Chemicals affecting behavior – Piper Creations

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Education: A House of Mirrors 2000
To Break Frames

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ADD, ADHD, MCS, Education, Gifted, Talented, Home school, UnSchooling 11Oct98
e-mail at    Last updated 02 Dec 2000 at 1816 US central time.

        Education: A House of Mirrors         2000
a) Chemicals, USA and World Wide - Factory Farms
   Texas - Waco
b) Fats and Oils - food grade
c) We live by the Grace of Bacteria
d) Probiotics, Acidophilus and other beneficial bacteria

1999 - 1998
1) Definition of Learning Styles
2) The Impact of Outside and Chemical Influences on the Body and Brain
3) Uncover the Myths in Education
4) Educational Helps
5) Activist Groups
6) Health
7) Chemical Checks
8) History, Government, and Copyright Law
9) More helps/links and books(New 24 Oct 98)
10) Quotes(New 31 Oct 98)



** Chemicals, USA and World Wide - Factory Farms **


Dobson, Roger. “Anti-depressants get into water system.” May 7, 2000.  [Online]  Retrieved August 1, 2000.


                [Europe, Germany, ]

                                [Scientists in Europe have discovered that increasing numbers of complex drugs - including heart

medication, anti-depressants, anti-epileptics, anti-cancer chemicals, cholesterol-lowering medicines,

sex hormones, antibiotics, hormone replacement, aspirin, vitamins and ibuprofen – are surviving the human

digestive system, passing through sewage works and entering rivers and the sea.

                Dr Thomas Ternes, of Germany's Institute for Water Research, carried out sampling at one sewage

works outfall and found 36 different drugs, plus five other compounds that had been metabolised from

them before they left the patient.

                Scientists are blaming the drug pollution for some of the widespread and until now unexplained

mass deaths of tiny aquatic organisms. Some drugs, especially anti-depressants, have also been found to

alter sperm levels and spawning patterns in aquatic life. Musks and chemicals used in perfumes, and

compounds from suntan lotion, have been found to have accumulated in fish.]

["Serotonin, for example, has been used to induce spawning in molluscs. Many anti-depressants which are ending up in rivers are designed to interfere with serotonin production in humans and may affect spawning," he said.]


Pearch, Fred and Debora Mackenzie. New Scientist 3 April 1999.  [Online] Retrieved 12 Apr. 1999 "It's raining pesticides.”  [Online]  Retrieved

 "a new study reveals that much of the precipitation in Europe contains such high

          levels of dissolved pesticides that it would be illegal to supply it as drinking water." Has

          Novartis' weedkiller Target and Monsanto's Glyphosate herbicide round-Up on it.


Raloff, Janet. “Marine epidemiology comes of age.” Science News.  (Jan 30, 1999) .) [Online] Retrieved 02 March 1999
            abstract: Sea Sickness.(pollution, algae blooms, and climate change affect coral reefs and other marine organisms)

Nor is bleaching the only threat to corals. Increasingly, Cervino points out, these colonies are also

exhibiting infections, tumors, and "obscure" lesions. "We've been going to photos of corals from as far back

as the 1930s," he says, and find no sign of many of these diseases.

                Over the past 15 years, for instance, "there has been a very striking increase in the frequency and

extent of harmful algal blooms," notes JoAnn M. Burkholder, an aquatic botanist at North Carolina State

University in Raleigh.

            HEED's data now link many of these blooms of poison-producing algae to pollution (SN: 9/27/97,

p. 202) and a widespread warming of coastal and shallow waters.  Moreover, Burkholder observes, HEED's

data suggest that the ecological impacts of these blooms are more pervasive than most biologists had

realized. Until recently, scientists typically investigated marine disease outbreaks as isolated incidents. The

idea that some might be linked struck Epstein when he began ruminating about a host of events in 1987.


Also reference Second Brain

Leavenworth, Stuart. “Coastal playground turned killing ground.” (March 7, 1996) [Online] Retrieved 02 March 1999     

<  >

About the 1995 spill The News and Observer.
                                Hog  Lagoons “Other coastal regions – from Hong Kong to Venice to the Chesapake Bay – Have

suffered from similar problems.  Maryland and Virginia are spending millions on a campaign to clean up

the Chesapeake, and in Florida, state and federal regulators are trying to control fertilizer runoff into the

Everglades National Park.” “But Paerl, the UNC marine scientist, noted that overfertilized waters can breed

many kinds of toxic algae and bacteria.”


Greenwald, John. Hogging The Table. Time Magazine. (18 March 1996.) [Online] Retrieved 02 March 1999
            < >

            Colorado farmers Galen Travis and Jim Dobler have seen the future, and it stinks. Just upwind of

their grain fields, a company called Midwest Farms, owned by hog entrepreneur Ronald Houser, plans to

build an $80 million facility that will raise 450,000 hogs a year. From Colorado to the Carolinas,

enterprising growers like Houser and agribusiness giants such as Cargill and Continental Grain are building

such livestock factories to mass-produce hogs for packers like Hormel Foods and John Morrell.

“rain-swollen lagoon spilled 22 million gal. Of hog feces and urine over the countryside.”


Toxic Mercury Found in New England Rain and Snow – (Sept 19,2000) .) [Online] Retrieved 02 March 1999 

                                National Wildlife Federation. (A list of stories about Toxic Rain based on the Sept 2000 report

about Toxic Mercury in Rain.)


* Texas - Waco *

"Erath County's Booming Dairy Industry Pollutes Texas' Waterways."
            < (New 2 Dec 2000)
Animal Factories Pollution and Health Threats to Rural Texas May 2000
           (New 2 Dec 2000)
Smith, Richard L. "McLennan County out in force for hearing on dairy waste pollution."
    (New 2 Dec 2000)
Jellyfish overrun Gulf of Mexico  --- Scientists shocked by threat to ecosystem and fishing  --
            By Ben Raines  --  NEWHOUSE NEWS SERVICE
Red tide spreading along Texas Gulf Coast
            September 25, 2000
Nonindigenous Aquatic Species (NAS) information resource for the United States Geological Survey.
            Located at the Florida Caribbean Science Center  -- 
TINY GREAT LAKES PLANKTON HAVE CANCERS – May 24, 1999  -- the 9th story down the page.

* North Carolina *

Leavenworth, Stuart. Coastal playground turned killing ground.  About 1995 spill
            The News and Observer. <  >

* California *

Endangered Brown Pelicans Dying at Salton Sea  --  By Cat Lazaroff
            SALTON SEA, California, August 30, 2000 (ENS)

Eight Million Salton Sea Fish Die in One Day
             SALTON CITY, California, August 12, 1999 (ENS)

Canadian Firm Sues California Over MTBE
            $970 million suit seeks to end gas-additive ban
            San Francisco Chronicle
            June 18, 1999
            Robert Collier, Glen Martin, Chronicle Staff Writers


* Canada *


Maclean’s Online   June 12, 2000   Cover
            When Water Kills

            The dangerous consequences of factory farming are being felt all across the country
                                Long after the dead have been buried in Walkerton, Ont., rural Canadians who rely on

 groundwater will continue to feel and smell the impact of a largely unreported revolution: the growth of

 factory farms. This new industry, or what governments call "intensive livestock operations," has unsettled 

farm communities from New Brunswick to Alberta. Unlike the family  enterprises of old, which proudly

cared for 20 pigs or 60 cattle, these new  facilities operate on an entirely different and largely unregulated


                In addition, the world's key pork producers, Taiwan and Holland, recently pushed production into

the danger zone, causing severe water pollution and animal disease outbreaks. But their environmental

disasters have had an effect here: hog barns managed by Europeans or funded by Asian investors are

popping up all over the country.

Lobster Disaster
Getting Ready For The Next Mosquito War - 5k
          -- Senator Holds Public Hearing on lobster die-off in Long Island Sound....
          ...asked Palmer if spraying occurred over the sound.
Chesapeake Bay Still Struggling with Pollution
            By Cat Lazaroff
            ANNAPOLIS, Maryland, September 21, 2000 (ENS) -
Caspian Seals Dying of Virus nfection
                         PORTAFERRY, Northern Ireland, September 20,
                         2000 (ENS) - Thousands of Caspian seals have died
                         in the Caspian Sea since April 2000.
Arctic Wildlife Wounded and Scarred by Pollution
            MONTREAL, Quebec, Canada, September 18, 2000 (ENS) - A new survey of
            hunters and elders in Canada's far north has found troubling signs of
            pollution's effect on wildlife.
Is Pollution Causing Cancer in Beluga Whales?
                                The Scientist 14[19]:19, Oct. 2, 2000  --
            Endangered population gets attention, but complications abound
            By Myrna E. Watanabe
                                Bacteria, virus, parasites, and cancer are the most frequent causes of death and diseases of beluga

whales living in the St Lawrence Estuary. The tissues of these cetaceans are contaminated with high levels

of industrial contaminants known to be carcinogenic and/or immunosuppressive in every
            animal species where they have been tested.


** Fats and Oils - Food Grade **

Enig, Mary G.
    “Trans Fat” 12 May 1999

Brain Fat

Your brain needs essential fatty acids to perform a number of critical biological functions. Your brain is 60% fat. In a healthy brain Omega-3 is the most


Scientists Closing In On How Increased Alzheimer's Risk Is Linked To Fat
      CHICAGO, IL. -- October 27, 1997
      the fact the brain is 70 percent fat.

Improve Your Mood with Food
      "Levels of omega-3s were 40% lower in patients with depression, on average.
       (Biological Psychiatry, Mar 1, 1998)."
High-Fat Diet Protects Brain After Stroke

A Western diet, containing animal fat and protein, may help prevent loss of cognitive functioning and mental ability following a stroke.

      Last modified on: 20-Aug-1999
Zone Talk 37 Date: 10 Nov 1998
      "Your brain consists largely of fat".....Say what?!!!!!
      this article is good, except that it advocates Canola
      - check out the links on my chemical page in reference to other things that Canola has - that are not
      good  Top

Canola and the myelin sheath

Some speculate on the actual or potential effects of ELF and RF/MW radiation such as microwaves, wireless cell phones and computers. There seems to be studies that show these things to be detrimental to the neurological system causing accelerated aging (enhanced cell death and cancer), moods,

depression, suicide, anger, rage and violence. I do not have an opinion on microwaves but these studies

seem to show something could be happening to people that have enough money, need, and / or the

knowledge to use cell phones.

                It would seem that these people could also be knowledgeable enough to be health conscious, if

they are health conscious and use Canola Oil which is a known to cause neurological problems - it strips the myelin sheath off of the (neuron's) axon. Brain cells are known as axons, and stripping the myelin

sheath off of them causes them to short circuit as well as the potential of other problems. Other items

that can cause problems or cancer are MSG, Bovine Growth Hormone, food colorings and sugar. Top

Mary Unig
        has some extremely good articles about fats. Top

Udo Erasmus "Fats that Heal and Fats that Kill"
      "Since first publication of his book in 1986 under the title Fats and Oils, Udo Erasmus has become an
      internationally recognized authority on the subject of fats and oils. His academic credentials include
      two years of post graduate studies in genetics and biochemistry and a PHD in Nutrition."


The Health Effects Of  Canola Oil - None Dare Call It Rape
      By Don Harkins for the SPOTLIGHT
      From the Idaho Observer 5-99 12-13-99

Canola is a name that recently appeared in the marketplace and is apparently derived from

Canadian-oil.  Canola oil is actually produced from the rape seed plant.  Rape (Brassica napus), a member

of the mustard family, is listed in the Encyclopedia Britannica as a poisonous plant with toxic effects which

include pulmonary emphysema, respiratory distress, anemia, constipation, irritability and blindness in


            According to John Thomas, author of Young Again: How to Reverse the Aging Process, The name

canola disguised the introduction of rape oil to
Beware of Canola Oil, Canola Oil is an Industrial Oil, Not Fit For Human Consumption.
Canola Oil - Is It Safe?         Evidence Points To BIG Trouble
            Compiled by Darleen Bradley        From Hilary A. Thomas <>
Corporate Watch – Animal Feed and Genetic Engineering
            The industry has been hit both by the crisis in British livestock farming and
            by the continuing scrutiny of the BSE Inquiry.

"." [Online] Retrieved Dec 02 2000
"Readings for U.S. History 2nd Edition." Senior Editor Dr. Michael A. White. Kendall/Hunt, Dubuque, Iowa (c) 1992.

** b) We live by the Grace of Bacteria **

2000 May – Tiny Great Lakes Plankton Have Cancers, 9th story on the page.
        A chemicals cure seems worse than the disease and pathogen resistant crops are out there.
        Chemicals are turning up or being added to such diverse things as cigarettes to rain.

Chemicals can affect a rudimentary nervous system (snail), lymph glands, or the higher nervous system (brain) of a human being.
        CNS (Central Nervous System), it seems as if many diseases that affect humans have to have a intermediate stage within a simple “nervous” system of a plant or snail.   (I need to find a word that implies a cellerar level – beginning of the nervous system) dif.
        Between genetic to cell, contagious diseases do they rewrite the DNA, is that why we “can” develop and immunity?
        Drugs such as Ritalin are not effective as a band aid, they can cover up the symptoms but the damage is still being done, and some time the drugs themselves add to the damage.  Ref: it seems as if children that were already on drugs did the school shootings in America.
           All chemicals are systematic and are (drank) uptaken by the plant and / or absorbed by the plant stomata, washing will not remove them.  Put a stalk of celery in a glass of red food dye and a few dyes latter you will see the dye as it travel up the celery by osmosis.
            GM plants “seem “ to need more chemicals; some of these crops are developed to need more chemicals.
        Chemicals can take up to 10 years or more to break down, some break down in to forms that are even deadlier than the original chemical.
Your Immune System, the rest of the story
            ... are passed out). Acidophilus and bifidus are ... needed to produce our bodily proteins ... Chlorella:
            is second only to the ... boosts your immune system, and adds to ...
  - 89k
            Updated and revised 11/08/01  [I accessed on December 03, 2000]
[note: has a philosophical outlook (that seems) like mine, but does seem to be advocating a product.]
Acidophilus Our Second Immune System
        ... View text/printer form. Acidophilus Our Second Immune System by James. F. Scheer.
        You may think nature provides you with all the friendly bacteria you need. You ... - 12k
        Reprinted with permission of BETTER NUTRITION for Today's Living, November 1992.
        [note: what can kill it, small percent that are undesirable, bacteria synthesize vitamins]

HSR - Health Supplement Retailer 07/2000: The Path To ...
            ... resides in either symbiotic or antagonistic relationships. According to Dr. Khem
            M. Shahani of Nebraska Cultures, these bacteria must be kept balanced for good ...
  - 32k
            [note:  ]

The Mc Donalds Trial          (organophosphates and Bovine Growth)                       19th June 1997
            Shows that pathogen bacteria can be a lot weaker than Acidophilus bacteria.
            The good bacteria (that helps us digest food) can be stronger than pathogens.

        May 8, 2000         in m a press release
        Nutraceutix, Inc. (OTCBB:NUTX) has developed Cobactin E?, a proprietary strain of the bacteria

Lactobacillus acidophilus that has been shown to inhibit the highly pathogenic Escherichia coli strain O157:H7 in vitro.


*Bacteria – Sexually Recombiant*

Windstosser, Karl. "Prof. Dr. Gunther Enderlein Polymorphic Symbionts as Potential Cofactors in

     Cancer Processes." (1997) [Online] Retrieved January 31, 2000     

         [  ]

         [Note:  Mori (1910) supported the idea of sexual recombination of bacteria, Enderlein extended this

about 1918, and Lederberg - Taumg - and Hayes won a Nobel Prize in 1958 for proving sexual


[fungus - the black-spored mold Aspergillus niger van Tieghen, which, in its entire polymorphism and

phase-dependent pathology, is the tuberculosis germ. ] [Prof. Dr. Gunther Enderlein]

Private Papers of Nobel Scientist Joshua Lederberg Added to "Profiles in Science" Web Site

Lederberg won the Nobel Prize in Medicine at age 33 for scientific work started at age 20, which showed that bacteria can in fact, reproduce through sexual recombination. Although Lederberg was "astonished" to receive the prize, his diary entry for October 26, 1958, the day he heard he had won it, also records some of his fears: "On the whole I'm a little afraid the fuss and bother more than outweigh the egotistic satisfactions, the cash and the prestige factors that might help in getting my lab going."
            Oil – Thomas Gold * is oil a bacterial byproduct? [Piper Creations question]

Thomas Gold  -- "The Deep Hot Bioshpere,"

The Theory of Unlimited Oil
                 One Heretic Predicts More Oil to Be Drilled in the Ground
                      By Kevin Newman   --  March 16

BBC News | SCI/TECH | Bacteria with a silver lining
                                1999 11 23 Tuesday, 13:14 GMT                        Silver is normally toxic to bacteria
            A strain of bacteria that can manufacture tiny crystals of silver has been
            reported by Swedish scientists. This skill may eventually prove useful to
            engineers who want to fabricate extremely small optical and electronic
** d) Probiotics, Acidophilus and other beneficial bacteria **


              By Kerry Neville. Special to the Tribune. Kerry Neville
              is a registered dietitian in Chicago.
              September 6, 2000
The Road To Royal Health
               A Scientific View On Supplementation
               By Douglas D. Grant
            Milk Is Not For Every Body
            ... Fernandes, Custy F. & Khem M. Shahani: "Lactose Intolerance and Its Modulation with
            Lactobacilli and Other Microbial Supplements," Journal of Applied Nutrition ...
  - 37k

ADHA: Oral Health Inseparable From Total Health, Surgeon General's
        Report Focuses on Gum Disease and Life-Threatening Diseases
        CHICAGO, May 25 /PRNewswire/        [2000?]
       "..Recent studies have shown that a patient with periodontal (gum) disease is twice as
         likely to develop heart disease as one without the disease. P. gingivalis, a primary bacteria in
         periodontal disease, can enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body, inflaming coronary
         arteries and causing changes in blood pressure, heart rate, heart function and promoting blood clots,
         which can lead to heart attacks and strokes. "
        [note:  ]
        [note: not copyright date but the newest citation for the article is 1998.]
Engineering and Administrative Recommendations for Water Fluoridation, 1995
        MMWR 44(RR-13);1-40
        Publication date: 09/29/1995
        [note: has References / citations that show how long acidophilus has been known of, it is needed in
        the stomach but this paper leaves a question of it's nature in the mouth.]
Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine
              Vol. 153, pp. 834-837, August 1999
              A Problem for Adolescent Girls and Young Women
              Jeanne S. Merchant, MPH; M. Kim Oh, MD; Lorraine V. Klerman, DrPH
            "...more dramatic short-term and prolonged changes in microflora, allowing an overgrowth of
              pathogenic organisms that have faster growth rates than Lactobacillus species, the
              predominant normal vaginal flora...."

1) Definition of Learning Styles
    One of the reasons that I believe IDEA was implimented
(New 4 Nov 98)
        Providence Journal Bulletin Nov. 5, 1993
            Gifted not served by schools,
                               federal study finds
    ADD, ADHD, Gifted, and Creative
    Legislation and what we are allowing by Letting our children be labeled as only ADD or ADHD
    The National Foundation for Gifted and Creative Children (NFGCC) -
        A list of pages at that site, (NFGCC)
    United Kingdom Association Gifted and Talented - "for future"
    The National Library of Education presents:
    ERIC - Educational Resources Information Center     And the ERIC Home page
    A paper about Ritalin from a person that has taken care of children that use it - Ritalin
    Pennsylvania could lose money from their Gifted Education area (will this happen to us)
      Penn Gifted
     This shows what was known in 1993 and legislation was put in place to support these students
        yet suddenly it seems that the money is going into Drugs instead of giftedness - a help for the
        students to cope or a crutch for the schools to say that they were not / are not the reason
(New 2 Nov 98)
    Mensa Links for Able and Gifted Children - MENSA

2) The Impact of Outside and Chemical Influences on the body and brain
    Sweet Poison
    MCS  -
    Rachel's Enviromental Weekly - 5 Nov 98)
            Index page - 5 Nov 98)
    Aspartame  -
        links to over 30 sites  -
    Now after looking at the other sites "Sweet Poison" and "Aspartame" with all the documented medical
        information that Aspartame caused death, hyperactivity and many other things why does this site
        say things like this?
       and they call themselves -----
    Then to the current scoop on chemicals(New 2 Nov 98)
    Find more about Health Canada's perspective on antibacterial soaps at 04 Nov 98)
    To find out what the Soap and Detergent Association have to say on
           antibacterial soap, visit 04 Nov 98)
    Visit Tufts University and find out more about there research at 04 Nov 98)
    Learn more about antibiotic resistance at 04 Nov 98)
    Antibiotics in agriculture creating superbugs - TORONTO (Reuters) - 04:25 PM ET 11/03/98. 04 Nov 98)
    Non-Milk -
    The American Farmer up a Creek - without the paddle=
        Terminator Seed Technology -
    Chemical -> Environmental Health Network - - This is a site that is "mega" loaded with American and International links.  Mind over Body
    thinking to Yoga.(New 16 Oct 98)
    Olestra can give problems with absorbing other foods
    This mostly relates to the connection between pesticides and BSE, These include Organophosphate sheep dip
     "Diazinon, Propetamphos, Chlorfenvinphos, Carbophenothion; and via a third party, went on to Cufomate,
     which he had used as a warble fly dressing. I later explored all the OPs which had been used in the Gulf War." 25 Oct 98)
    NEED more links to sites about the harm Canola (Rapeseed) Oil and the harm these products can do.
    A paper about food additives -
    NEED links to sites about the amount of DDT in Whales and other ocean life.

(New 23Oct 98) Monsanto is the company that makes Aspartame, Bovine Growth Hormone, Terminator Seed Technology, Roundup, and assorted other goodies that are being proven detrimental to the health of the family.
    Sugar has been shown to be addictive and a hazard to your health(1). It has been linked to lung disease when used to cure tobacco. Think of burnt sugar, now think of burning it in a cigarette.  But what of cigarette manufacturers, wonder of some of them are ready to make marijuana cigarettes - considering California's newest legislation. What are the alternatives? It is not Aspartame or artificial sweeteners, the ones currently on the market have been shown to CAUSE things like Diabetes, heart attack to hyperactivity and death. So what is the alternative? Macrobiotic Cooking(2) and the cookbooks that they have put out can be a guideline. If anyone has other ideas, or urls please send them to me! Will be putting a editorial on sugar in this site within the next several weeks. In the Middle Ages refined sugar was originally handled by apothecary shops as a dangerous drug, it was not until the Age of Enlightenment that it started being used. It is one of the causes of degenerative disease, as well as mental and emotional disorders. Bottom line - do we label ADD, ADHD as genetic because we refuse to stop using things that are detrimental to our health or do we look for the answers? One more help - some vitamins have a bad bases, check out info on the web, I suggest you look through the links - I use NATURAL and only the natural food supplements. These are different in the ways that they are made. That means that even though the merger between Monsanto and American Home Products (makers of Centrum) fell through, "I" think that in some ways they are still treading the same path.

new 27Oct98 RETRACT at 1515 checked
Which I should have done in the first place and could not find ANYTHING about this.  I jumped too fast, on information from someone else.
25Oct98 at 1634 Monsanto currently has it's Nutra Sweet division on the aution block - anyone wonder why?  this is retracted above!  There were a total of only eight people on the page before I put the retraction on.  This page is not really out yet!
new 28Oct98 Want to know more?  Go to
Newest report -
(new 02 Now98)

3) Uncover Myths in Education
    Myth 1 That Home Schoolers Need to be under the Umbrella of a Church or Religious Group.
   Myth 2 All Public Education is Helpful, we should live by the idea of peer group - socialization
(New 24 Oct 98)

4) Educational Helps
    Has a history of the educational system that our Teachers union is based on - wonder if they
     even know????
    Homeschooling Resources (Bill Beaty's Homepage) - 09 Now98)
    School is Dead
    History of Education - For the Future
    Dr. Mom -
    Nasa -
    Education at Sea World - 16 Oct 98)
    Dictionary  WWWebster Dictionary  -
    Strange Search -
    Andrea's English Page -
    Andrea's Search (Engine) Link Page -
   Mega links for students and for those that are just interested in Texas (New 18Oct 98)
         Bob Cozby's WWW Page

5) Activist Groups - Pro and Con - Your choice
    EPA - Today's "Toxic News for the Net" brought to you by the OPPT Library, is subscribeable
        for free -
    Medical Defense Fund - California to rule ADHD a "genetic" disease?  If seems as if when a 
    person is diagnose with this a doctor is not allowed to suggest that there might be environmental /
    nutritional reasons for it happening.  Info.
    ADD site (they do not mention Aspartame)
    CHADD site - I do not like a site that (seemingly) tells me NOT to look any farther, but I do
    believe in trying to post what people believe to be the other side.  Personally, they seem to be
    like Alcoholic Anonymous - saying that you are always recovering, or that it could be genetic.
    -for future-
    The Guardian UK -
    UK and some National - Activist Database
    Current International Legislation Links -
    Find out who the major polluters in your area are, by zip code - (New 28 Oct 98)
   Off Topic??  - 31 Oct 98)

6) Chemical Checks

    Lawyers - This will some be a closed list - FOR FUTURE
    Immune List - 23Oct 98)
       AND - 23Oct 98)
    Chem. Checks - There are different kinds - will be adding / rearanging this part
  Fragrance In Products (some detrimental to your health)(New 24Oct 98)
Health risks in perfume(New 30 Oct 98)This page gives a lot of key word to search for too.

7) Health
     Mayo Clinic Housecall -
     OraMedia (about dental health) - "for future"

8) History, Government, and Copyright Law
    Copy right law
    The new copy right laws that have gone into effect are going to take down the spirit of the Internet as a method of International information, mainly by putting a muzzle on our public libraries!
[Establishing intellectual property boundaries for the Net is something
best left to courts, not special-interest lobbyists cutting these sorts
of sleazy, anti-consumer backroom deals. But neither the left nor the
right is saying this, or will admit to it. --Declan]  Check for added special provisions that are just now being discussed (showing up) in those bland copyright laws.(New 02 Nov 98)

    United States Copyright Office (New 05 Nov 98)
    Nolo Press 05 Nov 98)
    Findlaw 05 Nov 98)
    Kuesterlaw 05 Nov 98)
    HTML Writer Guide
    TnCrimLaw's Online Library -
    Help Return The Law To A Learned Profession -
    The Civil Bible -
    Books banned at Freedoms Door - "for future"

9)  More helps / links that I have looked at -- or books that I have read.
(New 24Oct 98)
(10) Sugar Blues by William Dufty (c)1993 by Warner Books Inc. NY
(20) Macrobiotic Cooking by Aveline Kushi (c)1985 by Warner Books Inc. NY
(30) Saxon Math (future link)
(31) Bill and Mary Prides' set of HomeSchool books
(New 30 Oct 98)
(32) The Core Knowledge Series (preK-6) by Doubleday NY
        Each book covers that years (CORE) cooriculum, these are good books to help learn or to
        review with.  My children will even read them on their own!
(New 30 Oct 98)
(40) Money Doesn't Grow On Trees: A Parent's Guide To Raising Financially Responsible Children
        by Godfrey and Edwards (c)1994 Fireside NY
(50) The American Nation by John A. Garraty (c)1998 by Addison-Wesley NY
(60) Psychology 4th edition by Carole Wade & Carol Tavris (c)1996 Harper Collins NY
(70) 1984 by George Orwell (c)1981 Signet Classic NY originally written 1949
(80) The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush (for future)


10) Quotes
"When life gives you lemons, Make Lemonade"
"It is better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt" Abe Lincoln
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow.  Learn as if you were to live forever." -Gandhi

--Continued from Top--
    The answers seem as varied as the people that give them.  Yet, I have found that there is a definite link between hyperactivity and chemical reactions.  One of these is described in Sweet Poison, -need a link to formaldehyde in some furniture for this next area-.
Could this mean that if we use a type of elimination technique to see what items might be affecting ourselves and our children, and while we try that see if the elimination technique (of chemicals) has any effect on the amount of medicine they require (if any) that we may be in for a surprise.  Could this have started during the time that many people were trying to imply that much of what is / has happened to us is strictly genetic?

    There are some children and adults that never seem to have "obvious" allergies or reactions to the things they eat.  Still I know of no one that will not have a reaction to Ammonia if they are around it long enough, and anyone that has a swimming pool know that what acid can do.  Up till now medical professionals seem to have believed that the blood / brain barrier would protect our brains from what happens to our bodies, research has shown this is not true.  If there can be varied reactions and reaction times to something as common as ammonia, what of some of the other items in our environment?

    ADD - ADHD - GIFTED = learning styles have been around for ages.  What I take exception to is people saying that everyone should be a carbon copy "peer group" and that if the child or person does not get along where they are that they will not get along anywhere else.  That they are locked in some kind of cage for life.  If the effects of Ritalin are suppose to be different for adults and children, then this implys that there is change. . .(New 02 Nov 98)

    Watch out for Aspartame in toothpaste, and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Sodium Laurath Sulfate in shampoo, make sure they are from natural sources.
Then -- "Pyrethroid poisoning be made available to the general public as a matter of urgency. The fact that these compounds are being used as a head lice treatment for children is appalling." There are links on this page where you are able to research these chemicals.
(New 25Oct 98)

      This still is basically a rough draft.  I am a student, that has a personal interest in the use and abuse of drugs.  Because of that personal interest, the only way that I can justify the time spent putting this page together is to use it as a reference on my scholarship applications.  There are more links that will be added in the future - they are somewhere in my bookmark file(s), these are detailed as "for future" next to where they will be placed.
********************************************************************** This will always be a page Under Construction, I had to stop part of my life for my children's education, now it looks as if that education will be my life.
aka The (Pied) Piper

    Need more url's for the harm that Canola (rapeseed) products can do, and for the amount of  DDT in whales. The counters WERE having problems with the way that I have saved them, have repaired them.  I also will be relocating counters as soon as I get some more pages blocked out. Thank You

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