

"In Massachusetts, Senator John Kerry has a golden opportunity to defeat the British sympathizer William Weld, in that tight senate race. He might also further expose George Bush's suspected role as a drug kingpin, and possibly,..."

Corporate Accountability Project

Ewall, Mike. "It's no accident that Coors is the right beer in America." 12 Dec. 1995. 15 Apr. 1999

< >
Mike Ewall's article Should be titled "The Other Adolph, Adolph Coors of Coors beer." This article details Coors connections with Ex- President Bush and how Coors and Bush both have a policy of "Racial Cleansing." Coors is anti-environmental, anti-gay and seemingly against anything and anyone that stands in their way of making money.

Many links

from toxic to the history of the pharmaceutical companies.

Rockefeller Drug Censor Empire

< >

Climate Control?!

"The UN Plan for Your Mental Health" "The implementation of Human Rights Treaties" "Clinton's War on Hate Bans Christian Values"

"Trading U.S. Rights for UN Rules"
quotes and excerpts from Edward Hunter's book Brainwashing
comparison between Communist brainwashing strategies and tactics used to change values in U.S. classrooms


Also does anyone know the status of H.J. RES. 17, proposing an amendment to the Constitution to repeal the twenty-second amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the number of terms a president may serve?

WHAT limitations? By utilizing the Marshall Court's decrees, the twenty-second amendment does NOT state EXPRESSLY that Bill Clinton cannot run as many times as he so chooses ...

Besides, why should we concern ourselves with the Constitution in THIS instance when it is ignored in practically every other?
(Is this one of those Internet Rumors?)