1 George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography "The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush" Tarpley, Webster G. & Anton Chaiktin http://www.tarpley.net/bushb.htm
2 Skull & Bones Society Controls Education: Yale, Hegel, Hegelian Dialectic, University of Chicago, and Johns Hopkins This is taken from Antony C. Sutton's book, America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones. Skull & Bones Society: How The Order Controls Education Sutton, Antony C. http://www.sntp.net/education/sutton_1.htm
3 Education Reading List - Say No To Psychiatry - Foundation for Truth in Reality Education: OBE (Outcome-Based Education), NEA (National Education Association), educational psychology, German psychology & influences, demise of public education, educational sabotage, Wundt, Pavlov, Dewey, Skinner, Watson http://www.sntp.net/education/education_list.htm
4 Psychiatry and Materialism as a Modern Belief System - Orthodoxy, Ideology, Modern Mythology Parading as Science Materialism & Psychiatry Function As Ideology and Orthodoxy by Gene Zimmer http://www.sntp.net/materialism_ideology.htm
5 BEHIND THE BUSHES: Chronology of a family KEY WORDS: George W. Bush Time Line Bush Family - Looking behind the Bushes Copyright 2000, The Progressive Review http://www.prorev.com/bush.htm
6 Sherman Skolnick's Report COCA-COLA, THE CIA, and the COURTS Sherman H. Skolnick http://www.skolnicksreport.com/cocaccc.html
8 The Consortium 2000 06 08 CIA Admits Tolerating Contra- Cocaine Trafficking in 1980s CIA Admits Tolerating Contra- Cocaine Trafficking in 1980s Parry, Robert http://www.consortiumnews.com/060800a.html
9 The Consortium
August 14, 2000
[Bush] He served as Ambassador to the United
Nations and chaired the Republican National Committee under President Nixon.
Under President Ford, he served as ambassador to China and director of the
Central Intelligence Agency. He served as Ambassador to the United Nations and chaired the Republican National Committee under President Nixon Under President Ford, he served as ambassador to China and director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
The Bush Family "Oiligarchy" Part One: The Early Years Parry, Sam http://www.consortiumnews.com/081400a1.html
10 The Consortium 1999 05 15 [Bush Jr.] as TX gov Texas has been the most polluting state of the US - [ “The Polluters’ President,” by Ken Silverstein, Sierra Magazine Nov/Dec 1999.] Russia's Prime Minister and October http://www.consortiumnews.com/051499a.html
11 The Consortium 1999 10 05 For a summary of President Bush's alleged misconduct, see Robert Parry's Lost History. Bush Family Politics http://www.consortiumnews.com/100599a1.html
12 The Consortium The Clinton administration refused to release information about what was said at those U.S.-Condor meetings on the grounds that the 23-year-old Letelier-Moffitt murder case is still active. Bush & the Condor Mystery Parry, Robert http://www.consortiumnews.com/100599b.html
13 The Consortium 1999 10 05 Bush’s ‘Zingy’ One-Liners http://www.consortiumnews.com/100599c.html
14 Coors, the RIGHT beer now http://www.corporations.org/coors/index.html
15 It's no accident that Coors is the RIGHT beer in America http://www.corporations.org/coors/article.html
16 Corporate Accountability Project http://www.corporations.org/
17 Corporate Dirt Archives http://www.corporations.org/corplist.html
18 McLibel: judgement Judge Bell - Pathogens are fragle The McLibel Trial http://www.mcspotlight.org/case/trial/verdict/
19 Alternative Medicine Conspiracy Theory Dave Hart - Mega Links Alternative Medicine Conspiracy http://www.ioa.com/~davehart/altmedcon.htm
20 Tetrahedron Search Page ftp://ftp.tetrahedron.org/pub/Rockefeller_Drug_Censor_Empire.txt Rockefeller Drug Censor Empire http://www.tetrahedron.org/_vti_bin/shtml.exe/search.htm
21 Rockefeller Drug Censor Empire ftp://ftp.win.net/winnet/tetra/pub/Rockefeller_Drug_Censor_Empire.txt Rockefeller Drug Censor Empire http://www.apfn.org/apfn/empire.htm
22 Bill Hughes' Irish Political Commentary 1996 10 26 Talk of Bush and drugs Highlights of Radio Free Eireann http://www.wbaifree.org/radiofreeeireann/comm10.html
23 Parmet’s George Bush
24 Investigative Report: Under the Influence 2000 08 22 Under the Influence George W. Bush: Pragmatic, With Ties to Corporate America Under the Influence George W. Bush: Pragmatic, With Ties to Corporate America http://www.public-i.org/story_16_022800.htm
25 NATIONAL POST ONLINE | News story 2000 09 01 financial questions about both of them Questions swirl around wealth of Bush, Gore Jan Cienski http://www.nationalpost.com/news/world/story.html?f=/stories/20000901/386478.html
26 Colombia on Bush, Gore radar? 2000 09 02 Colombia on Bush, Gore radar? ARIANA HUFFINGTON http://www.contracostatimes.com/opinion/stories/xxhuff2_20000902.htm
27 Ramifications of Vesting Order 248 Prescott Bush/Nazis -- Actual Doc. Discription http://www.bushcheney2000.org/VestingExplain.htm
28 Ralph Nader: June 19, 1996 1996 06 19 South African - autocratic rule by big corporations. Ralph Nader: June 19, 1996 Nader, Ralph http://www.nader.org/opinions/oe6.19.96.html
29 Nader: Welfare for the Rich 1999 05 15 Mayor Giuliani New York Welfare for the Rich Nader, Ralph http://www.nader.org/opinions/51599.html
30 Branch Davidian Factions: Summary 2000 04 14 1 Different fractions of the Branch Davidians BRANCH DAVIDIAN FACTIONS http://members.xoom.com/tienkuo/factions.htm
31 MySanAntonio.com: Extras: Another Look at Waco 2000 02 28 gives some more background Davidian claims Koresh fulfilled prophecy of doom Dick J. Reavis http://www.mysa.com/mysanantonio/extras/waco/022800waco.shtml
32 Topic: Clinton's Rogues Gallery List of stories Free Republic Com http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/t1001577.htm
33 DOWNSIDE LEGACY AT TWO DEGREES OF PRESIDENT CLINTON Timeline Misc http://www.alamo-girl.com/03154.htm
34 6/11/98 Update Downside Legacy at Two Degrees of President Clinton Timeline Misc http://www.freedomusa.org/gallery.html
35 http://www.hoboes.com/pub/Politics/Tax Cops/Waco/Chronologies/Samuelson 1993 11 11 1 Davidians Chronological with citations - Interpol, Omnibus Criminal Contol Act a chronology of events leading up to fire NewsGroups http://www.hoboes.com/pub/Politics/Tax%20Cops/Waco/Chronologies/Samuelson
36 Davidian claims Koresh fulfilled prophecy of doom 2000 02 27 gives some more background Davidian claims Koresh fulfilled prophecy of doom Dick J. Reavis http://www.rickross.com/reference/waco/waco121.html