Updated 11 June 1999


To Break Frames To Start Frames

This is to ask why people are so intrested in e-coli? The digestive bacteria (like Acidophilus) that help us use food and that (seem to) keep pathegens like e-coli in check are more important. I have more links and a proposal that goes with these Appendixes. What am I after? I am a student that is trying to stay in school and also a writer, looking for someplace that is intrested in my writing!
11 June 99.
Some one dropped a note in my mail box saying that Texas has tried to put in a law making it a crime to be compensated for giving nutricinal advice. So, could I be sued if I were paid for asking some of my questions since - they might be considered 'Advice'? That note has to be a urban legend, it is against free speech.
copyright 20 May 1999
by Laura Lee Lanning-Shipton
Mail to aka The Pied Piper
or to

Appendix A
References listed by Subject:
  1. Related Legislation
  2. Acidophilus
  3. Chemicals
  4. Pollution - and - Misc. Chemicals
  5. Nutrition
  6. Misc. Information

      Related Legislation

      No MSG This is about current legislation to approve the use of MSG to spray plants as a growth aid. Comments about the spraying will close this month.

      Europe seeks antibiotic ban for animals BBC News online network 13 May 99

      "Terminator Seed Technology" The American Farmer up a Creek - without the paddle.

      Farm Use of Antibiotics Squanders Precious Drugs. Center for Science in the Public Interest. 9 Mar. 1999. 13 May 1999 "More than 50 scientists and 41 health, consumer, and other groups today called on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ban the use of certain antibiotics to fatten livestock." "Adding antibiotics to livestock feed can lead to antibiotic resistance in foodborne pathogens." " That can make cases of food poisoning difficult to treat of even deadly." "prevalence of antibiotic-resistant enterococci bacteria in chickens declined from 82% to 12% in three years." "Bacteria can develop defense mechanisms "resistance") against one or several antibiotics." That can make cases of food poisoning difficult to treat or even deadly." "…deadly bloodstream infections,…" "In Germany, bacteria resistant to Synercid have been detected in humans even though the drug has not been given to people." "Farm Use of Antibiotics."

      Pollan, Michael. "Playing God in the Garden." 25 Oct. 1998. 11 May 1999 "Any Colorado potato beetle that takes so much as a nibble of my New Leafs will supposedly keel over and die, its digestive tract pulped, in effect, by the bacterial toxin manufactured in the leaves of these otherwise ordinary Superiors." "The small print in the Grower Guide also brought the news that my potato plants were themselves as pesticide, registered with the Environmental Protection Agency." "That's because Bt, the bacterial toxin produced in my New Leafs…." "…from Bacillus thuiingiensis, the soil bacterium that produces the organic insecticide known as Bt." "…Bt sprays break down quickly in the sunlight…." "… the Bt toxin was not being treated as a "food additive"…new protein is expressed in the potato itself." "…Bush Administration's camapign for "regulatory relief."" "…the determination whether a new protein is GRAS can be made by the company." "The label on my bottle of Bt says, amoung other things, that I should avoid inhaling the spray or getting it in an open wound." Monsanto spokesperson "Monsanto should not have to vouchsafe the safety of biotech food," he said. "Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring its safety is the FDA's job." To control net necrosis they use Monitor which is a organophosphate that is known to cause neurological damage if contacted. "…natural fertilisers (compost and fish powder)…." "Chances are, I've eaten New Leafs already, at Mcdonald's or in a bag of Frito-Lay chips,…" additonal web site.

      Smith, Gar. "Food Slander Laws." Fall 1995. 16 May 1999 The 13 states that currently have food slander laws. Slander

      "The Mc Donalds Trial" (organophosphates and Bovine Growth) Details how fraigle e-coli bacteria is.

      Updated 11 June 1999
      Looks like this is World Wide.
      Weird that people are pussy footing around. If you are going to play by the rules that someone else is citing and not think around those 'rules'. Put it down to the lowest common denominator! Then follow the money trail...
      What is fertilizer? What is in this 'fertilizer'? Is this 'fertilizer', fertile? A food slander law that says if farmers lose money, international sanctions. Seems as if the US is losing money over-all. A bit here, a bit there.

      Leavenworth, Stuart. "Coastal playground turned killing ground" The News and Observer. 1996. 02 May 1999
      Hog Lagoons "Other coastal regions - from Hong Kong to Venice to the Chesapake Bay - Have suffered from similar problems. Maryland and Virginia are spending millions on a campaign to clean up the Chesapeake, and in Florida, state and federal regulators are trying to control fertilizer runoff into the Everglades National Park." "But Paerl, the UNC marine scientist, noted that overfertilized waters can breed many kinds of toxic algae and bacteria."



      Ultra Bio-Logics Feed Acidophilus for animal feed.

      Nutrrigen acidophilus needed for "mouth, stomach and intestines to aid in the digestion of food." "eight essential Amino Acids used by the liver to synthesize the other 158 Amino Acids." "22% Glutamic Acid (recognised as a brain fuel)."

      Cell Tech's "helps prevent the growth of harmful bacteria (pathogens)." "Antibiotics, some cortisone-like drugs, birth control pills, alcohol, some food additives, caffeine, chlorinated or fluoridated water, and stress, can destroy the natural intestinal flora."

      "What can kill the 'friendly' bacteria?" "Antibiotics…leaving the intestines at the mercy of the opportunistic bacteria and toxins." "Too much sugar, a bad diet, certain oral contraceptives, aspirin, corticosteriods, yeast, and too much streess…enabling the harmful bacteria to flourish, thereby causing putrefaction and the manufacturing of toxic products."



      Pearch, Fred and Debora Mackenzie. New Scientist 3 april 1999. 12 Apr. 1999 "It's raining pesticides." "a new study reveals that much of the precipitation in Europe contains such high levels of dissolved pesticides that it would be illegal to supply it as drinking water." Has Novartis' weedkiller Target and Monsanto's Glyphosate herbicide round-Up on it.

      Recer, Paul. 04 may 1999. 04 May 1999 "Dioxin Exposure Linked to Cancer." Dioxin is one of the chemicals in the herbicide Agent Orange. Refers to exposure to dioxins in the environment decreasing. Even if dioxin is decreasing these other article show how deadly it is.

      Montague, Peter. Rachel's Environment and Health Weekly. 16 apr. 1999
      "Missing Boys."
      "increasing birth defects of the penis and testicles…" "hypothesizing…linked to exposures to hormone-disrupting chemicals including dioxin, pesticides, lead…." "chlorophenoxy herbicides and/or fungicides, the male proportion among children born with defects to workers who apply pesticides was 0.735, compared to a male proportion of 0.607 for births with defects among the general population."

      Statement from the World Wild Life Fund. 1992. 11 May 1999. "demasculinization and feminization of male fish, birds, and mammals: defeminization and masculinization of female fish and birds; and compromised immune systems in birds and mammals; defeminization and masculinization of female fish and birds; and compromised immune systems in birds and mammals."

      Giffiths, Joel and Chris Bryson. "Toxic Secrets." 1997. 02 May 1999 total Pgs.12 "One of the most toxic chemicals known, fluoride emerged as the leading chemical health hazard of the US atomic bomb program, both for workers and for nearby communities, the documents reveal." The first lawsuits against the American A-bomb program were not over radiation, but over fluoride damage, the documents show." "'…shows that evidence of adverse health effect from fluoride was censored by the US Atomic Energy commisssion…" "Human exposure to fluoride has mushroomed since World War II, due not only to fluoridated water and toothpaste but to environmental pollution by major industries, from aluminium to pesticides, where fluoride is a critical industrial chemical as well as a waste by-product.'" "Animal studies which Mullenix and co-workers conducted at Forsyth in the early 1990s indicated that fluoride was a powerful central nervous system (CNS) toxin and might adversely affect human brain functioning even at low doses." "Today, news that scientists from the A-bomb program secretly shaped and guided the Newburgh fluoridation experiment and studied the citizen's blood and tissue samples is greeted with incredulity." "…fluoride also accumulates in bones." "'Clinical evidence suggests that uranium hexafluoride may have a rather marked central nervous system effect…It seems most likely that the F [code for fluoride] component rather than the T [code for uranium] is the causative factor.'"

      The Environmental Working Group. How 'Bout Them Apples? 25 Feb 1999. 11 May 99 "…found that multiple pesticides known or suspected to cause brain and nervous system damage, cancer, or hormone interference are common in foods many children consume." "…ingest a combination of 20 different pesticides every day." "More than 1 million preschoolers eat at least 15 pesticides on a given day." "…neurotoxic organophosphate insecticides )Ops)…"


      Pollution -and-- Misc. Chemicals

      Leavenworth, Stuart. "Coastal playground turned killing ground." The News and Observer. Hog Lagoons "Other coastal regions - from Hong Kong to Venice to the Chesapake Bay - Have suffered from similar problems. Maryland and Virginia are spending millions on a campaign to clean up the Chesapeake, and in Florida, state and federal regulators are trying to control fertilizer runoff into the Everglades National Park." "But Paerl, the UNC marine scientist, noted that overfertilized waters can breed many kinds of toxic algae and bacteria."

      Greenwald, John. "Hogging The Table." Time Magazine. 18 March 1996. 02 March 1999. "rain-swollen lagoon spilled 22 million gal. of hog feces and urine over the countryside."



      Enig, Mary G. "Trans Fat" 12 May 1999

      Entry and Fate of Chemicals in Humans (organophosphates) Bio Accumulation

      Persistent Organic Pollutants "Global Distalation" How Fats can protect from (organophosphate)

      "Glutamate" 10 May 1999 Glutamate is brain food.

      Samuels, Adrienne. Monosoduim Glutamate. 10 May 1991. This article details what can happen to people and children when they eat MSG, so I assume that this can happen to animals as well.

      Bonvie, Linda and Bill Bonvie. "What's Eating kids? Maybe it's their diet." 12 Mar. 1995. 04 Apr. 1999. "The growing epidemic of senseless violence among adolescents and the mushrooming use of certain food additives - additives they claim are actually harmful drugs in disguise." "The two main ingredients at issue are the flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate, or MSG, and the artificial sweetener aspartame, more commonly known by the trade name NutraSweet . both contain amino acids - glutamate and aspartate - which occur naturally in the brain as neurotransmitters - the chemicals that carry messages between nerve cells." "…can include brain lesions." "may take the form of emotional control disorders and displays of episodic anger." "…digestive ailments and migraines to seizures and asthma attacks, can include…"rage reactions: and marked personality disturbances with violent behavior" "…maintain millions of people suffer adverse reactions to MSG, some to only minuscule amounts that may be hidden in other ingredients. Further, they say, it becomes toxic to everyone at some point…." "'Educators around this country are having all sorts of meetings concerning declining test scores and violence in the classroom,' Schwartz said. 'Yet we are providing drugs for breakfast, lunch and dinner that are known causes of personality alterations, inability to concentrate and violent behavior.'"

      Leading Edge Research.
      The Deliberate Use of Refined Sugar to Assist Degenerative Disease.
      1996. 04 Apr. 1999. Pgs.4 Vietnam, Diabetes,

      Eramus, Udo. "Fats That Heal And Fats That Kill" Comp. Bradley, Darleen. 1999. 17 Apr. 99 "Rats developed fatty degeneration of heart, kidney, adrenals, and thyroid gland. When canola oil was withdrawn from their diets, the deposits dissolved but scar tissue remained on all vital organs. No studies on humans were made before money was spent to promote Canola oil in the USA." "…destroys the myelin (protective sheath) of the nerves." "Rape seed oil is a penetrating oil, to be used in light industry,…" "Rape seed oil is a penetrating oil, to be used in light industry, not for human consumption. It contains a toxic substance. (from encyclopedia) Even after the processing to reduce the erucic acid content, it is still a penetrating oil. We have found that it turns rancid very fast. Also it leaves a residual rancid odor on clothing."


      Misc. Information

      White Egret Farm. "Our Cheeses." 1993. 16 May 1999 Organic Farm, sustainable agriculture.

      'Early elephants used 'swimming trunks' BBC News online network 11 May 1999 "further embryonic evidence that elephants once swam is that, unlike other land-living mammals, they have internal testicles and always have done. Seals and whales also have internal testicles, but only acquired them when their land-living ancestors took to the seas 60m years ago."

      Oilseed gene leak 'unsurprising' BBC News online network 21 Apr 1999 "UK Government scientists have cross-pollinated oilseed rape with a species of wild turnip, regarded as a weed by many farmers." "It is not at all surprising that oilseed rape will hybridise with some of its very close relatives." Concern on this issue has arisen because if GM rape was altered to make it resistant to a herbicidre, for example,…"

      "Amilia Law" 17 Nov 1998. 02 May 1999 For information on chemicals in fragranced products and their effects on health visit:

      Montague, Peter. "Breast Cancer, RBGH and Milk" Rachels Enviromental Weekly #598. 8 May 1998. 15 May 99

      Top _____________________

      Appendix B


      Cell Tech's. 01 May 1999
      < http://www.mailorderfoods.com/members/celltech/acidophi.html >

      Eramus, Udo. "Fats That Heal And Fats That Kill" Comp. Bradley, Darleen. 1999. 17 Apr. 99 < http://www.1999.com/canola/ > "

      "Farm Use of Antibiotics Squanders Precious Drugs." Center for Science in the Public Interest. 9 Mar. 1999. 13 May 1999
      < http://www.cspinet.org/new/antibiotics.htm >

      No MSG. < http://www.nomsg.com/ >

      Ultra Bio-Logics Feed. 01 May 1999
      < http://www.ctv.es/clean_world_hispania/feeds.htm >Acidophilus for animal feed.

      Pollan, Michael. "Playing God in the Garden." 25 Oct. 1998. 11 May 1999
      < http://www.organics.org/features/god_garden.htm >

      Smith, Gar. "Food Slander Laws." Fall 1995. 16 May 1999
      < http://www.geocities.com/Athens/1527/slancrime.html > The 13 states that currently have food slander laws.

      "Terminator Seed Technology." 06 May 1999
      < http://www.greenpeace.org/~geneng/ >

      ThePiedPiper mailto:laural@hot1.net