"The Future - Could Be Now"
(c) 23 Jan 99 by Laura Lee Lanning*Shipton
Under Construction and Constant De-Spell-Bugging
Check the link between developmental fats and oils, under
The Impact of Outside and Chemical Influences on the Body and Brain
Canola Healthy? - http://www.1999.com/canola/(New 17 Nov 98)
Oils Vegetable and Animal - Health Risks from Processed Foods and Trans. Fats: An interview with Mary
Enig, Ph.D. - http://www.healthy.net/library/articles/passwater/enig01.htm(New 17 Nov 98)
realize that in The children in the USA (seem to) get most of their fats from milk.
Also check out antibiotics under #7 Health.
(new 23 Jan 99)
What does this mean? Look at what oils are at your market. Check the labels on your favorite foods. Would you believe that a favorite crinkle cut, frozen potato has Canola oil as an ingredient? Now knowing that fats are crucial for the body and that even the brain has a large percentage of fat in it, what would happen, if you were to take out all the fat that the body is capable of utilizing, or at least utilizing easily? Here in the USA (it seems that) our primary source of fat for developing children is milk. Since the milk has BGH, which means the cattle have required more antibiotics - those could well be in the milk too.What could this mean? Someone saying that we can not attack BGH because parents might take their children off of milk and - IF you do that you needs to have information about the detrimental ways that oils and fats are processed. Just look at cottonseed oil, or even soybean oil which is often processed with solvents. Where could that lead to - the farmer! Yet, consider what this might lead to IF this continues at the current rate. Will anyone trust naturally grown food or meat? Would we be talked into cloning all our meat? Cloning all our food? Take a look at all the things that are already on my page, I have many more to add, I am hearing of more daily and many more could be under authorization - even at this date. Yet, would they keep all these items out of the cloned food and meat or just find more to add. Recently there was a go ahead to spray crops with MSG. I do not know if it was implemented but would this mean that only food sprayed with MSG would be appealing to children? MSG is an excitotoxin, so would the children basically go into withdraw if they do not get it?
Also IF we are ever able to go from cloning to replicating. Imagine who would control the (cloned?) replicator material? The Pharmaceutical companies? What of off shore banks, one Euro currency, maybe one American currency? Could this lead to a World Monopoly? Would the World Bank eventually end up being the only bank? I say Viva La Difference! Currency seems to be converted easily enough when you buy on line. Could it be that the technology for replication is already in place? Who would know what patents are in the patent office, or what inventions are already being used by the Military - that will soon trickle down to the public? Who would know? Would people in the government know? Who would have control, Cattle Futures anyone? Or should I say grain futures? Could be there might even be a new one - anyone for futures on "Human Life?"
Many of these things seem to be happening or continuing under the Clinton administration, yet would I look to Bill Clinton? He has not been the one that has done the research in that family! Who would I look at? Why I would look at Hillary of course. If the Clintion's know that this will happen soon or could be in the future - could you imagine what it would be like with all these chemicals out on the market? Mainly people sick or dying, a data base of all purchases that you have received through the replicator, what chemicals were added. Recently a group of people died from artificial blood, of course they volunteered for the experiment? No, they did not. This is the type of bills that are passing or that are allowed to continue.
So, with the ideas that the current administration has shown, what will happen if replication is a reality? Would they worry about farmers, farm trucks, truck drivers, trains, supermarkets, and what ever else you can think of? Would those people need schools? All they would have to do is to keep some brainy people around - as "brains" - No I did not say that they would need the bodies, to house those brains. Education? Some body might get ideas about rebellion. How many do they think they need? Well, the literacy rate is only one out of every two people right now, and many children do not like learning or are on some drug to help them, and many of those drugs curtail brain development, even if those children are given foods that would allow proper brain development.
I ran across this next item and have not been able to get in touch with the author. Will someone do so - so that I may make sure of his approval for it to be here?
Will add
(new 23 Jan99)
I do not believe that many things are animal cruelty - but animal athletes. So, I do not come under the heading of an animal rights activist.