1 |
Guardian Unlimited |
http://www.guardianunlimited.co.uk/drugs/Story/0,2763,191039,00.html |
2 |
http://www.cisp.org/imp/november_99/11_99wagner.htm |
3 |
Prozac May Stunt Growth |
4 |
Ian Goddard’s Philosophy |
5 |
Ian Goddard’s Journal |
6 |
Ian Goddard’s Universe |
7 |
Kids, Drugs, Guns and Psychopolitics |
8 |
The Merrow Report- Television (transcripts) |
9 |
Attention Deficit Disorder - Those who do not think ADD is real |
10 |
Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Library of Congress Science Tracer Bullet TB97- 1 |
11 |
Ritalin and CH.A.D.D., CHADD, C.H.A.D.D., A.D.D. |
12 |
House Subcommittee to hear testimony regarding Ritalin use |
13 |
Feingold Association of the United States |
14 |
Action Alert - ADD on About.com |
15 |
This WAVE is Dangerous - ADD on About.com |
16 |
- ADD on About.com |
17 |
Methlyphenidate (Ritalin) |
18 |
DEA Warns of Ritalin® Abuse; Drug Manufacturer's Contributions to Advocacy Group Investigated |
19 |
DEA Report on Ritalin: "Ritalin: addictive, abusable" -- "Ritalin: over-prescribed, over-marketed, and over-sold" |
20 |
Violence Paper |
21 |
Google Search: N Carolina violence schools |
22 |
Trends & Issues, School Safety - Programs and Strategies |
23 |
Preventing Violence in Our Schools |
24 |
Lit Review - Youth Violence Prevention |
25 |
Sexual Violence in Schools |
26 |
WRAL OnLine - School Violence: Halifax County Schools |
27 |
military bans Ritalin |
28 |
Ritalin and the Military - ADD on About.com |
29 |
Ritalin = military service out |
30 |
No More Ritalin |
31 |
The Neurology Webforums at Massachusetts General Hospital |
32 |
Essential Fatty Acid Deficiency - The Neurology Webforums at Massachusetts General Hospital |