Or Just Another Animal?

There are some that worry about abortion,
and others worried about the enviroment.
Do we have a surplus of human beings?

The heading I fall under is survivalist!

We were created in the image of the Creator.

There are some that worry about abortion, and others worried about the environment. Do we have a surplus of human beings? The heading I fall under is survivalist! 1) For People that read the Bible and the saying "Be fruitful and multiply, replenish the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over all creation." Genesis 1:28 Dominion does not mean to hurt, or to destroy. Consider; we are created in the image of the Creator, This quote came from the book of Genesis; Which is the book of Creation. This would imply that Dominion would involve creation. 2) "But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil; thou shall not eat of it; for in that day that thou eatest thereof, thou shall surely die." Genesis 2:17 Even if you do not want the apple of knowledge you will be provided for from the land. Implies reincarnation in the Creators image! YET... the Creator had some big shoes Do you imply that you are of that league Or just trying to follow the theme. My father and yours. Yes, I do intellectualize the bible, Expessally when I found out that many Of the bible 'experts' came from the same Area and propoganda of the Holocaust. 3) Those that Chain of thought 3) Deer, wolf, Mountain Lion, Cannibalism Gold, Diamonds - DNA source codes Intergalactic Stock Market Carbon based life form - does it have bugs in the programing DNA source codes - where are they keeping the backup 4) Could the bible be right about when we will be checked again? Closed System, space ship, total recycle: all waste and bodies Acidophilus - no drugs they would make the waste biohazards. Toxins - no plant toxins; they would kill the soil bacteria and Make it were the plants would not grow as well. The plants would not have the benificial soil bacteria And enzimes required for growth - this could mean that Plant toxins would kill the benificial bacteria in human Guts Weeding out Experiments Subtle Intelligent Plant that eats bipeds What would happen if a intellegent plant species that normally Ate bipeds were to visit. How do we prove that we are intellegent? It seems as if we have only gone to the intellectual limit - of our capabilities - that our phallangies have Given us? White, James. Major Operation. NY, Ballantine, 1971. Suicide Pact, They have kept us at the level of animals.

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