            [CTRL] Bacteria that gives us life WAS Monsanto = Pharmacia ..
            Corporate Death to Pharma-c.i.a.
            Tue, 1 Feb 2000 01:15:46 -0600
            Conspiracy Theory Research List 

-Caveat Lector-   
 -Cui Bono?-
Now for the next part 

****Since it seems as if bacteria create a lot of things and can create
could it be that they create some of the minerals and nutrients that we
get from plants?  Thank You for the life that gave you life could be
"Thank You for the bacteria(s) that gave their lives so you might live"
in other words plants are alive too.

To say that experiments should be done on humans like Monsanto
"MS No Nato"
seems to advocate - since it just can not seem to get the results
that it wants from just using animals.
What has happened?
We no longer use all the animal so animals go to rendering plants
with their flea collars, tags or chemicals in their bodies.
We no longer use all the plants so they are used in animal feed
with the pesticides, herbicides and chemicals on them.
Plants engineered to use more chemicals, so they go to market and
We eat bread that has more chemicals, vegetables that have more
and many other things.

Now it seems as if Monsanto is acquiring a new name
GUARDIAN (London) Friday January 28, 2000
        Julia Finch
Monsanto's name radically modified
"The newly merged Pharmacia Corporation will use the names Searle,
Pharmacia and Upjohn for its three sales divisions. Only an autonomous
agricultural subsidiary will continue to use the Monsanto name."

The GUARDIAN article led to someone else coining
"Pharmacia, that is: Pharma-C.I.A. is the new name for the well known
purveyors of death previously known as Monsanto."

****Conspiracy Theory
        200 medical schools go down to 6
        Baylor in Waco, Texas is the home base University for one of the six.
Safe kids - children cloned anyway controlled completely
Safe parents - Crèches - since parents and schools seem to need to use
Ritalin or drugs
Safe education - By Virtual Reality after they take out all congregation
places Rodeos,          Churches, ect
Safe sex     - By Virtual Reality
Now Why Don't I feel SAFE???
Did I mention that I believe control of the medical establishment would
have to be acquired before they could implement this?
[will flesh out this section later]

****Human Surplus:
So, computers will create more jobs, well they will create more people
to take down the welfare state(s) and finally acquire the monopoly they
Example: a group that say that they are a branch of the Mormons - that
advocate more than one wife; seven or more wives with 40 or more
children per man - the man believes that the more wives he has the
better chance he has to get to heaven.
another Example of multiple wives could be the Arabs - but this is their
culture at this time and they have their own way of dealing with extra
Then you have China which advocates one child per family.

****Which Idea or Culture is right?

Well, there are a lot of people and more being born every day
but the criteria also needs to take into account some other things.
* we live by the grace of bacteria which does everything from breaking
        down our food for digestion, to culturing our milk for things like
        cheese and yogurt.
* it has been proved that some bacteria reproduce by sexual means with
        one bacterian being both male and female and when two meet they have to
decide          which one becomes pregnant (a Nobel prize was awarded to the
person that found
        this out)
*So, to take a page from the book of another thinker
        Why mess with one area when you can set the World on it's ear!
        * An extraordinary theory about the origins of life is causing
controversy, says       Nigel Hawkes ** November 25 1998 "MIND AND MATTER" --
Nigel Hawkes **
     ** Is this how life really began? **
        This article refers to a Dr. Thomas Gold who
        This man has made a hypothesis that - oil is biogenic
   ***  I ask this with the different ways that bacteria reproduce
        and what they can produce Silver. ect
        What if plants do NOT get their nutrients from the soil but from
bacteria that
        live in a symbiotic relationship with the plant?  So, Genetically
Modified plants that produce herbicides and or pesticides could also
be killing the type of bacteria that normally make the plant a beneficial food product.
*Ever seen a whole plant move to follow the light? A plant
collaboration? A low level
        intellect? So, are plants any lower on the evolutionary ladder than a
        To "Thank The Life That Gives You Life"!
        This means that the life force of a plant is little different than the life force of a cow.  To say that we should stop eating beef, consider how many buffalo were in America before the Europeans came. Plants (or should I say the plants bacteria) seems to like fertilizer. Why would some people be against fur breeders then, if the animals were not killed sadistically? Some were against fur or animal breeders because they are interested in the animals health since a unhealthy animal would not have a decent coat of fur. At the time of fur breeders we were using most of the animal including it's hide and sending an animal to the processors (for fat) with a flea collar or a cattle tag on?  Not when the hide was used for tanning. 

*Survival Index
        How would this apply? How strong is the Survival Index of bacteria? What kind of energy is part of the human brain, since it is basically made of animal fat?
Your brain needs essential fatty acids to perform a number of critical
biological functions. Your brain is 60% fat. In a healthy brain Omega-3
is the most

Scientists Closing In On How Increased Alzheimer's Risk Is Linked To Fat
                 CHICAGO, IL. -- October 27, 1997
the fact the brain is 70 percent fat

Improve Your Mood with Food
"Levels of omega-3s were 40% lower in patients with depression, on
                   (Biological Psychiatry, Mar 1, 1998)."

High-Fat Diet Protects Brain After Stroke
     A Western diet, containing animal fat and protein, may help prevent
loss of cognitive functioning and mental ability following a stroke.
Last modified on: 20-Aug-1999

Zone Talk 37 Date: 10 Nov 1998
"Your brain consists largely of fat".....Say what?!!!!!
this article is good, except that it advocates Canola - check out the
links on my chemical page in reference to other things that Canola has
that are not good

*Add in that John Watson (influence 1919- )
 Association - the experiment with Little Albert
president of the American Psychological Association
Vice-President of the J. Walter Thompson advertising agency
said in "The Psychological Care of Infant and Child(1928)"
"Never hug and kiss them, never let them sit in your lap. If you must,
kiss them once on the forehead when they say good night."
Also, I think it was Jugg that had a brother (or other relative in
Switzerland that was a Nazi)

**** Nobel Prizes
I was told that to do what I wanted to do that I would have to earn the
Nobel Peace Prize, so I checked out who had won Nobel Prizes expressly
in the last few years.
The Scientific Prize is awarded by Sweden
The Peace Prize is awarded by the Netherlands

To this I say that if these thinkers are advocating a ant type society
then it seems as
if ants can do that better than humans.
(c)20 Jan 2000 by Laura Lee Lanning-Shipton
    Hitler-ism or (NWO) New World Order is Suicidal

Some more information that I gathered was that Kissinger believes that
we need to have a war to control population. Needless to say Kissinger
was a Jew - he was ex-communicated!

this is a rough draft of what will be posted.
The Pied Piper

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