Educational (PG) Index

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- Looking for something to read? Visit Project Guttenberg, where you can download entire books for free. Almost all books are "public domain" (copyright has expired), many of the books may be on your "required reading" lists in school! From the "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" to "Zen and the Art of the Internet," you are bound to find something interesting! Project Guttenberg new 13 sept 99
Middle School teachers, offers lesson plans, tutorials, reference materials, links of interest, and other stuff of interest. Quite nifty :) Middle School Net new 13 sept 99
- Trying to find an old high school friend? Check out High School Alumni at High School Alumni - very simple, fast, and really nifty! new 13 sept 99

- If you are looking for a internet-based degree program (or just a single course) check out Ed/X at Ed/X It's one of the largest listings of online courses available.

Education - G
*English* *Math* *Brain Teasers* *General Education*

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