Health Risks from Processed Foods and Trans Fats: Part I - Dr. Mary Enig - HealthWorld Online http://www.healthy.net/library/articles/passwater/enig01.htm Oils Vegetable and Animal - Health Risks from Processed Foods and Trans. Fats: Enig, Ph.D. Health Risks from Processed Foods
and Trans Fats:
oils b Health World 1/13/1999 Enig, Mary 10/31/1999
Olesta Chips Sneak Into BBQs http://www.abcnews.com/sections/living/DailyNews/olestra980904.html Olestra can give problems with absorbing other foods Olesta Chips Sneak Into BBQs oils b ABC - News Rachel Beck The Associated Press New York, Sept.4 10/31/1999
Positive Health News, Report 14 http://www.execpc.com/~keephope/report14.html coconut oil and aids Report No 14 Summer Issue, 1997 oils b POSITIVE HEALTH NEWS Enig, Mary 10/31/1999
Hydrogenated Oils-The Silent Killers http://www.dldewey.com/hydroilf.htm Hydrogenated Oils-The Silent Killers Hydrogenated Oils-The Silent Killers oils e Rocky Mountain Publicity 10/30/1999 David Lawrence Dewey
Sugar in body would promote yeast fermention
Important Fats and Oils http://www.comptons.com/encyclopedia/TABLES/150995059_T.html Dictionary Important Fats and Oils comptons.com/encyclopedia
NEWS: FDA Approves Fat Substitute, Olestra http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/NEWS/NEW00524.html OLESTRA OLESTRA
Fats and Oils http://www.comptons.com/encyclopedia/ARTICLES/0050/00642048_A.html Dictionary
Trans Fatty Acids in the Food Supply: A Comprehensive Report Covering 60 Years of Research, Second Edition, Copyright 1995 http://www.enig.com/0001t1d.html Comprehensive Index of sites - also option of Dr. Mary Enig's "Fats" book $145. And cookbook $25. Enig, Mary
Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats http://www.enig.com/cookbook.html Cookbook $25. Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats Enig, Mary
Brain.com Welcome to Brain.com http://www.brain.com/ Your brain needs essential fatty acids to perform a number of critical biological functions. Your brain is 60% fat. Welcome to Brain.com Welcome to Brain.com
Scientists Closing In On How Increased Alzheimer's Risk Is Linked To Fat http://www.pslgroup.com/dg/3ffce.htm the fact the brain is 70 percent fat. Scientists Closing In On How Increased Alzheimer's Risk Is Linked To Fat P\S\L Consulting Group Inc. 1997 10 27
Healthy Ideas - Nutrition News - Improve Your Mood with Food - Depression, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Salmon, Fish, Clinical Depression http://www.healthyideas.com/cooking/news/981001.news.html Levels of omega-3s
were 40% lower in patients with depression, on
average (Biological Psychiatry, Mar 1, 1998).
Improve Your Mood with Food Prevention McCord R.D., Holly 1998 03 01 (Biological Psychiatry, Mar 1, 1998)
"Your brain consists largely of fat".....Say what?!!!!! http://www.zonehome.com/zt37/_disc/00000150.htm Can << ancient diet>> improve modern psyche? - this article is good, except that it advocates Canola - check out the links on my chemical page in reference to other things that Canola has - that are not good "Your brain consists largely of fat".....Say what?!!!!! John Fauber of the Journal Sentinel staff September 21, 1998 1998 11 10