(c) 1997 by Laura Lee Lanning-Shipton

Homosexuals in the Military
OR Homosexual, Control Fiend, Pedophile
These were meant to get people here as keywords
they seem to be lumped together with homosexuals
now and just because you are practicing homosexualism
does not mean that you are anything else.
struck out and this extra added on 06Oct2000

At the bottom I have added my reasons for this essay.

Homosexuals: Who or What is Really Hiding in the Closet?(The Military as an Example)

Many people would define the homosexual lifestyle as one of promiscuity. The reason for this is that homosexuals seem to be like the legendary "Peter Pan." By refusing to commit to someone of the opposite sex, they normally do not have to worry about the responsibility of children, much less the responsibility of a commitment. Also if they do decide to break off the relationship they normally do not have to worry about the legal tangles of divorce. Should admitted homosexuals that are seen as promiscuous, unable to make commitments, and unwilling to take on responsibility for other people be allowed to serve in the military?

In the military you have to trust that the person next to you is Reliable enough that they won't get you killed. The military oath is a promise to defend the country. The contract that you are required to sign upon being accepted into the military is a commitment. Being in the military, means that you are responsible for the people you work with and that they are responsible for you. What kind of person do you want to depend on? Would you rather depend on someone that is willing to take on commitments of religion and family, or would you rather have to depend on someone that has a noncommittal lifestyle. By signing up in the military, you are signing an agreement that allows other people to control your life. So if the people that you are allowing to tell you what to do with your life were to require that you have to live with a person that doesn't seem to care about anything other than themselves, it seems as if the concept of trust and teamwork might get lost.

Those same concepts of trust and teamwork are concepts the military can not afford to lose. Often the military is a large part of the first contact that the United States will have with other cultures. Since they often have the responsibility of dealing with people from other cultures, they need to be perceived as stable and responsible. If people in the military, are perceived by other countries as allowed to have idiosyncrasies such as this, will the other countries be enthusiastic about allowing our military to help when they have problems. The military image requires that the people of the military be true to the most stringent standards that their culture has. If you can not take pride yourself and your own culture, how can you understand the pride that someone else has in their culture.

True homosexuals have decided what sex they are and what life style they want to follow. True homosexuals have seldom if ever been known to rape a heterosexual. This is usually, if not always done by those that use sex as a control feature. These controlling personalities are really in the closet! Because if the real truth were known, they usually are willing to have sex with any person - male or female of any age. These control fiends are the type to have a physical relationship with a single or divorce mother and also think nothing of having a relationship with here male OR female child. These control fiends are the ones that think that a child (as young as six) is old enough to decide their sexual orientation and to have a physical relationship, at six, based on that design. They refer to the child's parents, as people that have a slave mentality, and that want to keep the child from making an immediate choice. They are the main ones that would like to see homosexuals completely accepted since it will be harder to question these control fiends at that time.

Some countries have been sympathetic to the American Homosexual. Iceland has an overwhelmingly female population - I think the current ratio is five females births to every one male birth, and parts of the Orient have five male births for every female birth. This leads to same sex dancing predominating in their clubs their clubs. The biggest difference that these countries have, particularly in the Orient is the family obligation to have children. They are usually not homosexual from choice, and they grow up knowing that they have a commitment to their family. The American homosexual has usually decided that they want few, if any commitments.

Our constitution guaranties us the right to live our lives, as we want, as long as we do not infringe upon someone else's right. The constitution is a commitment between this country and it's people. The Constitution is also a commitment between the leaders of this country and the people. This nation was created by many different people, and different cultures. All of these people and cultures have a right to live in their own ways. But the military is suppose to be reliable, trustworthy, and to live by a strict American standard. Have you thought what it would be like if the military didn't have a standard. The people in these other countries may not really understand us to begin with, so do you think they would want us in their country if they couldn't rely on us at all. So for now it seems as if the military homosexual needs to stay in the closet, or else run the risk of allowing these control fiends out with them and undermining all that they have taken an oath to protect.

of intrest http://www.eagleforum.org/conglet/1997/97-01-10.html

(c) 1997 by Laura Lee Lanning-Shipton AKA The Pied Piper

added 30 January 2000
(c) 30 January 2000
You are welcome to forward this for
non profit purposes, with the copyright intact.

To: Top

Genetic Recombination -

                Private Papers of Nobel Scientist Joshua Lederberg Added to "Profiles in Science" Web Site


Lederberg won the Nobel Prize in Medicine at age 33 for scientific work started at age 20, which showed that bacteria can in fact, reproduce through sexual recombination. Although Lederberg was "astonished" to receive the prize, his diary entry for October 26, 1958, the day he heard he had won it, also records some of his fears: "On the whole I'm a little

afraid the fuss and bother more than outweigh the egotistic satisfactions, the cash and the prestige factors that might help in getting my lab going."

     the information below means that a lot more is being found out.  Before homosexuals were stereotyped, not it appears that they are going to be stereotyped again - before this these become common facts.


Genetic Recombination -

                Private Papers of Nobel Scientist Joshua Lederberg Added to "Profiles in Science" Web Site


Lederberg won the Nobel Prize in Medicine at age 33 for scientific work started at age 20, which showed that bacteria can in fact, reproduce through sexual recombination. Although Lederberg was "astonished" to receive the prize, his diary entry for October 26, 1958, the day he heard he had won it, also records some of his fears: "On the whole I'm a little

afraid the fuss and bother more than outweigh the egotistic satisfactions, the cash and the prestige factors that might help in getting my lab going."


    Oil – Thomas Gold * is oil a bacterial byproduct?

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                 One Heretic Predicts More Oil to Be Drilled in the Ground

                      By Kevin Newman   --  March 16


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