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*George Washington's School Excersizes
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* Mark Twain
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*Quotes* *John Birch Society* **
* Cornell Law School
adv HTML, easy to use page*
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*Time LineGeneral Historical timeline that I am putting togeather* ** **
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Barter http://www.coopamerica.org/individual/Marketplace/IMMMbart.htm
THE CONSERVATIVE AND LIBERTARIAN PRE-LAW READING LIST: An Introduction to American Law for Undergraduates and Others Michael DeBow Roger Clegg www.fed-soc.org/prerequisites.htm
-Encyclopedia.Com - Kellogg-Briand Pact http://www.encyclopedia.com/articles/06886.html
The Kellogg-Briand Pact and Associated Documents http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/kbpact/kbmenu.htm
Briand, Aristide (1862-1932) http://ukdb.web.aol.com/hutchinson/encyclopedia/01/M0018001.htm
The World at War - 1889-1932 http://www.euronet.nl/users/wilfried/ww2/tot-1931.htm
Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929) - Foreign Affairs http://web-cr05.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/amex/presidents/nf/record/co ol/coolfp .html
The Diplomatic Prelude to the Second World War http://www.st-and.ac.uk/~pv/courses/prewar/resources.html
*George Washington's Pointers on Civialty * http://www.virginia.edu/gwpapers/civility/civ-tran.html 18jan99 *
* Mark Twain http://home.ican.net/~fjzwick/twain/ 16jan99 *
8) History, Government, and Copyright Law Copy right law http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml The new copy right laws that have gone into effect are going to take down the spirit of the Internet as a method of International information, mainly by putting a muzzle on our public libraries! [Establishing intellectual property boundaries for the Net is something best left to courts, not special-interest lobbyists cutting these sorts of sleazy, anti-consumer backroom deals. But neither the left nor the right is saying this, or will admit to it. --Declan] Check for added special provisions that are just now being discussed (showing up) in those bland copyright laws.(New 02 Nov 98) http://www.freedomforum.org/technology/1998/10/30webcasts.asp
* United States Copyright Office http://lcweb.loc.gov/copyright/ (New 05 * Nov 98)
Nolo Press http://www.nolo.com(New 05 Nov 98)
Findlaw http://www.findlaw.com(New 05 Nov 98)
Kuesterlaw http://www.kuesterlaw.com(New 05 Nov 98)
HTML Writer Guide http://www.hwg.org/resources/html/ *
TnCrimLaw's Online Library - http://tncrimlaw.com/library.html *
Help Return The Law To A Learned Profession - *
http://www.tncrimlaw.com/civil_bible/burch_speech.html *
The Civil Bible - http://www.tncrimlaw.com/civil_bible/
Books banned at Freedoms Door - "for future"

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